
My heart

Chapter 3

[My heart]

Hi, my name is Bella. At age 9, I was diagnosed with Xeroderma pigmentosum. A rear skin disease called XP. To break it down, I am practically a vampire as sunlight isn't really a thing for me, but that isn't so bad. I've always wanted to be a vampire ever since I was very little. I guess I got that wish, except it literally kills me and gives no super power. Dad bought me a grand piano when I was 10, but, piano wasn't really my thing so I got the guitar and violin instead and, I am really good with both.

At sixteen, I was already a star at the train station. This was a long time ago though.

"She gasped. His fingers in her mouth, April loved the sweet entanglement of his touch. And there again, he always gets what he wants!" I read and sighed. I put the book back in the drawer, and pushed it close. Gabi waved from outside the office. I shook my head. "Good evening. I didn't know you had a shift today. Oh my god, you look breathtaking! What's this? And that smile on your face. That is no ordinary smile." She teased me. "someone's been having a good time in and out of bed. I know what puts that smile on that face."

I laughed. "I don't know what you are talking about. We haven't been having great sex so don't ask me." I said.

"ooh, I never said anything about that. I give it up for Rob. Five stars." She continued. "I just hope he went down on you this time." She added. "Oh, the tongue is a miracle working machine!"

"I am not discussing that with you today so you can quit trying. I have got patients to attend to." I said, hanging the stethoscope on my neck. "Don't bother waiting either, I am not telling you stories of my intimate time."

She held me back by the hand. "Hey," she said almost whispering. "You look so beautiful today. Happy birthday." Gabi said.

"Oh, right. Thanks." I replied.

"And make sure he buries the head below. That kitten deserves the tongue." She shouted out as I left, at which I could only laugh.

Rob and I have been in a relationship for six years now. At first, it was all love and it felt like heaven, but things changed too fast. As of now, I don't even know what to describe our relationship. Maybe one Sided. But it doesn't matter. I love him so much, and that's all that mattered, right? Maybe, just maybe a nice time together might change everything again and take us back to the way things were before.

My name is Bella as you already know, and I am twenty six years old today. How is it that, I have a best friend, lots of co workers, a Dad and a younger brother, but I still feel alone? Rob didn't even do as least as wishing me a happy birthday. He just left for work because he is super busy for the week. Sometimes I can't help not shake off the thought that he doesn't love me at all. Most times actually.

"Hey Bella." Henry greeted.

"Hey, how is she?" I asked.

"Fine, I hope. She has been asking for you all day. She wouldn't let any other nurse help her out." Henry said. I passed the curtain. "Good evening Evie, how do you feel?" I asked. She smiled and took my hand. "I feel better now." She said. "where have you been? I don't like the other nurses."

"Around. You know I can't work day shifts. I have to come at night. I told you I'm a real life vampire." I said which made her smile. "I'm really glad you are here now." She said

"me too."

"Do you think I'll ever get well? I saw a show some time ago about a man and his girlfriend. He really loved her. She had leukemia. The doctor said she'll be fine, but it wasn't true. She died."

At first I didn't know what to reply to that. I stared at her. "My father loves me very much. I'm all he has. Will I get well?" She asked again.

I took her hand. "of course, you will. This is not a show, It's real." I said smiling at her.

"You really think so?" she asked.

"I know so. And you want to know how I know?" she nodded. "Faith. The world doesn't have much of sweet souls anymore. It isn't going to let go of one of the sweetest ever. Besides, I've never met anyone as strong as you Evie. You are defeating it for sure." I said. My heart made a subtle beat as she smiled brightly.

"In fact, you know what?"

"What?" she asked eagerly. "When you get discharged, I'll take you out. Just the two of us, and I'll play you one of my songs that no one else has heard." I promised.

I drove back home. It was 3 : 42am. Gabi's voice repeatedly echoed in my head. "Take charge and show him who's boss." I couldn't help but laugh hard that I almost lost control of the stirring. If only she knew.

Rob was on the couch. I was positive he heard me come in. He didn't turn to look at me, but that wasn't something new. It's just how he is.

"I'm back." I said. I kissed him on the cheek. "Why didn't you sleep on the bed?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure I have my reasons." He replied.

"Yeah, of course." I said. I took a deep breath with my eyes closed. "Rob?" I called.

"What is it again?" He asked, driving fear into my heart, but nevertheless I still went on with what I wanted to say. "It's about… it's my birthday today, and… I was wondering if you, got me anything? I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't ask or try to remind you cause of course you know it my birthday, it's just…" I exhaled. "I love you." I said

"Go change. You smell like hospital." He said. I would be lying if I said, that didn't hurt me real bad, because it did. I nodded, and went upstairs. I took a shower, and went back downstairs. I was dressed the sexiest I could think of. My slightly transparent night gown. He stood in front of the TV. I hugged him from behind, kissing his neck and shoulders as to put him in the mood for it just as he likes. "I love you." I whispered. He held my hands and pulled away. "What? Did I do something wrong?" I asked, hoping I didn't. He shook his head. "OK, then why don't you want me? Don't you like it when I kiss you anymore? What do you want me to do?" I asked.

He turned to look at me. I didn't like the look in his eyes. I could almost read it.

"Bella, I… I love you. I loved you so much. I swear, but it's just different now. A lot of things have changed. I have changed, and even if we choose to ignore it, it's already so real. We can't be with each other anymore." He said.

"What, what do you mean? Of course we can. I love you."

