
Dimensional Mayhem! Starting From Square One!

"Who's this hunk? He looks like a total hottie!" Minoru exclaimed.

"This is... Well... Me but from someplace else." Alyxus explained.

Mr... I mean Ms. Aizawa confirmed her explanation. I could tell that some of them were still skeptical about this whole thing, so I decided to show them proof. I activated my Quirk and everyone's eyes lit up.

"No way... This is insane! I'm still unsure about this but, if Alyxus is telling the truth, then I believe her." Yaoyorozu declared.

"Regardless, we're bringing him along with us during our Rescue Training Course today. I suggest you all head to the locker rooms and get ready. I've already arranged a gym uniform to be sent down to the boys locker room, Alyx." Ms. Aizawa told me.

[Several Minutes Later...]

So, this was quite the situation, it was like I was in some role swap episode of a show or something!

"I don't mean to be rude but, what are your names? I'm used to my version of you all." I asked politely.

"Sure! I'm Mina Ashido! This right here is Momo Yaoyorozu, Toru Hagakure, Tsuyu Asui, Ochako Uraraka, and Kyoka Jiro!" Mina introduced.

"Oh, so you guys still have the same names? That makes things easier. I guess the others probably have more feminine names then." I responded.

Momo nodded at me, "That's correct, I'm fairly certain they'll introduce themselves to you on the bus. It's a pleasure to meet you, Alyx Leonidus!"

I walked outside with them and Deku, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Todoroki all walked out.

"Hey! Nice to meet you! I bet all this stuff is super weird, huh?" Kirishima asked.

"Yeah, you can say that again!" I laughed.

She stepped forward and held her hand out, "Eijira Kirishima's the name!"

Okay, that's one name down, about 12 more to go. I shook Kirishima's hand and smiled. Deku stepped forward and introduced herself to me as well.

"Hiya! I'm Izumi Midoriya!" She beamed.

Izumi? I thought Alyxus said "Izuki?" Unless she had a nickname for her already, that could be the case.

"I'm Denko Kaminari! You can call me 'Denks' if you'd like!" Kaminari greeted.

"Alright, cool! This is honestly something I never thought I'd experience in a million years." I replied.

Todoroki looked at me, I could tell there was some level of comfortability between us already, she stepped forward and stared at me.

"Shotai Todoroki." She quietly spoke.

Well, at least she still had that cold, calm sounding voice like Shoto. We all walked to the bus. It felt quite mind blowing that something like this existed, especially to be interacting with counterparts of another world. If I can even call it that. Whatever happened, it must be related to the bathroom of that restaurant, or whatever was in there.

[5 Minutes Later...]

We all boarded the bus and headed towards the U.S.J. I sat next to Bakugo, if I'm gonna be honest, he wasn't that intimidating anymore! I guess it's because he's shorter than me now.

"I'm assuming you're like that girl, Amnesia, right?" She asked.

"Yeah, pretty much, except I know a lot more stuff." I responded.

She looked over at me, "Oh really, is that so? An extra like you knowing more than her? For all I know you're just some asshat with a Copy Quirk."

"If I had a Quirk like that, things probably would be a lot harder for me, trust me." I told her.

We sat there in silence for a while before I added something.

"You know, we're friends where I'm from." I continued.

She scoffed, "Yeah, right! Like I'd be friends with anyone, let alone you! Don't make me laugh."

Yep, definitely the old Bakugo alright. I looked out of the window, I wonder what Momo and the others are doing. Hopefully she didn't think that I ditched her.

[2 Hours Later...]

I stepped off the bus with Izumi, she had some questions for me, and I had a plethora of answers.

"In your time, are you a First Year as well?" She questioned.

"No, truth be told, I'm actually a Second Year." I answered.

"So... You've been through this stuff already? Could you tell me what happened?" Izumi wondered.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm not sure, I don't know if I can."

We walked into the U.S.J. and were greeted by Thirteen. She gave the same speech and introduction to the facility. Right on cue, before we started, a portal appeared in the middle of the facility. Everyone looked shocked and scared.

"Thirteen, protect the students! Iida, go alert the teachers at U.A., hurry!" Ms. Aizawa yelled.

She sprang into action and we all stood there. I knew exactly what was going to happen next! From behind us, Kurogiri appeared, Bakugo and Kirishima stood at the ready. Instead, I stepped forward.

