
(SFOW) Me myself and I

What would you do if the ability to hate someone was taken from you? Would you be more peaceful, more rational, more reliant on other emotions? And what would you do if all of your emotions where taken and instead there are now some Jiminy crickets inside your head arguing on what you should do? This is what happened to Soray! Follow Soray on his journey to become the savior of humanity and one of the most feared people in the history in this "Story from the Old World" As you will probably notice very quickly I am not a professional writer and English isn't my main language but I hope I still can make an enjoyable story. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Lybosnatel · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Personal dispute

The headache stopped and Jonathans screams could no longer be heard . Not even the phantom wounds hurt anymore as Soray opened his eyes.

He stood in front of a mirror and looked at himself.

He was wearing a stylish white suit with black leather boots and had long white hair.

'Didn't I have black hair? And what is with this suit?' He thought, while recollecting what just happened to him. Soray slowly turned around and was astonished by what he saw. 'Am I dead?'

He stood in a dimly lit round room where the walls where maid of shelfes only and the one mirror behind him, there where no doors nor windows. In the middle of the room stood a table with a comfortable looking chair and a candle. The shelf walls went up into the sky and had apparently no end.

Soray came closer to the table in the middle. The table was made out of massive wood and the candle seemed frozen in time, there was no flicker and no melting, just nothing natural to this flame.

In front of the chair was lying on the table one book "condensed mana" This is the spell that Soray could use, but why would this book just lie here?

"Stop you daydreaming! We have to get out of here A.S.A.P you understand?! We could die if they catch us and trust me, we don't want to die yet."

The voice came from a person sitting on the other side of the room and had a familiar ring too it.

The person stood up and came closer to the candle, leaning onto the table.

He was dressed like Soray the same suit, the same boots but everything was green. As he came closer Soray could see more of him, he had short, smooth green hair, a pair of glasses and his face seemed awfully familiar to Soray.

The man in green had the same face as Soray, but with a more frightened expression.

Soray remembered the situation he should be in right now, the pain, Jonathans scream and the voice of the ball, which he finally recognized.

The person that previously talked to him stood in front of him.

"Am I in the ball?" Soray asked calmly.

Green:"What... No, you are in danger! "

Soray:"Weard name for this place."

Green:"Don't fool around. They could come to you any minute now and you are here with me instead of out there and running!"

Soray:"Out where... Running from whom?"

Green:"Stop it and get out there, we both want to run from them, but you are not running. If you don't go then I will!" the person in green pointed at the mirror, which changed from its reflective image of the room to something that looks like the interior of the cathedral.

Soray saw a stone pillar in front of him and many little shining particles around him, he could feel a sharp pain and see blood gushing out from his arms and breast. It looked like tiny sharp particles where shot at him and Soray saw, that the crystal ball wasn't in its place. Shortly after Soray passed out from the pain and again looked into the mirror in the shelf room.

Soray:"what happened?"

Green:"See, that's why we have to run away, we can't fight the guards with these wounds and"

Soray cut the green guy off:"I asked what just happened, why was I just out there and now I am here with you?"

Green:"you went to the body and passed out" the person turned around and covered "But with you passing out we can't get away, and if we can't get away they will probably kill us, and you definitely don't want that, because Jonathan might be there and we really are afraid of him now and... "

Soray ignored the green person and again looked at the mirror but this time the mirror didn't change its reflection and Soray couldn't feel his body moving.

Green stopped his blabbering and looked at the determined Soray:"Enter it!" he said and Soray just walked straight at the mirror without thinking about it.

Soray was walking against a violent storm as he tried to walk through the mirror and started to feel pretty tired for some reason. He didn't enter his body but he could hear someone speaking.

"Just come out to us with your hands up high, we don't want to hurt you, we just want to settle the problem with the champion."

It was a deep manly voice but Soray didn't know who spoke. In the end the wind was to strong and Soray was thrown out of the mirror into the shelf room.

Green:" No, they are here. What if they see the broken ball, what if they want to harm us, or even worse?"

Soray who's now getting up and shaking of his tiredness :"Didn't you listen to what he said? He will help us to settle things if we don't resist."