"but I don't love you." He yelled. "I'm sorry, I don't. Not anymore. And I can't continue to do this. It's over. It's been over for a long time and we know it."

"Are you… you are breaking up with me on my birthday?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

You know when you watch those movies, and a person gets hit by a speeding car or a train? That was exactly how I felt. Crushed to my bones and soul. It was a pain worse than that which cancer brought to me. I took my keys and ran out. "Well, it's my house, of you don't want me anymore, you better leave before I return or I'll call the police." I cried, closing the door hard.

I drove off to the one place I thought could help me —my mom's camping site in the woods.

[The Alpha before me]

My phone torch was the only bright light through the trees as I walked farther in crying to my pain. I scrolled through my phone with my teary eyes, searching for Harley's phone number. After a minute or two, I realized I was in the middle of the woods, with no aids or weapons, and all alone too. I sure didn't think this action through. Harley didn't pick up her calls. I guess she was busy. I didn't want to call anyone else. I sobbed until I felt a little bit better, and of course, cold. Very cold.

In flashes, I saw these past six years go by, it only made me cry harder, causing me to yell at the top of my voice. "I don't deserve this. I've been good." I cried. Robinson was my life. I never once imagined my life without him. I was lost in my thoughts for a while until I heard a noise. It was more like I felt the force exerted on the earth from a foot. My heart pounded as I was gripped with fear. "Is anybody there? Hello?" I called. I prayed it wasn't a wolf or a raccoon, or worse, a bear. I had come back to my senses. In the cold dry woods, I called to whoever or whatever was out there probably watching me real close. I looked at the time, dawn was just around. I had to hurry to make it back home before the sunrise. I had every reason to take to my feet in fear as the faster I walked, the faster whatever it was that was following me, moved. I screamed as I ran, but only shortly just before I stumbled on a tree stump and fell down a hilly slope, hitting my head on the wood while I fell.

My eyes partially opened. My head ached badly and my hearing was buzzy. Someone was there with me. He stood in front of me, not making any effort to help me. Even at this, it was still echoing in my head that I needed to go home before the sunrise. I struggled to get up, but fell back down. "Please…" I begged. Soon it became quiet. My eyes rolled backwards. I passed out.

I wasn't sure how long I had been unconscious, but it did feel like it was a hell of a sleep when I woke up.

It was still quite buzzy in my head and it ached a bit. The first thing I remembered was "dawn" fear groped my heart almost giving me a heart attack. I rushed to stand up, but then the chains held me back, making me fall on my knees and hurting myself. "Where am I?" I panicked.

"Do not try to struggle. Even you can't break those chains." A feminine voice said.

"what? Where… where am I?" I asked scared. "Please, don't hurt me." I pleaded.

"I can do you no harm. Your judgment is in the hands of my lord. Only he can decide what your fate is to become." She said. As it should, it sounded crazy to me. My hands and feet were bound in real chains, and in front of me was a young woman talking crap. "What is this? Your lord?" I asked very confused and also a bit amused. If this was acting, it was five stars. I laughed as she answered with all seriosity and a very convincing manner. "Yes, my lord. Your lord." She repeated. "He will see you soon, but first, you must be ready." She said. She dropped a tray on the table. "Free her from the chains. She must be taken care of." She ordered.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what's going on. I didn't sign up for any funny games, so let me go, or face charges." I ranted, struggling to free myself before the dressed guard could.

"I see you are not yet ready. Maybe in two days time you'll come to your senses." She said. "Do not enter this room, not until 48 hours. She can handle it." She gave a second order. She picked up the tray and left. The door slid locked. She stood behind it looking at me. At this point I was a 90 percent convinced this was no acting.

I hoped this prank would end soon. The excruciating hunger alone was enough to give me red eyes. I had been calling since hours now, but no ones seems to hear me, neither did anyone come close to my prison. It is evening, I could feel it. Who would do this to me? I saw no one, heard no sound, and saw no light, until I did. It is two days now, just as she said. The lights come up again. I raised my face, she stood behind the glass door. My faint breath was the only thing I could hold on to. "Good morning. I must ask, how are you feeling?" she asked. I saw her throat gulp as if she was fighting herself to look tough. She was. "From the look on your face, I believe you have come to your senses. Please permit me to bring you food." She said.

My hands and feet were freed from the chains that were locked on them. "If you as smart as I believe you are, then you must have figured that trying to run is a futile effort. These glass around you are not the type you can break or even scratch. Outside this room is worse for now. It will be the best you have ever known very soon." She said.

I stared at her with my black eyes and empty stomach. "what do you want from me." I managed to ask.

"I do not want anything from you. I am just here to serve you." She answered. "Eat, and regain the strength you have lost."

"Who is he?" I asked. "The man who brought me here., who is he?"

"Your lord." She said. She stood up and walked away. "I will be back with the others to make you clean." She said on her way out.

A Man walked in. His face had no sense of smile on it, but he didn't look evil even though he looked heartless. He raised his face. His pointy cleft chin, and eyes were a sharp catch. "How do you feel?" he asked with a cold voice.

"Who are you, and what do you want from me?" I demanded for an answer.

"I see you have regain your strength. I prepared the meal myself, even had to hurt my finger in the process, so when you talk to me, talk with respect." He said calmly.

"You kidnapped me, starved me for days, and you expect me to worship you? Who do you think you are? I will sue…"

He moved closer, faster than I could react, and covered my mouth. His sharp eyes looked in mine, like he could see my thoughts. "My name is Ian, but it must never be heard from your lips. As it stands, I am your lord."

To be continued...