"Huh? What in the fuck are you doing Amnesia?!" Bakugo shouted.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Blue Saiyan Surpassed" by Pokemixr92!)

I smirked and stood in a straight charge-up position.

"HAAAAAAAH!!" I shouted.

My Overdrive aura slowly enveloped my entire body. I brought my arms down and my aura exploded! Everyone stood and stared, even Bakugo was amazed!

"Oh? That's quite a Quirk you've got there, child." Kurogiri complimented.

"Thanks, this... Is Overdrive Mode Five. My body isn't used to this Mode yet. So, this'll be the first time I really used it in battle, if that is, you can handle it." I told him.

Kirishima peered over my shoulder, "Woah, woah, woah! This is so fuckin' manly!"

"He's a hunk and a God?! I think I'm gonna faint..." Minoru exclaimed.

I stood there and stared at Kurogiri, he's surprisingly not changed whatsoever, I guess that's one thing that's at least normal about this. I got in my fighting stance and waited for him to attack!

"Iida, now's your chance!" I shouted.

I darted towards Kurogiri and grabbed the solid part of his body. If I remember right, this is exactly what Bakugo grabbed after he missed! I contained him and myself in a force field.

"A shield? You do realize that I can slip out of this, right?" Kurogiri wondered.

"Sure, go ahead and try it!" I smirked.

He did just that, but was met with agonizing pain! I expanded my force shield and held left an afterimage to hold it up. Kurogiri appeared behind me and knocked me off of him with a fist through a portal! I rebounded by attacking his neck plate, which somehow hurt him! He was sent flying backwards and he slammed into my force shield wall.

"Apologies, I know you've been kind to me, but I still can't let my guard down." I called out to him.

The real question was, how would I detain him in order to help Mr... Ms. Aizawa? Then again, how would I even incapacitate an opponent like him? It seems as if striking his neck plate, it hurts him, that must be the key! I dodged a portal fist from him and darted towards him, zipping by and dodging various portals.

"Overdrive Fist!" I shouted.

I connected with his metal neck plate and rammed him back into the force field wall! He fell to the ground, unconscious and unmoving, and I lowered my force shield.

"Thirteen, he's all yours!" I yelled.

Iida should be back any moment with the U.A. Teachers, now that she had a straight path to the doors this time instead of Kurogiri blocking them! Thirteen dealt with Kurogiri while I ran back over to the others.

"Dude, that was awesome! What was that? Mode Five or whatever?" Mina excitedly wondered.

I nodded, "Yeah, but now's not the time for questions, we need to help Ms. Aizawa!"

"But, we can't, we don't have our Provisional Licenses yet!" Alyxus told me.

Damn it, I forgot completely! Thankfully, we didn't have to worry, since the U.A. Teachers and All Might appeared!

"Fear not... For WE are here!" All Might shouted.

I'm not going to lie, seeing a female All Might, it was probably the scariest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Regardless, I was super happy that they were here! I looked down at the Nomu and Shigaraki, I activated Mode Four and walked towards them.

"A-Alyx, where are you going?" Sero asked.

"Thinning the herd!" I shouted.

I flew straight towards the Nomu and All Might was right next to me.

"Hey, I've never seen you before, you do look familiar! Are you a transfer student?" She asked.

"Yeah, you can say that!" I replied.

All Might and I rocked the Nomu with a huge combination fist! It sent it flying and we followed after it. As I did, I turned my head towards Shigaraki, under the hand on her face I could tell she was grinning! Creepy! I brought my focus to the Nomu once more. This thing can regenerate, I'm not sure what else this thing can do, but it took that punch pretty well!

"All Might, can you distract that thing for a minute please?" I shouted.

She nodded, "Of course!"

All Might leapt into battle with this Nomu. I put my hands to the side and charged up a Full Power Kamehameha! It took me a few seconds to completely charge it up, once I did, I appeared in front of All Might thanks to my Overdrive: Breakdown technique.

"HAA!!" I roared.

The move sent the Nomu flying into the sky and through the U.S.J. building! That was quicker than last time, I'm assuming! I turned my attention to Shigaraki who was staring me down.

"I don't know who you are, but you're really pissing me off, you know that?" She scowled.

