
10,000 Years Flame

All his life as a man, Li Jian has been struggling to live two lives as both male and female. He grew up in a strict household but spoiled at the same time. He was force to make a living by his step mother at the famous 10 Realms Tower, secretly, pretending to be a mute woman by the name Li Na. Who would've thought his fate was bound to change when his stepmother attempted to sell him to an elder noble. He finally fled his spoiled life behind in the city of Dàhé and set off on a journey to find his father. Somewhere along his journey, he meets another young man by the name Zhi Lan who claims to be looking for his wife 'who he had left behind.' Li Jian can't help but be enchanted by the mysteries around him, but what other secret does this young man carries aside from his lost wife. @rottencrepes

Rottencrepes · LGBT+
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10 Chs

in the shadow

In Bi Chia hao's timeline, he stands outside the tower's district, but a little further away due to the crowdedness around the tower. Whenever Li Jian had a performance, Bi Chia Hao had to wait in this area to see it off to the tower. He always wanted to make sure Li Jian was safe, and wasn't attacked by some obsessed fan. Suddenly Bi Chia Hao noticed two soldiers walking toward him. Oh jeez, these suckers usually don't come out this far in this residents area. What the hell do they want?

"Sir, what are you doing just standing there?" Ask one of the soldiers when they got closer to where Bi Chai Hao stood.

Bi Chia Hao crossed his arms looking a little irritated and glared at them. He didn't seems like he wanted to cooperate and answered their dumb question, but he have to to not raise any suspicion on him.

"Can't a man wait in peace for his loved ones?"

"The tower has raised its security further out the district, and it's only our job to ask anyone that we may think is suspicious." Reply one of the soldiers.

Bi Chia hao turned his head away right on time to see a silhouette rush through the darkest alley. What was that? Instinctively Bi Chia Hao ran after it forgetting that the soldier was still there interrogating him.

"We're just doing our job, there have been numerous reports of suspicious people lurking through the streets. It doesn't just attack only women, they'll attack anyone. H-hey! Where are you going!" The soldiers also ran after Bi Chia Hao when he took off.

Bi Chia Hao got to the streets pretty fast; he had lost the soldiers who ran after him. When he was running through the alley he could make out from the thick darkness that there was indeed someone running through the dark. Still, it was hard to see the person in detail. Whoever this person is, they must be wearing a thick layer of black with the intention to be hard to spot in the shadow.

"Stop there!" Bi Chia Hao yelled, squinching his eyes to see every movement of the figurine in the dark. Whoever this person is, they seem to know what they are doing. Bi Chai Hao was known for his strong tracking, and in this case he was having a hard time keeping up with it.

The figure quickly leaped from the boxes next to the wall, and made a dash onto the roof as though it was trying to shake Bi Chia Hao off. Bi Chia hao was a man of the mountainside, a little bit of rough climbing is child's play, soon enough he caught back up to the dark figure. They both rush through the roof playing the game of cat and mice. They had done countless turns and climbing avoiding the street's lanterns. This badster is fast, we haven't even fought yet, if the table were turned I think it would have a hard time shaking him off… should I stop chasing? Bi Chai Hao was having second thoughts, knowing chasing this dark figure in the dark could be dangerous.

While they were back on the ground the dark figure took a sharp corner at the front where dim lights were presented. He finally took a light alley, he's probably going for an attack.

Bi Chia hao went for the defense when he arrived at the corner where the figure took, and quickly doge down toward a few wooden boxes in front in case there was any sword swinging. He quickly picked up a small stick that happened to play around near him, but to his surprise there was no one there to attack him. The person was nowhere to be seen, it was dead silence, and there was a dead end on this part of the alley.

"It's gone."

Chia hao lowers his stick down to relax and walk further into the alley that was filled with wooden boxes. Could the person have jumped over the wall already? Quickly Bi Chai Hao senses something flying toward him. He barely makes it on time to smack down what seems like an arrow aimed to his forehead. It didn't take a second until another arrow followed through and shot into his right arm hanfu. The force of the arrow was so strong, it forced him down and pin him onto a box lower behind him. "So strong!"

Not giving Chia hao a second to struggle, another arrow was shot to his left arm hanfu this time. This person's intention was to pin Bi Chia Hao down, thus making both his arms unavailable.

It all happened so fast, Bi Chia Hao knew he had to free himself quickly otherwise he'd be done for. So quick! This person is definitely skilled. With all of his struggling to break free from the arrow that had dug his sleeves deep into the box, it didn't seem to nudge at all.

Another arrow flew out from the darkest corner of the dead-end and sliced the arrow on his right in half only digging his sleeve deeper into the box. It was as if the person was telling him to stop struggling. Chia hao stopped moving and had pinpoint where the arrow came from, and he started at the dark corner where he could kind of see a black silhouette there. The figure of the person slowly steps out of the shadow revealing himself. To chia hao's surprise it was a younger kid who seems to be in his 13.

"Wha…impossible…a kid?" Bi Chi hao whispers to himself while looking at the kid in disbelief.

The mysterious kid was fully equipped with some light black armor on. His hair was dark as the night and tied neatly into a bun resting at the top of his head with a gold phoenix pendant pin on. The boy had an expressionless face as he pulled out a dark arrow from thin air and position to shoot at Bi Chai Hao. The boy didn't have to aim for long, he went ahead and shot it right away. Again, with precision the arrow split the right in half. At this point Bi Chia Hao was impressed with this kid's skills in archery, he kept looking at the kid in disbelief. The boy seemed thrilled when it hit, because he let loose a satisfying smirk on his face as if he was trying to show off his skill to Bi Chia Hao. He quickly pulls another one again in positing to shoot, but then he hears the sound of the soldiers coming.

"Over here, I think I heard something earlier!"

"Is there a fight?!"

"I don't know.''

The arrow boy put down his weapon and took one more glance at the helpless chia hao before he professionally balanced his way through the pile of wooden boxes over the wall. Right then one of the soldiers arrived at the alleyway where Bi Chai hao is.

"Hey over here!" The officer ran to Chia hao aids and saw he was pinned to the boxes with arrows. "Are you ok sir, are you hurt at all?! What happened here?!"

"Stop yelling and help me pull out these arrows…I'm stuck." There was a moment of awkwardness coming from Bi Chia Hao asking the random soldier for help.

The soldier did what he was asked to and tried to help pull it out. The arrow was so deep he had to struggle a bit with both hands before he finally pulled out one of them.

"Oof!" The soldier fell on his butt, and then quickly observed the arrow. "Whoa, I've never seen any arrow like this before, where do you think it belongs?"

"Let me see." Chia hao's left hand was free so he snatched the arrow from the soldier and observed it. The entire body of the arrow was pitch black, the feathers were the color of gold that he had never seen before. "This arrow… It uses the black iron trees from the cold land in the south."

"You mean that landscape covered with snow all year long? It's so cold nothing exists there, even the emperor doesn't want anything to do with it. These trees reside deep into the mountain, there's no way anyone going up there would come back down alives." The soldier explained.

Chia hao continued to observe the arrow closely and notice something unusual about the feathers. With every movement the golden feather would flicker a faint golden light crawling inside as though it was alive.

"Some kind of sorcery…magic." Chia hao mutters.

The soldier tries to pull the other arrow and continues to ask more questions. "I have to report immediately, did you see who it was?"

"It was like a devil…" Chia hao answered in a low voice.


"It's a devil in the appearance of a boy."Chia hao repeated.