

I sighed resting my head on the shower wall of my small bathroom, as the cold water rinsed the soap from my body.

I'm used to the freezing water from the shower by now. I've not paid the electricity bills since two months ago and last week, the landlord turned off the connection after I couldn't pay.

I thought about asking Rose, but she has done enough for me already. And I'd rather bath with cold water and sleep in darkness, than ask her for any more money. (Not that she would mind)

Rose's parents, are your typical rich parents. Her mother hates my guts, and her father literally worships the ground she works on. (So, he hates who she hates)

According to her, I'm not her daughter's type. I belong in the gutter. I stopped going to Rose's house, two years ago. After the time her mother poured cold water on me in front of her highly influential friends from book club.

Rose begged me for months. She still does sometimes, but I brush it off. I've gone through worse.

Twisting the almost broken shower handle, I got out of the bathroom, wrapping my towel on my body. I shivered as I stepped into my room. Locking it, I undressed and got into my comfortable big shirt, I got in a thrift store last month.

I climbed my bed hurriedly, hoping I could get some sleep so I won't look like a zombie tomorrow. "I pray Rose's friend doesn't turn out to be the snobby type" I whispered, saying a little prayer before falling asleep.






"You're always so late Chica" Rose exclaimed, as I got into her very comfortable passenger seat. "Good morning to you too Roselane" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Nothing is good about this morning Mel. Imagine when I woke up this morning, and found out that my Chanel purse was missing______" Rose babbled on, driving slowly on the road so she won't ruin her baby, as she likes to refer her car as.

"Are you even listening to me?" She shrieked, making me wince. "Why would Martha do that?" I said, proving that I was listening to her.

But in my defense, all Rose complains about is her hatred for their 30year old maid Martha. One would think, she had a crush on her or something.

"I just hate her so much. I'm a nice person or else, I'd take the money out of her salary!" She said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Take it easy Rose, so you won't have an heart attack because of Martha. She Isn't worth it" I said to her, patting her rosy cheeks. And it's true Martha is like the evil sister of Mrs Cowell.

"I know right?...anywaysss I can't wait to introduce you to Viv. You'll love her I promise" she gushed, turning to grin at me.

"That's what you said when we went to see Lucressia too Rose. And she turned out to be snobbier than your mum. And that says a lot" I groaned, remembering how rude and disgusting the woman was.

"Oh my gosh, can you ever forget her?" She giggled, probably remember the day. "OMG don't touch my bag, it's fucking Gucci... disgusting" I said, trying to copy her voice.

"Oh my God Mel, you're so evil." Rose stated, laughing so hard I could see water coming out of her eyes.

"But I'm very serious Rose. Tell me now so I can stop at the next bust stop" I said to her, staring at her with pleading eyes.

"First of all, you can't stop cause we're here already. And secondly, she's nice I promise" she assured me, driving through a large gate.

"Woah" I muttered, awing at the sight of the very big house we're driving into. "Everyone you know is rich, minus me though" I chuckled, still staring at the house.

"Ehhh I brought you here for a reason Mel." She started (I knew it) I thought, Waiting for her to continue. "Viv and I literally grew up together, and no she was not always this rich. That's her story to tell not mine Mel. But recently I told her about you and your struggles. You won't let me help, so the least I could do is to introduce you to someone who will show you how to make quicker money" she said in one breath, as if she read it out of a script.

I took a minute to process all what she said to me. "Ummm___okay, as long as she is not a prostitute I'm fine" I said to her, and immediately her face broke into a wide grin.

"Of course she isn't. She strips" she told me, glancing at me nervously. "Oh my God Rose. What's the difference?" I asked, my mouth almost falling off my face.

"Ugh Melll.... there's plenty difference. One, you don't get to be naked and two, you don't have sex with people." She whined.

"Really Rose?" I asked, raising my brows. "Okay fine. The difference is only two, so what? You'll have fun. Plus it's only for ten days. She's going out of town for a while and needs someone to fill in for her. You can dance, so you'll fit in properly" she said, as if it's not a big deal.

"Rose I can dance, I cannot strip dance. There's a big difference." I tried to make her reason with me. "Look Mel I'm not forcing you. It's either that, or I give you money. Plus you'll practice and it'll be all right. Trust me Mel. This is a great opportunity"

Rose argued, knowing I have no other choice than to accept.

"Fine... but after ten days I'm out" I sighed, finally agreeing with her. She squealed and hugged me from her spot in her driver's seat. I laughed and pushed her off.

"Let's go Chica" she said, opening her car door to go out. Walking towards the front door, I dusted any imaginary dirt on my pink sun dress. Rose rang the bell once and immediately, a beautiful blonde woman opened the door.

"Oh my God Rose, I've missed you" she squealed, tackling Rose in a hug. The jumped and hugged themselves for seconds, while I stood there shuffling from one foot to another.

"Is this her?"the woman I think is Vivica asked excitedly. "Yes duh.. Mel meet Viv and Viv this is Mel" Rose introduced.

"Hi" I waved, smiling shyly at her. "Nonsense!!" She exclaimed, and I tensed immediately. But I recovered quickly when she hugged me tight.

"It's so nice to meet you Melanin, Rose has said a lot about you" she said, her Italian accent present in her voice. "Good things I hope" I said, shooting Rose a playful glare.

"Si si.. come in" she said, ushering us inside her house. I glanced around and almost whistled. The inside part is more impressive than the outer part.

"Welcome to my abode... what would you like to drink Mel?" She asked me, with a very kind smile. "Umm water is fine. Where's Rose?" I asked her, noticing that Rose is not here.

"Ohhh while you were looking around, went to get some Chinese takeouts" she explained, pointing towards the plush looking couches in the sitting room.

"please sit, I'll get you water" she said, excusing herself from the sitting room. I sat down on the very soft couch across the room. (It's even more comfortable than my bed) I thought.

handing me a glass of water, Vivica sat down on one of the couches in front of me. "Thank you. And you have a very nice place" I complimented, glancing around again.

"Thank you Melanin. You're indeed very beautiful." She said, giving me one of her beautiful smiles. "Thank you" I said, blushing at the compliment.

"I will go straight to the point. As I'm sure Rose has already briefed you, I'm a stripper. All the things you see here today, are from the money I make which is a lot. I'm going to Belgium next week for ten day, I need someone to cover up for me or I won't be permitted to leave. I need your help as much as you need mine, and I hope you understand." She explained, in a very calm voice.

"I do. And I don't know why you think I am okay for this job, but I appreciate it and I'll be happy to help" I said, nervously playing with the hem of my dress.

"You're a sexy woman Melanin. And you're perfect for this job. I'll teach you the basis throughout this week and you'll go for the audition on Sunday. As I said, I'll not be the only one benefiting from this. The least I make everyday, is three thousand dollars and i mean it." She continued her explanation, and I gasped at her last sentence.

"T_ t_three thousand?" I asked again, and she chuckled at my expression. "Yes Melanin. It's a lot of money. Keyword being least... so are you in?" She asked, patiently waiting for my answer.

I gave it a thought. I need the money so badly, I'd be able to pay part of my mum's debt and pay my bills. "I'm in. I'll be a stripper for ten days" I agreed, smiling at her. Stripping is not hard right...