"Yeah, I bet I am, Shigaraki! I'm not letting you get your way!" I shouted.

Shigaraki began to scratch her neck, it soon became violent, then she suddenly stopped. She began cackling uncontrollably, which was honestly pretty unsettling.

"How adorable, I wonder how you know who I am? Do you happen to be a recruit turned rogue?" Shigaraki wondered.

I shifted a bit as I felt All Might glance at me. Shigaraki sure was good under pressure, even before getting All For One. She could really spew any sort of story about me right now and it'd sound plausible. In reality, it was just a distraction! She fell backwards into a warp gate! I looked up at the stairs and saw Thirteen on the floor.

"You can revert now, All Might." I told her.

"Wait... How do you...?" All Might wondered.

"Trust me, it's a very long story that might be confusing." I replied.

Thankfully, Thirteen wasn't hurt terribly, so it wasn't too hard to heal him.

"You've got quite the bit of explaining to do." Ms. Aizawa said.

[5 Minutes Later...]

I explained to them my situation and how I seemingly got here in the first place. They didn't seem skeptical at all, I mean, having a student that looked nearly identical to another one just randomly shows up out of thin air? That totally sounds normal.

"It seems as if you were affected by some sort of Quirk. Perhaps something like Kurogiri's but with different properties." Ms. Aizawa theorized.

"That could be the case, but it doesn't explain why it would've happened in the bathroom of a restaurant. Keep in mind, it was one of those singular bathrooms. I know it's weird that a high-class restaurant had singular bathrooms like a house but I didn't really think about questioning it." I told them.

"Interesting, that's quite the conundrum. If it was a Quirk that did it, how would we get you back home, where would we start?" Thirteen wondered.

None of us were sure about it, I pulled out my phone and managed to get reception! I quickly accessed my contacts and called Momo.

"Come on... Pick up... Pick up..." I muttered.

I thought it was going to cut out, but the signal kept up!

"Alyx?! Where are you? Are you okay?" Momo asked.

"Yes! I'm okay, just listen to me, this is gonna sound crazy and I have no idea how much time I have. I'm somehow in some different place, or well, universe I guess? I'm not sure how, but it has something to do with when I went into the bathroom of that restaurant. I want you to relay this to everyone else, I love you!" I explained.

"Will do, I love you too!" She quickly said.

The signal cut out and I lost reception once more. Thank god I got some sort of contact! If everyone was trying to figure out how I could get back home, this would be a lot easier! After that quick phone call, I left the U.S.J. as the teachers and All Might cleaned the place up.

"Alyx." I heard Shotai call my name.

I turned around and saw her walk towards me, "Oh, Shotai, I thought you guys were already on the bus?"

"No, I decided to wait for you." She told me.

I still couldn't get over that first costume Todoroki wore during our First Year. I wasn't sure what exactly they were trying to go with.

"So, what was that back there?" Shotai questioned.

"That? That was my Quirk, or well, what Alyxus' will eventually look like. I've been through quite a lot, but this definitely takes the cake." I chuckled.

We boarded the bus and she sat down next to me, at least nobody was hurt like last time, besides Thirteen. I pulled my phone out and tried to get reception but it wasn't working. I went onto Tramble, thankfully my phone's data still worked! It was so weird, people were actually posting missing posters of me, at least they were spreading awareness. Shotai leaned over and looked at me phone.

"Is that Tramble? I never understood it at all." She noted.

"Oh, yeah, it is! It's not really too hard, but there's not much point in it if I'm gonna be honest." I replied

She nodded and returned to her phone. I laid back in my chair and wondered how long I've been missing for. Does time go the same way like over there would? I guess it's kind of a dumb question but anything feels possible at this point. About an hour in, I texted Momo on Tramble, but it wouldn't send at all. All I could do is scroll through Tramble and search the internet for things. I felt my shoulder get heavy and I saw that Shotai was fast asleep. I looked over at my phone and tried to get some answers. This surely wasn't the work of a villain, was it?

"Oh... My... Goodness! Look at that!" Denko squealed.

My eyes narrowed as Denko, Toru and Mina rose from their seats.

"That's soooo cute! Someone needs to take a picture!" Toru exclaimed.

Good grief... At least they're all the same in some aspects. I guess it could've been worse, I could've wound up in a world where they were all villains!

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3 )

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