"But why!? No!"
I sigh, trying to ignore the silent guy beside me.
"Ollie, come on. We have to leave, your mother is expecting us in 30 minutes. Let the monkey go."
I demand in my most serious voice, even though I just want to laugh.
Puck looks so uncomfortable, Ollie's got him close to his chest.
"No! Puck wants me to stay. He told me!"
I glare.
"Are you not going to help me out here?"
I snap, nudging Quincy.
He cracks a smile.
"Naw, you got this. To be honest, its quite entertaining to hear."
He rasps.
I huff.
"If you love me let me goooooo!"
He starts singing, turning and running away.
Quincy finds that extremely funny.
"He listens to Panic at the Disco. The kid's a saint."
"Hell no, I'm not about to chase you around this big ass park."
I snap, narrowing my eyes.
Quincy stops laughing and grunts.
"Cursing at a child really suits you."
He mutters sarcastically.
I turn my glare in his direction.
"I'd like to see you come up with something better."
He shrugs, scratching the side of his head.
"Call him back over here."
"And hold off on the cursing, geez woman."
He adds.
My eye twitches.
"Ollie! Ollie, Im serious, come back over here!"
I call out.
He takes his time to.
I think Im getting a headache.
"Look. Why don't you just got home to your mama, you can play with Puck another time."
Quincy says softly, bending down on the sidewalk beside the upset boy.
I fold my arms and stare.
"No! Puck's not going to be here next time, I just know it."
Ollie cries.
Quincy thinks for a moment.
"How about this. I give my number to your aunt and next time you are here, she can just call me and I can bring him up here so that you guys can play."
He compromises, smirking at me over his shoulder.
I roll my eyes.
Wait, wait a minute.
"What!? Absolutely n-"
"Yes! Yaaaaay!"
Ollie cuts me off before I can even finish.
I glare at Quincy.
I now know that he can't see me but he knows.
"Please, auntieeeeeeeee!? Pretty please?"
Ollie begs, sticking out his bottom lip.
I sigh.
"That means yes."
Quincy tells Ollie.
"Whooohoo! I got the best auntie in the world."
He yells, setting Puck down.
The little monkey hoots, running over to Quincy.
"Go ahead and grab your jacket, okay?"
I grumble, scowling as Ollie skips away happily.
"Something tells me you are not happy."
I turn back to Quincy with a roll of my eyes.
"I'm overly excited to get a guy's number."
I say sarcastically, but on the inside I'm a mess.
I'm about to get a guy's number!
And not only that, but a totally attractive guy's number!
"Actually, you're about to get a blind guy's number."
There is amusement in his voice.
I freeze.
Holy shit, did I just say that out loud?
Before I can deny anything, he speaks up.
"Tell me again, Tiara. Were you serious when you said that I was a new friend?"
He asks seriously, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
I bite my lip.
"You're biting your-"
"Yes. I guess so. I love meeting new people."
I cut him off thoughtfully.
He grins.
"Okay. I'll hold you to your word."
He warns, suddenly grabbing my arm.
I jump, of course.
"Relax, girl. I'm just going to write my number on your wrist."
He says softly, pulling out a pen from god knows where. Seriously, some guys keep stuff like that in their pockets.
"Oh. Okay."
I say awkwardly, watching as he scribbles his number on my wrist.
His handwriting is slightly slanted, which I find really adorable for some reason.
I frown as he keeps on writing, even after he's done.
"Make sure you wash this off as soon as you get home, okay? Ink poisoning is the worst. And skin cancer."
He mutters in his soothing voice as he finishes.
I try to look at what he wrote, but his hand shoots out and he covers my wrist.
"You're weird."
I complain, trying to shake his arm off.
He just shakes his head.
"Of course I am. Everyone is. Why do you think the word different exsists?"
And just like that, he turns and walks away.
Seriously, I can't even blink first.
I call out awkwardly.
Puck waves happily, screeching quietly.
"Call me. Tonight."
Quin says, winking at me over his shoulder.
I blush.
Actually no.
I don't start blushing until after I read what he wrote on my wrist.
Î wîsh Î could see what color your eyes are. Î know that they are beautîful.
PS. Îf you don't call me, Î'll sick Puck on you.
Î rub my neck and grîn as Î hear the results beîng read on tv.
"We asked Darrel îf he has ever touched hîs son Arron înapproprîately and he answered no. And the result îs...he was tellîng the truth."
Steve Wîlkos îs my favorîte show to watch.
Out of all DNA test shows, ît covers the dîrty realîtîes and secrets of people.
Î have always loved the harsh realîty, ît îs always better than a belîevable lîe.
Î stroke Puck's fur absentmîndedly as Î close my eyes.
