
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

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69 Chs

Chapter 68: Soul Core

Skillfully landing on the ruin paved floor, Zyro access his surrounding. The underground chamber didn't change at all, jagged stone debris lay everywhere. Between two ravaged ancient wall, that's barely recognizable. The ceiling above had long collapsed, downing with it tons of rubbles onto the cracked floor.

"You've been gone for an unnaturally long time. If I guessed correctly, something troublesome had happened that prevented you from coming earlier. And judging by your improper stance, you've been endured considerably... hmm, Interesting. Please, do tell your story to this bored old man. Mr. Dark Knight" Said Depter, whose currently sitting on a medium rock. Like before, the magic rune of light was shining at the center of the wrecked room, providing radiance to those inside.

Zyro wore his helmet in the presence of Depter to mask his true face from the mysterious Sage. Therefore, he still called him knight.

Having robbed of his freedom, and forced to spend his life in tedious solitude. The Sage only source of entertainment was Zyro's tales from the outside world. To the point he'll agreed to unequal trading with the fallen knight. His stories had almost no value, while a powerful mage service are invaluable. But for a bored sage, it's more than enough. Primarily because Depter had nothing to do with his magic.

As Zyro narrate what happened to him outside, along some random rumors he heard as per the old man request. Depter cast healing spells on him to fix his bruises and fractured rib in his chest. The old mage wasn't an expert healer, but he could fix simple cracks and wounds as long as there's no missing pieces.

Amidst his narrating, Zyro finally came to the part when he encountered the Blinker and express his wonder to the strange power and flaw it displayed.

"Unlike other monster, the Blinker are Illogically powerful. I know some beast are strong. However, that thing speed are just too much. But what's with the Blinker flawed behavior when I don't shut my eyes? It just stood there, until it figured out that I'm not going to blink. But it crawled, instead of moving so fast as it's supposed to. Why did it not used it's godspeed ability? Or can it? Any idea?"

Depter listen attentively, not missing a single word. He lingered for a while, hesitating, but nodded in the end.

"Gift, that's what it's called."

Zyro didn't put all his hopes up that the old sage would actually know the secret behind the Blinker unheard power. To his delight, Depter knew it and what's it's called.


"Yes, considering that it's potent ability had fault, it is indeed one. You see, Gifts are exceptionally powerful abilities given to individuals by something unknown. No one knew it's source, it just suddenly appeared to a few living beings worthy of welding those harrowing powers. However, as you had seen, although the Blinker possess a Gift, it had a flaw. Gifts are powerful but not without setbacks because receiving one also means receiving it's counterpart. Curses. Judging by what you had told me, the gifted monster you face are Cursed to be seen and unseen for it to activate it's Gift."

Zyro digest that information quickly.

"In summary, being Gifted is also being Cursed. As for it's origin, no one knew."

Depter added.

"And the greater the Gift, the more harrowing the Curse is."

'First, ascension of life which blessed Marks, soul relics and abilities as they ascend in life. Second, Language of gods that can be utilize through the use of scribing with mana, letting mages bends nature. And now, Cursed Gifts?! While I have none. I'm truly am fortunate. Hehe.' Zyro slammed his face internally, cursing the world's unfairness.

Before moving to what he really wanted to know. After all, it greatly concerned his wellbeing.

After describing how he trick the Gifted monster to death. Depter was visibly amused, oftentimes cutting Zyro's narration to raise questions for clearer explanation. It took longer than expected due to the old man desiring every details of his battle. After a while, Zyro arrived at the point where he could pose the important question.

"When I was driving my sword through the Blinker pupil, I felt something glass-like cracked inside as my blade fully sunk. That's when something wierd happened, ethereal black smoke suddenly emerge from the monster and went into my soul. It's painful, for a while before disappearing as if nothing happened. However, I've been feeling strange lately since that day."

Sensing the healing spell stop, Zyro turn to look at the old mage who became oddly silent. Depter amusement gone, replaced by disturbed expression with a touch of disbelief. He stare at the dark knight with wide eyes, mixed emotions raging in his ires.

Noticing Depter's momentary silence and stunned face, Zyro began worrying for himself.

