
New Year, New Training! Brilliant Detective Skills!

A week has passed since we got Luna, and I have to say, she's a well-mannered cat! We haven't had any problems with her at all. It was the start of the new year, and instead of worrying about Work-Studies for today, we instead had to go through some sort of investigation course. Mr. Aizawa only allowed a few of us at a time. I was grouped up with Shinso, Jiro, Momo, Tokoyami and Kaminari. The only thing Mr. Aizawa told us was that a villain has robbed a jewelry store and has taken hostages inside. He called out to the villain and that was that, we were on our own from then on out.

"So, what do we do?" Kaminari asked.

I peered out from behind a wall in an alleyway that gave us a clear shot of the jewelry store.

"We need to observe what's going on inside the store, then we can survey our options." Momo answered.

"Alyx, do you think you can see what's inside using your Quirk?" Jiro questioned.

I nodded, "I can do something that my Great Grandfather's friend taught me!"

I closed my eyes, placed my hands to the sides of me and took my breaths in and out.

"Beast Breathing, Seventh Form: Spatial Awareness." I muttered.

I could see the layout of the jewelry store. The villain had 3 hostages, one towards the entrance, and two behind a counter. I opened my eyes and stood up.

"There's only three hostages and the villain is facing the doorway. The front entrance has been barricaded, but there is a back entrance." I informed them.

"So, how are we going to get in without attracting his attention?" Tokoyami wondered.

"Well, I can teleport one of you in there with me, the rest of you will have to go around into the back of the jewelry store so you don't attract his attention. So, the only question here is who's coming with me?" I replied.

Shinso stepped forward, "I will. If he tries to run, it's better if both of us were there, especially if you miss him if you try to catch him with your Overdrive Whip."

I nodded and Shinso grabbed my shoulder. I reminded everyone as to what they needed to do, and we teleported into the backroom of the store. I looked around the doorway and saw blood on the ground. Present Mic, Midnight, and Cementoss were playing the hostages, but who was playing the villain? I crept out and saw the villain dead on the floor! Was... Endeavor playing the villain?

"Shinso, I need you in here." I told him.

He walked in and surveyed the area as the others walked in. They looked shocked and surprised.

"Woah, holy shit! He's been murdered?!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"So it seems, but we can't assume that just yet. We have witnesses in here that could tell us more." Tokoyami replied.

I walked up to Midnight and untied her, she fell into me and started crying.

"Oh my God, it was horrible, Braveheart! He... He..." She cried.

I kicked it into my Pro Hero mindset, "Hey, it's alright, whatever happened is over now. Please, tell me everything that happened to the best of your abilities."

"W-Well... I was in the area and I decided to buy some accessories, but when I came in, the villain was here and he caught me when I was still too surprised to do anything." Midnight explained.

She's definitely living up to the act, that's for sure. I looked out of the window towards the police cut outs. Something was rubbing me wrong about them, who would've called the police in this situation? I couldn't make any assumptions until we figured out what happened from the other hostages. Cementoss and Present Mic told us their side of the story

"So, if they were all tied up by the villain, then how did any of them kill him?" Kaminari wondered.

"It couldn't have been a murder; it must've been a suicide. He was the only one wielding the knife at the time, and the hostages were put in locations far enough away from him." Momo concluded.

"That could be it, but we're still missing something, why exactly would he do it? Clearly, he could've outran the police and their bullets wouldn't have done anything to him. The more and more I think about this, the more things don't add up. He would've had no reason to commit suicide unless if he was cornered by a bunch of Pro Heroes alongside the police. Speaking of that, why would he have barricaded himself in? Shouldn't he have ran off with the jewelry instead?" I questioned.

Cementoss spoke up, "Not quite, while I was putting the jewelry in the bag, the police had arrived. I never contacted them, I'm not sure who did."

"That means that you must've called them. You said it yourself that you came into the store as the villain was inside, which means you must've seen him from a distance." Shinso pointed at Midnight.

"W-What? But..." Midnight replied.

That's what was missing! I knew something was off about this situation, but I couldn't figure out what. Now, the only thing left was to figure out why she did it.

"That must've been why the villain barricaded themselves in, not out of fear, but out of shock. He didn't think that you knew about this robbery, so you called the police and ran in after him, attempting to persuade him out of it. You knew him outside of this, Midnight. The villain didn't want the relationship between you and himself to be known, so he took his own life after seeing the others rush by to head into the store." I explained.

"Alyx, how could you tell?" Jiro wondered.

I lifted up my finger that had a bit of Overdrive on it, "It's easy once you're reading someone's mind. Plus, most of the signs were clearly directed towards Midnight the second she told us her story. All we needed to do was further evaluate the situation just to solidify our case."

Midnight looked down and nodded, further proving my theory. I looked over to the villain and noticed that he was slightly breathing. I activated Mode Four just to make sure I was seeing things right. I placed my hands out in front of me.

"Heaven's Gates: Bind!" I shouted.

My gate construct pinned the villain to the ground and I kept my hands out.

"A-Alyx! What are you...?" Kaminari's voice trailed off.

Momo knelt down and felt for a pulse, "He was playing dead, he's still alive! He must've only gone an inch or so in his chest, it wasn't anything fatal."

I heard slow clapping and I looked behind me.

"Congrats, you guys did better than the last group. Definitely a bit quicker, but nonetheless, good job." Mr. Aizawa complimented.

We wrapped the lesson up and walked back to the locker room.

"Dude, that was some nice detective work! You really carried the team!" Kaminari complimented.

