
10x Cashback Business System

In '10 Times Cashback Business System,' Alex defies the odds by launching a risky venture, despite skepticism from those around him. When his small business teeters on the edge of failure, a mysterious being grants him an astonishing system – 10 times the daily profits. As his company flourishes, Alex grapples with newfound wealth and the moral dilemmas it brings. This compelling tale explores ambition, sacrifice, and the extraordinary price of success

ForeverNJ · Realistis
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47 Chs

Chapter 24: The Unveiling Emotions

In the ever-evolving narrative of Alex's life, a subtle undercurrent of emotions was about to rise to the surface, changing the course of his story. While Alex remained engrossed in his expanding businesses, he was oblivious to the profound and unspoken emotions that swirled around him.

Aria, one of the members of the K-pop girl group Aurora, had been harboring feelings for Alex for quite some time. Her admiration for his determination, ambition, and kindness had slowly transformed into something deeper. However, Aria had never dared to confess her feelings, believing it was neither the time nor the place for such matters.

As days turned into weeks and then months, Aria's affection had grown in parallel with her growing group's success. With every triumph, she found her admiration for Alex deepening, even though she knew he remained oblivious to her emotions. She treasured their time together, cherishing every interaction and shared moment, all the while remaining silent.

Alex, immersed in managing his expanding grocery store chain and the burgeoning K-pop group, was blissfully ignorant of the undercurrents of affection that flowed around him. He was dense when it came to romantic hints, and his mind was preoccupied with business matters.

One fateful evening, after an intense group rehearsal, Aria and Alex found themselves alone in the studio. It was a rare moment of solitude amidst their hectic schedules. The silence hung in the air, laden with unspoken words. Aria, overcome by a surge of courage, finally decided to unveil her feelings.

With a trembling voice, she confessed, "Alex, there's something I need to tell you."

Alex, who had been reviewing some notes, looked up, surprised by the earnestness in Aria's eyes. He encouraged her to continue, his curiosity piqued.

Aria took a deep breath and said, "I've admired you for a long time, not just as our producer but as a person. Your determination, kindness, and everything you do... I can't help but feel something deeper. I love you, Alex."

The words hung in the air, and the room fell into silence. Alex, his mind racing, finally comprehended the depth of Aria's feelings.

The slow-paced chapters of Alex's life were about to take an unforeseen turn. The emotions, concealed beneath the surface for so long, were now laid bare. It was a moment that would irrevocably alter their journey and set their course into uncharted territory.