
10 days until he dies...

marinette_6154 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


Well it all began with a dream. There was a girl named Samantha who was very beautiful and loved by her parents. Samantha sets out to find out about her parents death with her friend luka...


Hi my name is Samantha Cullen. It will be my birthday tomorrow. Finally I will turn 18 and then I will be allowed to go anywhere I want to go but I will not misuse it . Let me introduce my parents.... my mother's name is Esme Cullen and my father's name is Carlile Cullen . My parents love me very much and I love them too.

Samantha dear, tomorrow is your birthday common tell me what do you want for your birthday? said Samantha's mother. Ummm, I don't know well but you can gift me anything you want said samantha clenching her teeth. "Oh common Samantha , how will I get you something when I don't know what it is" , said Samantha's mother as she giggled . Common mom what was sooo funny said samantha giving a dull look. I just want father to come back home from Washington so that we celebrate my birthday together. 'Oh sweety , your father is doing everything he can to come back home but I would ask him if you want' said Samantha's mother with a warm smile on her face. Thank you mom 😊 said samantha as she walked towards the dining table for dinner. Mom what is for dinner today 😋 asked

Samantha. Ive cooked shrimps , well I definitely know a girl who loves them . That's me , That's me said samantha jumping in excitement. Well,Well now finish your luch and go to sleep as it's already 10:00 pm. Ok mom said samantha as she chewed her food.

(Samantha went to her room after dinner and Esme went to her room.)

(In the middle of night 🌃 samantha and Esme heard strange noises coming from the backyard. They quickly woke up to see what's the matter)

What's that noise mom , I think there is someone in the woods. Oh don't worry sweety I'll go check while you go and sleep yk because its your birthday tomorrow . Ok mom take care said samantha with a worried look on her face as her mom went towards the woods.

(The next day)

Yay! its my birthday , is my birthday. let's go and wake up mom . Mom get up! get up. Its my birthday.... Samantha was shocked..... Mom is not in her room . Oh she might be preparing breakfast.

(Samantha quickly changed and runs towards the dining room but her mother was nowhere to be found)

Where are you mom. You know it's not soo good to prank your daughter on her birthday. MOM!!!!!!!!!

Samantha worriedly rushed to her neighbours and asked for her mom. She was shocked. Her neighbour told her that "don't you know darling that your father and mother got missing yesterday night ?? where were you at?!"


Samantha was worried and went to her aunt's home Laura who was her best aunt and a very good friend..

Laura!! are you home. this is me Samantha

Samantha ! oh dear happy birthday to you. well what made you come here so early in the morning. Laura I need to tell you that my parents got missing yesterday!!!!

Hahahaha 😂😂 seriously... Laura laughed . Samantha do you think I'm crazy and I don't get your jokes..

Samantha angrily said "Laura this is not a time to joke. I'm serious..

Laura was shocked. Wait , what really. I don't think so. No laura im serious you need to help me in this one.

Laura said 'baby you must be dreaming now go to your home and enjoy your birthday.

(Samantha was sent home.)

common why won't anyone believe me , I'm going crazy my parents are missing and my aunt sent me home . What shall I do now 🥺🥺🥺....

(Samantha. reached home and waited long for her parents but they did not come back home. Suddenly she recieved a phone call with an unknown number)

I'm not in a mood to pick up the call but what if it's something about my parents.

(Samantha picked up the call)

A dark strange voice spoke up "you will never see your parents again"

Samantha was shocked