
(ON-HOLD)Black Bellied Series: The Prodigy Su Li Zing

I was reborn in 2 lifetimes, my first life was a tragic end. I was born in a very prestigious family, The Family of Red Dukedom. My family was a prominent people – where generals and knights were born. Me, I’m a princess in these family with a naïve and hot tempered personality. All of the things I want, will come through my hands without any effort but the prince’s heart was the only thing I can’t get. I did all my best and efforts to be close with my prince and I become the empress of my country but because of one careless mistake, I become the murderer of the late king. My family who pampered and love me for who I was, was beheaded in front of my eyes. The vicious blade run without hesitation in their heads and the most painful scene they left behind through my very eyes – they never blame me and smile into my eyes looking like they’re fine and accepted the situation. “NO!” I screamed. I looked at those pair of cold blooded eyes. Looking straight to my soul like I’m already dead. My husband ‘the emperor’ executed my whole family without leaving an heir. He cut down the roots leaving me lonely and desolate. Before my execution day the emperor married a new empress. A beautiful woman who love by all and without stain of filth and dirt. The public compared me from being the devil while the other is one of the holy goddess. The emperor love him seriously while I was left with a cold stare and viciously cutting everyone who’s important to me. He left me with nothing. The love and care was nothing but a cotton hit a solid rock. He left behind a curse where I can’t live a happy life. “Lit the fire!” he ordered looking straight to my eyes filled with murderous intent. He wanted to kill me! He wanted to burned me alive and so his citizen. The woman by his side looking at me with sadness while he disregard every fiber of my being. I look through the heavens, my soul was very empty but full of regret. At last, I can die. My 2nd life I was born as an orphan. No parents who can’t take care of but the miracle thing was I kept my memories and through with that I repent from my sins and become a doctor. I studied medicine and with hard work I become famous holding the title of ‘A genius doctor’. I changed people’s lives and saved them giving me honor and wealth with a noble prize. But as good things came running, so is the bad things- I was betrayed by my only friend and scam the result of my latest operation and was arrested but because of my past experience I gained an upper hand the momentarily crash my friend’s career. The turning point of my career become successful and as I want to gift myself a reward and have my vacation tour but I was murdered. My only friend killed me pulling the trigger and the bullet pierce through my heart. Again, I regretted everything the moment I can repent to my sins and enjoy myself as human become a dream filled with dust. (DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the cover photo. Credits to its owner.)

Devonnnn · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

The Eastern Kingdom, I’m Back

The east wind blow a cold midnight wind causing the girl laying down shiver. Su Zi Ling groggily rise up clutching her chest. She heaved a blow catching her breath and looked around. She noticed the familiar room and the lingering Chinese incense she used to know.

Her emotion jumbled and tears poured down on her face.

She cried quietly, happiness and sadness, regret, guilt poured up and recalling her 1st past life event when her family was executed with a sharp guillotine but the mark of their gentle smile remain a sinful memory creeping onto her.

Without a haste she quickly stand up clumsily and run towards the door. The maid guarding on her was startled. Her mistress bang the door and she see her miss run off of the hallway.

Su Zi Ling open the door in their main study area. She saw her family casually chatting happily made her cry again but this time she wailed causing her family run towards her. The Head of the Su family was shocked on her daughters cry. Without knowing what's going on, he enveloped his daughter into his embrace.

The warm and dotingly hushing sound made her cry even harder. Mother Su and his two brothers was trying to calm her. The panicked in their eyes and stupid movement made Su Zi Ling slightly laughed.

'I'm back! I'm really back! My family-' She hugged her father tighter one last time. She look her mother who's full of concern

"Ling'er who bullied you? Mother will get justice for you!" Mother Su look closely, checking her daughter.

"Little Sister what happened!? Whose bastard try to harm you? Quickly tell me his name and I'll cut off his family je--- ouch!" Su Tian Ning looked at his older brother teary eyed.

"That's enough rascal! What do you think your saying to our princess" Su Ling Tian glared at him. Su Tian Ni stick out his tongue and run in Zi Ling's back. Su Tian Ni provocation made Su Ling Tian shake his head.

Su Ling Tian looked at his little sister affectionately. He stretched out his arms and smiled beautifully "Little princess"

'Su Ling Tian' Zi Ling jumped to his older brother and cried. In the past his older brother was the only one who fought in the court to regain her innocence. However, his only one step to his success when someone suddenly killed him.

Zi Ling grew cold and gushed a minimum of killing intent.

Whoever did that pray tell that I won't find him sooner!

"Ling'er" Su Ling Tian caress his sister head affectionately. He eyed her not because of the sudden shock but the minimal aura her sister poses.

Zi Ling notice his older brother suspicious look and suppress her cold aura. She smiled like a morning sun washing his older brother doubt.

Her family become suspicious with her sudden change of attitude but they let it pass.

At Night,

Su Zi Ling came back to her room, knowing no one's checking her the sudden change on her aura gushed out.

She walked to the bronze mirror and slowly taking of her dress. You can noticed a snake tattoo on her back is glowing.

Royal Family! Wei Family! I'm Su Zi Ling is back!

Thank you for checking out my story ?

Im an amateur writer and a very inspired reader. I just wanted to share my dreams to all of you and here it is.

Note: (Pinay po ito) Filipino is my first language so Im struggling hehe but its also a good practice naman dba ☺️

Feel free to correct my mistake.

The next update will be tomorrow ♥

Devonnnncreators' thoughts