Green:" But what if he doesn't trust us, what if he believes Jonathan more than he does us?"

Soray:"Dude, calm down. I am pretty sure that the other people that came out crying where also harassed by Jonathan, so we have more than enough evidence what happened and..."

Before Soray could finish his sentence the green guy jumped through the mirror and Soray could feel his body reacting.

Green:" You won't get me, I didn't do nothing. I won't be tortured by you, you monsters!"

Soray realised that his body was speaking those words, just after the green man jumped through the mirror, his body started moving.

The officer didn't belive a word that the champion was saying, it was obvious that he had a personal dispute with the child in there, but to assume that someone could break the crystal ball, that was just a bit to far fetched.

He walked slowly but surely int the white hall of the cathedral as he started to hear a voice mumbling something.

Something about doing nothing, torture and a monster. He started to walk faster becouse the voice did sound very weak, maybe something happened to him.

As the officer reached the wide open room, he couldn't belive his eyes. In the middle stood a boy with a big wound in his chest area and blood running out of him in a very fast pace.

Officer:"Hold still boy, I will bring you to a medical facility shortly, just don't move or you will lose more blood."

The boy watched the officer directly into the eyes and the officer saw that the kid hat green glowing eyes.

Officer:" Don't do anything stupid, you are hurt badly and I am the only one who can help you right now. Just stop casting, or you will pass out from mana loss."

The kid didn't seem to listen and mana started to surround him, the anty magic walls of the cathedral somehow didn't stop his rampage, which only could meen that the God's allowed his actions in this situation, but the officer did not understand why.

The mana surrounding the wounded kid started to form a green tornado around him.

" KID, STOP, YOU WILL ONLY HURT YOURSELF!" the officer screamed against the violent wind.

Soray couldn't watch this anymore, he saw everything that his body did and realised that the candle on the table started to dim even more after turning into a greener color.

Soray didn't know what spell the green guy was using with his body, but it definitely was not good, that the candy started to die out. Soray had to do something, anything. Whiteout any real options Soray ran into the mirror, this time he was held back by a even more violent, greenish wind and he could hear the green one speak:"Just stop resisting OK, I will bring us out of here and then we can look for a safer place."

Soray, enraged by the calm voice of the green man:"THE ONLY THING UNSAFE HERE, IS YOU. THE OFFICER IS CLEARLY TRYING TO..."

Soray was getting tired and was thrown out of the mirror in exhaustion. He only could watch as the green one was doing what he wanted.

The last hing the officer saw from the kid, was a green lightning flashing out of the cathedrals door.

'Damit, now I really have to handle him as guilty. Why didn't he listen? ' he thought. After the tornado stopped the officer saw that the crystal ball was no longer there. He turned around abruptly and ran out of the cathedral to start a search.

'He shouldn't have teleported to far away, not with his wounds... Right?'

Soray watched in shock as the blinding light from the mirror forced him to look away. The candle on the table was nearly extinguished and the ground startet to shake. Soray felt an enormous pain in his head and he sunk to his knees trying to stay awake.

His vision started to fade to black as the room seemed to collapse onto him, the last thing he remembered was a green light above him and a familiar voice saying "Sorry."

Soray opend his eyes. The scenery he saw was beautiful, tall trees surrounded him and built a roof of leaves above him. He could see a red moon shine through the leaves on to the tall grass and moss around him and bathing everything it touched in a red'ish shimmer.

Soray tried to stand up, immediately he felt the pain of his reality returning to his body, the pain in his chest, the phantom stabs in his back, a big overall fatigue, as if he just ran a marathon and it seems like he has something in his eyes.

The pain wasn't as intense as before and Soray didn't feel like he would pass out from it, but he definitely would have to get his wounds looked on, as the only thing from stopping his bleeding chest was his blood soaked shirt.

'Damit, can this day get any worse?' Soray asked himself and looked around a bit more to orient himself.

Out of nowhere Soray could here the familiar voice in his head.

