
100 days with my boss

Lilith_Barbora · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Day five

I woke up at 5 am with a terrible headache, I didn't want to do anything today, but I had to. I went back to sleep and went back to sleep. I woke up at 7 am, called my boss personally, and said:

"Hello, Mr Park, I will not come in today, but I will send you your today schedule,"


He sounded worried at least I was happy with my day off. After, I made the call, came back to bed, and went to sleep. I was sleeping so well until I heard my doorbell ring. I stumbled to the door, opened it and he was there, at my door. I welcomed him in and sat him at the kitchen table. I was looking and feeling atrocious, while I was looking at him with my death look he said:

"Well, I can tell you had a great evening last night,"

"Yes, it was great,"

"I want to take care of you, so I brought you coffee, soup for breakfast, and some medicine for the headache,"

"Thank you. Why do you want to take care of me?"

"Because I know for the past nine years that you have worked for me, I truly wasn't the best boss. So go get ready, I will wait here,"

I went into the bathroom, got ready quickly, and made myself look neater. I didn't want to dress up so I just put in jeans and cream colour blouse. I came out of the bathroom and said:

"I am sorry I didn't ask before, do you want coffee or something?"

"Water is going to be fine. Thanks,"

I brought him his water and while we talked I drank my coffee.

We left my house and he said that we are going in his car. He opened the door for me to get in the car and I was surprised that he was a gentleman, he never had a chance to open a door for me. He drove to a very famous cafe that was super expensive and ordered breakfast for both of us. I kindly expected it and didn't think anything about it. We went to an amusement park where my house was to look around. The park was amazing it had so many fun activities. By the time we have explored the park, it was already 1 pm and I asked:

"Excuse me, Mr Park, but don't you have a meeting at 1 pm?"

"Oh yes, I had one, but I cancelled it."

"What for?"

"For you,"

I started blushing. I started to think if he liked me. We ate lunch at 2 pm and he drove me home by 4 pm. I got out of the car and he brought me a bouquet of roses. He didn't say anything he just gave them to me and I thanked him. I didn't think that much about what happened today but I still was curious why did he come here to take care of me. I got into my house, made myself some spicy ramen and heated the soup he had brought me earlier today. I ate a delicious meal while watching some Japanese drama and I was happy.

I got my outfit ready for tomorrow, took a very long shower, took care of myself. I went to bed at 8 pm and I fell asleep quickly.