
100 days with my boss

Lilith_Barbora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Day One

I will tell you about the first day when he understood that I was resigning after 9 years working with him.

It was 7:55 am and I got into my workplace he came in at 8 am and gave me a strange look. He looked at me like I was worth nothing, but at the same time, he looked sad that I was resigning. My other co-workers were a little bit sad that I was leaving because when they had any problems or questions I was the one who helped them learn and fix their missteps. He called me into his office and said:

"Bring me a cup of coffee and today's planer,"

He commanded me again but he didn't seem that warm, he was cold as a brick wall. I got angry bus smiled and said:

"Right away sir,"

I was so mad at him for treating me this way but I didn't have any choice just to listen to him. I brought him his coffee and three biscuits. He didn't even thank me. I didn't think about it too much, I went to sit at my desk to fill out some paperwork and look for a replacement for me. He had his own very spacious office and it was huge almost like one room apartment or even bigger to enter his office you had to walk in thru very tall doors and my desk was about fifteen meters away from those doors and he could see what I was doing. I was working, I looked up and saw him looking at me looking like he was daydreaming and he quickly got his shit together and didn't stare at me.

About 5 pm he called me into his office to tell me that today is some sort of party and I need to get his suit from dry cleaning and get ready myself before 8 pm. I asked him if I could leave work early to get ready and he was chill about it and let me, honestly, I was shocked.

I got him his suit and went straight home to take a shower. I got out of the shower and got into a hot red dress and did simple makeup. I got ready at 7 pm and texted him that I am ready to go and if he needed me to do anything and he didn't need anything, but I got into my car and drove to get a bouquet of flowers in case he needs it and I can be prepared. I had prepared so much stuff into my car for him that I felt like I was his second mom or his wife.

I went to his house before he could leave just to make sure he doesn't need anything else and he asked:

"Are you going by yourself or with me?" As always he said very proudly but not the good kind the kind where it is almost annoying.

"I drove here and I was thinking of going by myself," I smiled and said.

"Okay then you can follow my car to the party and at the party please make sure that no woman is going to touch me, just you know look over my shoulder," He said in his soft voice and I didn't know why, he always was cold towards me and now after 9 years he is going to be sweet.

"As always sir," I said of course why I was smiling.

We went to the party and there were a lot of men and not that many women. I saw that a couple of women were staring at him and probably talking about how hot he is it always was that way so I didn't really seem to care. I even had time to talk to the other guests at the party.

It was going great until he came up and said:

"Did you learn anything here,"

"Yes sit I did,"

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you learn?"

"I learned that I need to socialise with more people,"

"Is that so?"


"Okay, then on monday you are going with me to a conference,"

"Sound good,"

"There will be a lot of important people so you will be able to talk to them,"

"Okay, sir,"

The night went on and not even an hour later he came up and said:

"By any chance you know where to bye a bouquet of flowers for the woman who hosted this party,"

"Yes, I have a red rose bouquet in my car, do I need to bring it to you now?"

"I can see that you are always prepared and yes if you could bring it now,"

"Right away,"

He was talking to me so nice and it looked like he was flirting with me. I brought the bouquet and he told me that I had to announce to thank her for inviting everyone to the party and for hosting it. I did a lot of announcements and I think I am pretty good at it. I stood up came to the microphone and said:

"Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great evening I want to thank the party host Mrs Joon for hosting this party. Thank you, Mrs Joon, for hosting this party and inviting us to come here,"

"Oh thank you, darling, I hope everyone is having a great time here,"

I gave her the bouquet and had a small gift for her, she looked really happy. After I made that announcement he thanked me but his thank you was believable. After we got out of the party he asked if I was okay and if I needed a driver to drive me home, but I said that I didn't drink anything and I am ok so I didn't need the driver. I got home around 11 pm and got straight to bed. I did not set an alarm for the next day because I knew it was the weekend and I had time to get some rest.