

Star has good grades he is a bit socially awkward but he doesn’t have many problems he lives a life he enjoys, but one day… it all changed he could not enjoy it anymore not because he changed simply because the world changed around him

H0ney_Milk · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

A weird start

Star! Wake up! STAR!!


Reluctantly he let go of the heavenly warmth of the soft blanket and thought.

'why am I waking up do I have to do something toda-

suddenly disturbed by the somber fact that.. that… it was school!

yes the enemy of all teenagers… school was starting today.

feeling cold shivers running down his stomach star unwillingly woke up of the heavenly and warm bed and got ready for his first day of school…

although he was acting this way he was one of the top students!

In fact he was planing to place 1st after his defeat in 8th grade!

or he was supposed to…

anyways.. after filling up his stomach with sweet homemade strawberry jam spread on nice and crunchy toast he departed his way to school.

which was near! in fact it was in the next neighborhood.

actually… having the school near benefited him more sleep he didn't have to wait for bus or wait until it's his turn to get off the buss after school.

but it had its cons as well!

Having to cross a street which was always arrogated was not the best experience, judging by the fact that this particular street didn't have Traffic lights.. yeah this area was a bit old.

but that was not the real problem for me the problem was.. the people! The students to be precise! They were raised like animals, always cursing.. actually the cursing I'm talking about are the words.. "I will f*ck you" they repeated that like dogs barking…

star sometimes thought that they where actually…

Curse it! Why am I thinking about that while I'm in such a hurry no actually why am I even calculating the pros and cons of having a school near? Am I finally losing it?

Anyways! he finally reached school after having inner conflicts for a while and the first things he saw was that they painted the school… red!?

 Who's the lunatic that painted the school red??

But that was not the problem the problem was that a girl his age dressed in blazers was going inside the school.

confused he looked at the school making sure that it's his school or that he didn't come to a wrong one but it was in fact his school.

The reason for his strong reaction was that his school was a boys only school, so witnessing a girl his age going inside that monster layer made him uneasy

what happened? Did they suddenly change rules? He hesitantly went inside but before he could resolve the new mysteries..

his eyesight slowly painted black as if numerous parasites where invading them he slowly lost control his body was falling at whatever was on the ground and after several seconds he regained consciousness 

For a moment he was Wondering who he was and where he was with a sense of fear and unease but then he recalled everything.

sighting with relief he woke from the ground and looked around wondering if anyone saw him, fortunately no one seemed to.

and then he went inside the school as if nothing happened, of course he did in fact care and was currently uneasy thinking

what if I didn't regain memory? What would have I done if that was the case? The thought left him shivering,

shrugging off those cruel thoughts he stepped inside the school.

oh how much he wished he didn't.


This is my first ever time writing anything so be soft on me!

And judge me if there are flaws in my work Im always thankful if you do.

Thanks for reading!

H0ney_Milkcreators' thoughts