"Thanks! I guess watching Forensic Files with Momo really helped me out." I replied.

"Let's not forget how somewhat obvious some of the things were." Shinso added.

[10 Minutes Later...]

We were dismissed from class after the lesson. I was listening to the Deep Dope album Jiro gave me for Christmas when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to see Momo standing in front of my door.

"Is it just me or have you gotten shorter?" I joked.

"You know I've got a clean shot of your kneecaps and my foot is more than ready to deliver it." Momo smirked.

I laughed and shook my head, "What's up, darling?"

"May I meet your Mother? I've already meet your siblings, but I never met your Mother." She asked.

I sat there and hundred different things went through my mind. Not only was my mother going to meet Momo, but I'm pretty sure Annie and Kariya would be there too... I could already see it now...

"Sure! We can leave now if you'd like." I responded.

[15 Minutes Later...]

I knocked on my Mother's door and she opened it, "Alyx? What a pleasant surprise! Come on in!"

We walked through the door, I took Momo's coat and hung it up.

"Oh? Who's this you have with you?" My Mother asked.

"This is my girlfriend, Momo." I answered.

My Mother gasped and started pinching my cheeks.

"This is so cute! My handsome young man is in love!" My Mother beamed.

"M-Mom...!" I whined.

"Oh my!" Momo smiled.

My Mother stopped pulling at my face and she went over and gave Momo a hug. We walked into the living room where Annie was watching T.V. Liz saw me and Momo and ran over to us.

"Aly! Ms. Momo!" She grinned.

I knelt down and picked her up as she giggled, "Hey, kiddo!"

She leaned over my shoulder and gave Momo a hug as well. Annie turned her head and waved.

"Yo! It's been a while, how's it going?" Annie asked.

"It's been great! We got a cat!" I replied.

Liz gasped, "You gotta kitty cat?! Mommy, can I spend the night with Aly?"

"No, sweetheart, maybe I can see if Eraser Head will let you have another playdate with Eri?" My Mother told her.

"Okay! Hey, Ms. Momo, I made you something!" Liz nodded.

I set her on the ground and she ran to her room.

"Have you two eaten yet?" My Mother called out from the kitchen.

"No, we haven't!" I yelled to her.

Liz came downstairs in a hurry and held a little stuff doll that looked just like Momo in her hero suit!

"I made this at school! My teacher helped me with the clothes and shoes!" Liz beamed.

She handed it to Momo and she smiled, "This is wonderful! Thank you, Lizzie!"

We all sat down at the kitchen table and Kariya stumbled out of his room. He looked at Momo, then me, and then Annie.

"Well, this is new, I didn't expect you to be home for dinner." Kariya greeted.

He sat down and yawned, "So, how's that little hero school stuff going for you guys?"

"It's... Going good." Momo replied.

My Mother sat a hot pan of lasagna in the middle of the table, Momo glanced over at me.

"What's he doing here? I thought Kariya was a villain?" Momo asked me telepathically.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story. He's good now, I think? I'll explain it after dinner." I responded.

"You know I can legit hear everything you're saying, right?" Kariya added.

"And if you're wanting to know," Kariya said out loud, "Since pops died, I figured I should help out around the house instead of being some arrogant prick-"

Mom grabbed Kariya's ear and pulled it upwards using her Rage Quirk.

"We DON'T cuss at the table, Kariya." She scolded.

Kariya grabbed the red & black shadowy arm, "S-Sorry, Mom!"

My Mother retracted her shadow arm back and stopped using her Quirk. I tried not to laugh because I guarantee you, she would've done the same thing to me.

[1 Hour Later...]

After dinner, I said goodbye to my Mother and the others, and we flew back to the dorms. I heard Momo sigh as we kept flying towards Heights Alliance.

"What's on your mind, Momz?" I asked.

"It's already the new year and we're gonna be third years. Honestly, I'm gonna miss the others once we're graduated." Momo told me.

I nodded, "I am too, but hey, I'm pretty sure we'll run into them. Deku and Bakugo especially, I wouldn't be surprised if we work with them a lot when we're Pros."

We landed down in front of the dorms and the first thing I heard was screaming. I grabbed the door handle and Momo & I walked inside. Kaminari was standing on top of the kitchen table with Mina, Uraraka was floating in the air, Bakugo was on top of the fridge with Deku, and Kirishima had a wooden spoon in his hand.

"THERE'S A FUCKIN' THING IN THERE!" Bakugo shouted to me.

"Good grief... Where is it?" I sighed.

Kirishima stood at the ready as Bakugo pointed at a cabinet. I opened the cabinet and saw this "fearsome creature."

I laughed, "Luna? What are you doing you silly thing!"

I picked her up and everyone calmed down.

"B-But... I saw a..." Mina muttered.

"Huh? You saw a what, Mina?" Momo questioned.

Mina outlined a shape with her hands, "A person! They were this tall and looked like this!"

"Uh... I think you might've been seeing things, Mina. Are you sure that it wasn't just Luna darting around? Cats tend to look pretty long when they dart around." I asked.

"Maybe? I guess it was just the heat of the moment?" Mina replied.

I agreed and I took Luna back upstairs and into my room. I left my room to get ready for bed, although it was 7:00, I was feeling pretty tired. After I showered and did my other things, I walked back into my room. I saw Momo laying in my bed, was she tired too? I got dressed and hopped into bed with her. Something furry hit my leg, so Luna must be under the blanket.

I laid back and turned to face Momo, but I found someone else staring back at me.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! :) )

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