
Start of wasting time

Seeing this trash trying to attack rina, Judal disappeared from his spot and reappeared right where the 200k guy was.

He grabbed him and said, "what do you think you're doing".

"shut up, and get the fuck out of my face", the 200k guy said as if judal didn't even exist.

He lifted up his other hand that wasn't being held by judal and threw it towards judal.

"Okay, swearing at me is fine I can ignore it but attacking me means death".

Judal wasn't actually going to kill him if he had just attacked him but when he first appeared he had decided to kill this trash as he had tried to hurt rina.

200k guy "If you think I give a fuck about what you think is fine or not then you're having a dreaming".

As he said that he pushed the punch he had thrown at judal and sped it up, he expected bus first to come in contact and break judals skull but before it could even reach judal.

Judal grabbed the 200k guy's hand and said: "well then, now I don't have to think about your death".

Judal brought his head back and immediately brought back towards the 200k guy's face.

Judal headbutted the guy right on his face, the headbutt destroyed his nose and whole face.

Even his own mum wouldn't recognize him but that wasn't the working that happened to him.

The force from judal head had completely from the guy brain and it was currently losing consciousness at a rapid pace.

And when he loses his consciousness he would never leave to open his eyes and enjoy his life.

Judal let go of the guy and he immediately fell on the ground and after that, the elder that saw everything immediately rushed out yelling, "how dare you to kill a sect member of the first sect".

Judal was thinking "what f, is this talking about, this guy hasn't even joined the sect".

He looked at the elder and just smiled.

The elder saw his smile and said: "what are you smiling for, do you think I let you leave after killing a genius of my sect".

Again judal was thinking "what fuck, did you not see me kill him so easily if you were smart enough you would know that I'm better".

He looked at the elder and said "are you sure that this trash could be compared to me"

The elder remembered how easily he defeated the 200k guy but still, he thought nothing of it and continued to run towards judal.

Judal saw that he wasn't going to stop and was going to try to attack him, so he decided to attack the elder.

Judal created a huge needle with his qi and sent right at the elder.

When the elder saw this he didn't even bother to dodge it as he was thinking that his aura could erase the attack out of existence, the needle to proceed to go towards the elder and the elder ignored.

Judal looked back at rina and went towards her to help her with her friend.

The elder saw that he had ignored him which made him even angrier and sped up towards judal.

He reached the needle and still ignored it, he let the needle come close to him thinking it won't do anything but sadly the needle ignored his aura as if it didn't even exist and entered his dantain.

After entering his dantain the needle exploded in his dantain and destroyed all the power he had.

Planets after planets started to explode inside his dantain, his strength started to decay and his dantain was destroyed from repeated destruction of its foundations.

The elder slowed down dramatically and fell down on the floor, with blood coming out of his mouth.

Everybody looked at the elder shocked as to what happened.

They all were trying to figure out how this happened to him and that's when they remembered that all this happened after the needle entered the elder's body.

They all were looking at judal with a dead expression as they were too shocked to show any mind of expression or emotions from what just happened.

They started to think of how old he was, from the way he looked he wasn't that old and probably would be in the same age area as them.

The elder started to slowly get up as he hadn't taken that much damage and only lost all his strength he had cultivated and would never be able to regain it.

He looked at judal and yelled, "what did you do to me".

Judal looked back at the elder and said: "what do you mean I did nothing to you, you suddenly fell down on the floor and decide to blame it on me, I thought you were an elder and were better than this, trying to blame me cause of something u caused yourself".

"How am I gonna enter such a sect?"

Judal decided to pull out some bs card and waste his time with this elder.

"Stop trying to cover your action, everybody here saw what you did and there is no chance of you can running away from this".

Judal "What could you possibly mean by hiding, didn't you see that i did nothing except turning around?".

The elder looked at judal while veins were bulging out of his forehead.

He looked at judal and said, "stop your bullshit, do you believe that nobody except you has eyes to see what happened".

Judal "well do they have eyes but not as special as mine though".

After he said that judal turned around to the audience and activated his sharingan, the purpose of activating his sharingan was for the purpose of changing all the memories of the audience from seeing him attacking elder to just the elder attacking him.

He looked back at the elder with a smile, currently, he was coming with an idea to waste his time while he's in the sect.

His grand scheme against the elder for wasting time had officially started.