
(The Flowing Red-Bloom Cultivation) {BL series}

This story is about a Cultivator Prince called Ài hóng and a Demon King by the name Yāo wàng. They meet one day on a mountain, They end up making friends, Yāo wàng seems to be hiding something from Ài hóng, He wants to talk with him about it. But unfortunately, there are some things or someone who doesn’t want Ài hóng to remember anything. Now they have to fight for their happy ending, what will happen? Will they get their happy ending, or will it turn out a little bit more difficult then they want..? Find out by reading!

Xiyue_WebNovels · Fantasi
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6 Chs

(2) The Prince. (P2)

Ài walked to his room, blood dripping onto his white robe covered in blooming flowers of red, with small flower pedals at the bottom.

He entered his room, scrambling to find some bandages he finally found a pack of some. He treated his wound carefully, before he went to sleep, he had to pack for his 'trip'.

As Ài hóng packed, he would over hear servants talking about his punishment.

"What a stupid child really.."

Ài hóng moved closer to the door to hear them better, his breathing slowed to hide his presence.

"How hard is it to just follow instructions.. It's his father. Why would he do anything to question Hèn yáng?"

"Honestly the boy needs more manners, he's way to spoiled!"

The servants laughed, Ài hóng scoffed a bit, to call him spoiled was just arrogant and disrespectful.. not to mention the ladies didn't even use the proper way of saying his fathers name. If he came out now, he could blame them for being inappropriate.

But Ài hóng is too much of a wuss too. As much as it would help his image by defending himself, he would also ruin his fathers.

Ài hóng "I don't have the time.. I need to finish packing." He returned to his duties. He wiped his cheek, it was a cold tear. Clearly from the thought that no one, not even the servants were going to help him.

He wiped them quickly, finishing his final set of Xínglǐ*. Ài hóng looked over at his bed, it was a mess but he didn't care. It's not like he was going to use it anymore. Ài hóng had already accepted his fate.

I mean who wouldn't? He's going to a mountain called The Mountain of DEATH and 'Life'.

Before he could finish his thoughts, a male servant entered his room. "Hónghuā wángzǐ*, you're to rest now. You have to leave by sun rise."

Ài hóng nodded, accepting all of this was easy. His father always made sure he knew his 'lesson'. But it was still hard to believe his own flesh and blood would send him to a mountain that would most likely kill him.

"I understand, I will rest now." As the male servant bowed and left, Ài hóng couldn't help but lay next to his bed and weep silently. What was he going to do? He was only 16.. how was he going to survive any of this? Ài hóng can only work with talismans and his Hóngfěn*.. How did this whole situation even come to be? He was always obedient.. He followed every rule and task his father gave him! Why now does he have to accept death?!

Suddenly a quick thought came to mind. "Maybe the whole reason I'm in this hellhole.. is because I've been obeyed every single thing my father asks of me.."

Ài hóng sneered his teeth, he has had enough. He grabbed his Bāo* and ran towards a window opening in his Hóng-fáng*. He took a deep breath and leaped from the window, landing on a tree. He used a talisman to hide his presence. He knew his father would know he had left his Hóng-fáng* the minute he disappeared, but at least his father wouldn't be able to find him.

He made his way down from the tree, landing safely he fled his home. He couldn't stay there anymore, it was like a prison of punishment.. The gods cursed him. Not only was his mother dead, but his father was an asshole. He just couldn't keep following so blindly.

He finally got far enough away to get rid of the talisman. he threw it on the ground, as it disappeared with a white fire. He looked around in the lost forest he was in. Unable to comprehend what he just did, he just set up camp. He sat down on a log and sulked.

"There's no way I just ran away from home.. my fathers gonna kill me! Wait no.. that's why I left in the first place! But, what about.. Argh!" he rubbed his head, he left so much stuff behind, stuff that mattered, and stuff that didn't. He adjusted his body and laid on the log. Looking up at the stars he began to close his eyes and pray.

"Mom, I don't know if you can hear me. But please.. give me a sign of what to do.. I'm so lost without you…" Ài hóng often talked to his mother when he was lost or sad, but ever since she died he never really talked to her, he would just sulk.. Ài hóng just needed someone to help him, so he prayed to his mother, hoping something would happen even though he knew it wouldn't work.

"Please.. just give me a sign mother.." Ài hóng cried, his tears uncontrollable. He felt a light cold touch on his cheek, he slowly turned to the left, his eyes swollen and blurry from his tears.. He looked closer to see a Demon, The demon looked so weirdly.. amusing?