Green" Technically speaking we could bleed out and die right here, or the stench of blood could bring wild animals or monsters to us. "

'OH, right, I totally tried to forget about you. Tell me, how has it been for you with your whole" destroying my entire life idea?"'

Green:" Sorry, I think I misheard you, what did you just say about your life saver mister "I don't have any fear of death?""

'You know exactly what I just said to you, because you can read my fucking mind. And I don't know what you mean with saving me, I was shot with some shrapnel of a broken "Un breakable" godly item and my only option to get medical treatment is thinking I was the one breaking it. How is getting me further away from treatment helping?

On another note... WHO THE F ARE YOU? '

Green:"Right, I didn't introduce my self. I am the a part of the God of fear or green God, God of healing, whatever name you morlas have for me. So I think I deserve an apologie from you."

'An apologie? For what I am currently dying of an open wound and don't know where the fuck I can move to get treatment. And you come here and just think saying that you are a God would solve things with me?'

Green:" OK, you are right our wound comes first. Let me control you for a bit, I should be able to heal you."

'Now you just assume that you can take control of my body whenever you want or what? How should I know that you don't just collapse that room in my head again and teleport me to my grave?'

Green:" I know that you are afraid of my power, but fear not, I will just heal your wound and give you back your control, then we can talk."

'I don't think you are listening to me, I am not afraid of your power I am just speaking from a logical point of view that I can't trust you, because you already took control of my body without my consent once.'

Green:" You don't have to play the hard guy, I know what you fear, its OK, but you really have to give me control just for a minute, because I am pretty sure that you don't know any healing magic."

With the word healing Soray started to reconsider. He looked down onto his chest and could see that there was still fresh blood coming out of his wound and standing got harder by the minute. He sat down.

'OK, just so I don't die here, how can I get back into the room?'

Green:"just don't resist, I will pull you out."

Just as the green guy said that Soray could feel a tugging on his mind. It wasn't as bad as his last time, where he got a headache, but it still felt pretty weird. Sorays view started to flip and he found himself in front of the mirror with the green guy pulling his hand.

The gently shoved Soray out of the way and entered the mirror without an other word. Soray could again see everything happening with his body.

The green guy started to collect some mana from the surrounding area and Soray could see that the room started to light up more, with every bit of mana collected. The room also was completely restored and the candle burnt brighter than before. 'So this probably represents my internal mana.' Soray thought and realized that he probably collapsed because of a internal mana shortage.

This the the grren guy took his time and collected the surrounding mana to not damage Soray further and after he condensed a fair amount of it he put it on his chest. Soray could see a green light emitting from the condensed mana and was pretty sure that this was the healing spell the green guy talked about. 'I don't even know how to use condensed mana yet and he just used it as if it was second nature for him... Do I have an affinity for green magic or how can he use wound mending?' just as Soray thought about the spell he could see a book appearing on the table. It was a green book with the inscription "wound mending". Soray stepped closer and opened the book but he realised fast, that this wasn't something he could understand any time soon. Some parts seemed to be missing and some others where either encrypted or written in an other language.

Green:"I healed as much as I could, but it seems that some of the splinters are melted into your body, I couldn't remove everything, but we shouldn't die from blood loss anymore." the green guy was standing behind Soray in the room and showed some relief in still fearful expression.

Soray went through the mirror and already he could feel the effects of the closed wound. It hurt a lot less and there was no more new blood seeping onto his shirt. He took of his shirt and got his knife from his boot. The blade was big enough for Soray to use it as a mirror, but the dimming light of the red moon made it harder for him to see.

Green:"You have blood in your eyes... Probably from the mana loss earlier."

Soray wiped of his eyes as good as he could and now he finally could see clearly again.

The moon light wasn't red, but it still was a full moon shining its silver light down onto Soray.

Soray now finally looked onto his chest and saw, that while it was mostly sealed it still had blood stuck all over it. It also seemed that the splinters of the ball which stuck in his chest where funnily ordered nearly perfect there where seven shard like splinters stuck pointing outwards from the middle of his chest arranged in a circle.

Green:"See, I only healed you, nothing more. So now, you wanted to talk?"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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