

It was every normal day for Eliza Smith, she had been on her way home from school when she got an unexpected text from her father saying that she should be careful when picking up her little brother from daycare.

Eliza had almost forgotten to get him, so she hurried on her way to the daycare when crossing one of the streets nearby a kind looking woman tries to start a conversation by introducing herself as Haniko surprisingly me and Haniko immediately clicked and became friends.

She too was on her way to pick up her little brother from daycare, but after a while Haniko started to act strange.... she would randomly ask weird questions like 'are you meeting up with someone?' or 'where are you headed too?' after a bit of her asking some questions, she said something that sent chills down my spine, 'hey Eliza can we stop her real quick ' as she points at a newer looking game store. I stare at her blankly for a second until she says my name, 'Eliza?' something's wrong here, how does she know my name? did I happen to introduce myself earlier and I just don't remember telling her? No, I would remember so....