The Demon had the facial features of a human, but the demon had horns larger then a humans head, wings that expanded further then any human arm and sharp nails that could cut anything.. The demons hair was white and his skin was a Red fade into Blue.. It wore a beautiful but sloppy loose yellow robe.. This Demon was beautiful and full of grace.

Wait what? Did I just compliment a Demon?! I need to run!

Ài hóng got up quickly, causing him to fall backwards on the log. He bumped his head and let out a small whine from it. Out of curiosity the Demon grabbed Ài hóng, holding him upside down in the air. Ài hóng wailed in instinct.

"Let me down! Let me down! You..!"

Ài hóng closed his eyes, he knew he was gonna die. At least if he was, he was gonna die without seeing blood splatter.

"What's the magic word?" The Demon spoke in a deep tone, almost deep enough to send shockwaves down someone's body..

"M-magic word..?" Ài hóng couldn't believe what was happening, first, The Demon talks! Second, it's asking for a magic word?! Just what on earth did Ài hóng get himself into!?

"uhm.. P-Please let me down?" Ài hóng was clearly nervous, you could tell just by his trembling voice.

Surprisingly the Demon let him down gently.

"Easy right?" The Demon's voice softened, this time it sounded almost seductive, and carefree.

"…" Ài hóng was on the edge, He runs away from home, prays to his mom for guidance, then a god damned Demon that talks with surprisingly good manners shows up!

"Do.. Do you have a name?.." Ài hóng knew it was a stupid question, but honestly he was willing to do anything at this point.

"Mhm! Yāo wàng." The Demon clearly used his known name, given that Ài hóng quickly hid behind a log. Once he heard that name he started to cry.

The reason he began to cry was because that name meant "Demon King", and only the ruler of the underworld could use that, others who tried would lose their life from burning flames the minute it would of left their mouth.

But wait.. Why would The Demon King even come to the middle of a forest? And why would he have any interest in me?!

"I've said my name, how about yours?" Ài hóng quickly recovered from his crying, and turned around slightly. In a soft tone of a cracked voice from crying, he would announce his name.

"Ài hóng, better known as Hónghuā wángzǐ.."

"You're the prince from the red-bloom cultivation sect?" Yāo wàng spoke in a gentle low tone, making sure to keep his presence calm, so he didn't scare Ài hóng.

"Yes, I am.." Ài hóng just couldn't believe The Demon King was talking to him, the main question running through his mind was

Why me?

Yāo wàng wondered why Ài hóng was so tense, then a thought cross his mind.

"Ah, I apologize. Let me change appearances to make it easier for you."

Suddenly smoke would appear where Yāo wàng was standing, his shadow slowly disappearing. After the smoke dissolved a red rabbit would emerge.

"Y-you.. You turned into a rabbit?" Ài hóng would turn to the right,, slightly covering his mouth with his palm, giggling a bit.

Yāo wàng tilted his head, he found it a bit cute seeing Ài hóng giggle at his appearance.

"Is this better?" His tone now a bit higher, but still in the monotonous tone his had.

"Yes, it's much better!"

Ài hóng's smooth face had slightly turned pink near his cheeks, he found it very adorable that Yāo wàng, a Demon King turned into a rabbit to make him, a Prince from a cultivation sect feel comfortable.

Yāo wàng's suddenly, widened his eyes. He felt amused seeing Ài hóng's face brighten, so he leaped over to him.

Curling himself into the lap and arms of Ài hóng, Ài hóng surprised, he looked down to see a comfortable rabbit resting in his lap. He smiled a bit, his eyes softened. He felt at peace, for so many years he had never felt this way. At least not after his mother passed..

He laid back on the log, carefully and gently holding Yāo wàng in his arms. He looked up to the night sky and softly whispered.

"Thank you.. Mother.."

They both slowly drifted off to sleep..


Xínglǐ: Xínglǐ* means baggage.

Hónghuā wángzǐ: Hónghuā wángzǐ* means The Red-Bloom prince. Ài hóng has many names, that have to do with his status.

Hóngfěn: Hóngfěn* means Red Fans. The Red Fans are used by every generation of Red Princes. They are hand crafted by the Prince, then given the souls of old kind warrior spirits. Ài hóngs Red Fans are both called, Fūe and Rūe, Both Female spirits who used to be generals, before they were brutally murdered on the battlefield for their gender.

Bāo: Bāo* means bag.

Hóng-fáng: Hóng-fáng* means Red-Room. Every prince has one but with their color. Like Blue-Room, Green-room, Etc.