
100 days with my boss

Lilith_Barbora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Day six

I need to wake up at 6 am but I woke up at 5 am, I was fully rested and I was ready to start the new day.

I got ready, left for work so I could to finish yesterdays documents that I didn't do and go ahead of my schedule.

It was going great until I saw him. I thought he was going to boss me around like he always does but he didn't, he left me shook. He was nice and looked super good today, he smiled and said :

" Good morning,"

" Good morning Mr Park, "

I followed him to his office while telling him what is planned for today. He sat down and said:

" Thank you and you can go,"

" Thank you,"

I got super mad but I couldn't show it. As I started to think he was a good person and a good boss he ruined everything I wanted to quickly quit my job and go on about my day, but I couldn't I knew I will leave this office in about 94 days.

I was working super hard and I had a lot of things to do and to get ready for him but all he had to say when he came out of his office was:

" You look like you are playing on the computers,"

I wanted to scream in his face but I knew I couldn't, I was pissed off what he said I wanted to explain to him that it is not super easy to do things then your boss is an asshole but I just looked at him and said back:

" No sir, I am not playing with the computer I am making your schedule for next month,"

" Oh okay, then I won't bother you,"

" Thank you, sir,"

I wanted to punch him in the face so much, I had so much anger in me that for at least an hour I was mocking him.

The day ran so quickly that I have stayed overtime for about half an hour.

Finally, I was home, ate dinner by myself and drank some beer. I don't quite like beer but that was the only thing I had in the fridge. I was a little tipsy because I drank four beers. I thought it was a good idea to go for a walk. I knew my neighbourhood was good and I could go out so I did.

I was in a playground by myself swinging in a swing and I just felt someone so beside me, I got scared so I didn't move and I heard him:

" Why are you here alone?"

" Why are you here?"

" Because I can and why are you asking questions?"

" Uhh, in because I can,"

" First answer my question,"

" Umm, no,'

" Why are you not answering the question?"

" Why are you bossing me around, like do this, do that, answer this, answer that, don't you think I am tired of it?"

" How much have you had to drink?"

" Why are you asking, you also want to tell me what to do?"

" Because you matter to me,"

" Yeah right, what else are you going to say that is also a lie?"

" Okay, it's enough, let's get you home,"

" No, I am a grown adult and I do what I want to do, do not tell me what to do I am not in the workplace,"

" Okay, but you need to go home,"

" Fine and don't follow me,"

" Okay, I won't,"

I got home like half an hour later and I have sober it up a little bit when I finally understood what I said.

I got to bed late at night and I was regretting what I said to him.