Î fînd myself wîth my eyes closed a lot, especîally when Î'm around chaos.
Ît makes me feel calmer.
My longtîme frîend Jenny has just got to town about a week ago and she's most lîkely goîng to stay.
She's the type of person to love nature and stuff so Î wasn't really surprîsed when she fell în love wîth thîs lîttle town.
Î love ît.
Î know everybody and where everythîng îs.
Î'm absolutely terrîfîed of travelîng, everythîng Î need îs here.
Plus Puck gets anxîous when we're apart for a long tîme and we'd have to be separated on a plane.
Î've had Puck for about 2 years now.
Growîng up, Î had a seeîng eye dog but ole Rîverstone dîed when Î was în my second year of college.
Couldn't bear to replace hîm.
My brother actually took me to fînd a new aîd once when Î fînally opened up to hîm about how lonely and weîrd Î felt wîthout havîng a companîon.
There was lîke a voîd în my lîfe.
As soon as Î felt the lîttle monkey, Î fell în love wîth hîm.
He has such a personalîty.
He's such a lîttle daredevîl, always jumpîng off thîngs and rollîng around.
The vet has înformed me that a capuchîn monkey can lîve up to 45 years old so Î shouldn't worry about losîng another aîd.
Ît really takes a toll, belîeve ît or not.
Ît took a good 5 months for me to get used to Puck, he acquîred more attentîon than Rîverstone.
"Quîn, Î'll be back."
Î roll my eyes as Jenny barges în.
She walks very loudly, Î usually hear her footsteps from downstaîrs.
Î thînk she does ît on purpose even though Î've never addressed ît.
Î dont tell her a lot.
She just wouldn't understand.
"Where are you goîng? Ît's about to get dark."
I remînd her.
She lîkes to go to the club on 34 Elm Street.
Ît's not the safest place around.
Î've been tellîng her but she just keeps on wavîng me off.
"Î'm a grown ass woman, Î can protect myself."
She gets on my nerves.
"Out. Î'll be back în a mînute."
She repeats, the annoyance clear în her voîce.
Puck screeches softly în my ear, protestîng when Î stop pettîng hîm.
He's the best.
"Shall Î get my shoes?"
Î question.
She îmmedîetly says,
"Okay, well. Bye."
I sîgh.
"Besîdes, you dont want me to be here when your lîttle gîrlfrîend calls. You know Î'm going to embarrass you."
She says.
"She's not my gîrlfrîend."
Î say calmly, reachîng for my lemonade.
"Mhm. Î'll ask you agaîn în about a month. That gîrl îs beautîful."
She whîstles.
As soon as Î told her about Tîara, she dîd her research.
All Î did was tell her Tîara's name and she somehow found her înstagram.
The soft spoken gîrl întrîgues me.
Î'm supposîng that maybe ît has everythîng to do with the fact that she's new.
Î keep tellîng myself that but Î already know deep down that Î just lîke hearîng her speak.
The slîght raspîness of her voîce hînts at the fact that she barely speaks.
She's shy.
She wasn't shy wîth me though.
She sounded so curîous, Î can't help but smîle as Î thînk about earlîer.
"Aww, look at you gettîng all happy."
Jenny teases.
Î feel my cheeks heat up.
"Shut up Jenny, Î dont lîke her lîke that. Go, Î'm watchîng my show."
Î say, wavîng her off.
"Îf you dont lîke her then why dîd you gîve her your number, huh? There's plenty of women you meet but you dont ever gîve them your number."
She remînds me.
"Leave me alone."
Î însîst.
Î don't even really know why.
"Î should actually go. Î want to get back before she calls."
She mutters.
Î roll my eyes, turnîng on my stomach.
She starts sîngîng under her breath as she leaves.
Î waît to get up untîl Î hear her voîce grow faînter and faînter.
"Î'm goîng to take a shower, buddy."
Î announce, much to Puck's dîsgruntled reply.
He starts hoppîng around on the bed, makîng hîs lîttle noîses.
"Chîll, here Î'll put on some cartoons, yes?"
Î assure hîm, feelîng around for the remote.
A second later, ît's în my hand and he's on my shoulder.
"Good job."
Î say, lettîng hîm pîck at my haîr for a whîle.
He lîkes playîng wîth ît.
A couple mînutes later, Î stand under the sprayer and rub my eyes tîredly.
Î love takîng showers, Î always relax under the hot water.
Jenny saîd that she's beautîful.
Î told her not to explaîn to me what she looks lîke.
Ît would defeat the purpose of my opînîon about her îf Î knew what she looks lîke.
She's already beautîful to me.
Î dont know why but Î can't stop thînkîng about her.
How soft her lîttle wrîst was.
Î can't waît for her to call.