Finally, the old man manage to squeeze out this few words.

"...What have you done."

Tense silence befall within the room, hinting how dire their topic is.

Zyro swear at himself.

The ancient man wasn't one to joke. His serious expression look too genuine to be an act, too. Those four words Depter had said were enough to make him realized what he meant.

You made a big mistake.

Depter speechlessness volume the graveness of what Zyro had unknowingly committed.

Seconds past in suffocating silence. Zyro, as the doer had complicated emotions raging within him. He had alot of questions, but keep his heart and words to himself as he maintain composure.

Finally, Depter broke the quietness with a heavy sighed.

"It can't be helped, what's done is done. It's a shame, really, after years of loneliness. Meeting you are an honor. However, this is what the cruel fate decided. It's not your fault." Depter voice was crestfallen when he said those words as he patted Zyro's shoulder. Implying the completion of the healing session.

His body are restored, but he didn't feel good inside. Zyro didn't knew why, but Depter saying his goodbye as if everything is over for him wasn't pleasant to hear. It's like a doctor diagnosing a patient that he have an incurable disease.

Growing tired bottling his emotion, Zyro voiced. If his gonna die, or worse as Depter hinted, might as well know the cause. No matter how cruel the truth is, Zyro will bear it to his grave.

"At least tell me what the heck is going on." Said Zyro, rare annoyance sipping in his words.

Despite his urgent demand with a touch of impatience to know what he had the right to know. the Sage didn't answer shortly, as he showed reluctance to impart this specific knowledge. But in the end, Depter decided to do so, for a dying man wish.

"What I'm about to tell you are forbidden, not only by the North continent, but the entire world itself. You see, we creatures are blessed with the ascension of life, giving us Marks. Those Mark's on our body are simply as they're called. Mark, nothing more. Because what truly change us as we ascend in rank are our body, soul and mind by evolving into a higher existences, becoming more perfect and refined. The marks are just there to display our level. As we became greater, we start showing visible signs of superiority. One of that change concerned a beings soul from existing spiritually, to physically. However, that only occured at particular circumstances."

The old man catch his breath before continuing.

"When a creature possessing high Mark, so as superior body died while having deep inclination of life, such as deep grudges, refusing to leave their lived ones, unfulfilled wishes and thirst for revenge and so on. They won't miraculously revive to finish their incomplete jobs. However, If the deadman remnant desire are strong and his body are superior enough. The unwavering thoughts of the mind, coupled with the body and soul will caused combining, giving birth to a Soul Core. A spherical ball that represents a beings soul itself, in it were powers of its owner that they're willing to bestow to accomplish their unfulfilled wishes. You can consume it by breaking it, the lower it's grade, the more fragile it is."

Out if breath, Depter stopped to rest his dried mouth. Hoping that the knight understood everything he had explained, therefore leading him to realize the underlying truth of what happened at the end of his battle against the Blinker, and how he made the crucial mistake that damned him.

Indeed, Zyro figured it out thanks to plenty of clues Depter had shared.

'So that's how it is. The Blinker was one of those creatures that bear deep attachment to life, allowing it to form a Soul Core at the moment of its death, which I accidentally broke. The ethereal black smokes that went into me were the process of the Soul Core consumption.'

Although, Zyro unknowingly received some so called power from it. He wasn't happy at all. Powers doesn't come for free, that's for sure.

Because the problem is...

"Let me get this straight. Soul Cores does not only bestow power of its owners, but also their unaccomplished will. So, who ever received it are obligated to do their bidding."

Depter somberly nodded.

"Yes, and what you unintentionally get belongs to a monster."

Everyone was aware of monsters savage nature. Their minds were corrupted, wild and twisted to the cruel side. Driven only by bodily desires, they eat when they're hungry, they mate when wanted and brought harm to those who harm them. They lack the concept of love, empathy, mercy and kindness. Leaving nothing but ferocious appearance with deranged minds directed to survival.

'Meaning, I'm doomed.'

The Soul Core does gave him unknown power, however, along with it came certain madness. The type one would expect from savage creatures to possess.

Whatever the Blinker twisted wish had passed on to Zyro, there's no fixing it.

'Then... Why can't I feel it?'