
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

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69 Chs

Chapter 6: The climb

Dusk had painted clouds in red, as the sitting sun fall into the horizon.

Under the shadows of the mysterious land held Above cloud. Zyro, wearing a light cybernetic suit of armor possessing transcendence beauty of technology and intricate architectural design colored in black. However, it's once polished surface had lost it's luster. Littered with scratches and dents. As though he just came from a ruthless war.

Currently, his hanging upside down. His boots were wrapped by thick roots, preventing him from falling into the land below. The roots that held him was long, stretching upwards and disappearing into the vast darkness above.

With his body slowly spinning clockwise, Zyro's front finally face his mysterious neighbor, The madman. Whose at the same, hanging state.

"What took you so long?" Ask the man with a muffled voice.

Zyro stare at him with traumatized eyes. Hollow and distant, hinting how much cruelty he've undergone. After sometime, he took a deep breath.

"Piece of cake my a*s" Zyro complained with trembling lips.

Indifferent to what's Infront of him. A horrifying four armed demon clad in onyx armor of inhumane craftsmanship. Perfectly outlining his slender, mascular physic. One would suspect it's his own skin itself.

Looking at the man's visage, Zyro felt shivers running down his spine. He had imagine his neighbor figure as reflection of madness - ugly, messy and disoriented. However, what's Infront of him was the devil himself. Specially the madman's mask. Jagged razor sharp teeth, zigzagging to form a horrid smile. With two horns drawn back, and a deep dark, visor. Hiding nothing but darkness instead of eyes.

The dullness in Zyro's eyes slowly fade, regaining it's clarity. Alongside the throbbing headache and unease due to his blood flowing to his head.

However, compare to what he gone through this past few hours, it's nothing but trivial ache.

Because of Zyro's lack of knowledge and time, he decided to follow his neighbor plan. However, he soon regretted that decision.

The hanging chambers are one of the most horrid prison due to it's toughness and ruthless nature. Engaging prisoners in a variety of torturous traps, inside it's unbreakable bars which Zyro was able to cut through. However, although his blade can pierce it's walls. The root cage will continuously restore if large damaged are done.

Hence, the madman planned to use the cage varying traps. That's when it all biggin.

Zyro and his neighbor triggered traps after traps. Snake-like griping roots, dark airless cage, sprouting roods of wood, compressing chamber, whipping roots and so on. Miraculously, Zyro survived thanks to his cybernetic suit. Even so, there's some narrow death moments.

After all that, they reach the certain trap the Madman spoke off. Hence, they're hanging upside down, making their blood flow to their heads. Increasing headache until it became sickeningly unbearable.

Zyro still remember when this trap is triggered. The cage roots wrapped his boots and drop him. He fell plunge with dreadful speed before coming to a abrupt halt. Zyro's mind black-out for a moment, followed by a nightmarish head-ache as if his mind had turn to shambles. then the sickening feeling of something inside want to come out of his mouth, nose and eyes. He felt terrible.

Zyro shivered, trying to forgot that traumatizing experience. No wonder his neighbor gone mad.

Feeling his sickening headache worsen, Zyro decided to execute the second step of the plan.

He bend his head to stare upward, at the groaning rope as it swing gently, it's long stretch disappearing in the dark above. He sighed, and launch his head forward curling up his body as he reach for his fetter feet. Talking toll on his sore muscle, supported by the barely functional exoskeleton. He barely make it. Grabbing the relatively durable group of about six strings of roots slovenly bounded together to form a rope about the size of an adult forearm.

With some effort, he lift his upper body up, causing the rope to swing harder.

Finally, his at standing position. Catching his breathe and letting blood return in his lower haft.

Almost two days had past since he woke up to this world. Allowing him to recovered some of his lost memories. Such as his suit features.

Informing him that there was actually a body enhancement drug, but had long expired and now considered lethal.

Furthermore, rather than his right hand retractable blade, the armor also possess an attached airgun on the left forearm, with only two spare bullet.

There's also other features such as soundless boots, mini air tank, exoskeleton, night vision, filtration mask.

Zyro heaved a sigh of relief knowing his not completely defenseless for the night to come.

A few minutes later, Zyro finished his repose and release his retractable blade. Slashing the root restraining wrapped around his foot with all his might. It offer some difficulty but gave in the end.

Grabbing onto the rope, unbounded by the roots anymore. Zyto pulled himself up further. Thanks to the roots messy bound, leaving loosen gaps to stick his finger and foot. Climbing became easier. He then use his weight to swing left and right, bringing him closer to his neighbor. Who's currently climbing up using his four arms with retrained feet.

After multiple to and fro. With a bit hassitation, Zyro let go, catching the neighboring rope and grip tightly. Causing it to shook.

Fully concentrated, Zyro climb up, stroking his fingers to the layer of roots before pulling himself up, and repeating the process. Until reaching the tall neighbor who stop climbing. The tall knight nodded signaling him to unleash his trussed foot.

Under his neighbor with a blade in hand. Zyro suppress his urge to cut the man's foot along the tangled roots. After all, it's inconvenient to have a impaired ally in war. He then slash with his blade with difficulty, taking a several to and fro until finally freeing the madman.

Although, now he've outgrown his use. Zyro had no choice but to free his neighbor. Furthermore, killing Zyro do no benefits.

"5 hours, that's all we have to get to the Highland, If not... "

There's no need to warn Zyro for he knew the dire consciences.

Zyro look down with a bitter expression.

Far, far below them pass the clouds, where the collosal roots drop. Behold an evergreen land, tiny houses and a gloomy ancient castle stood between the gigantic roots, buried in the soil. Zyro could tell that's a kingdom or a prospering city under this floating land. With scattered tiny villages. However, his attention was cought by a crude ring made of misty gas, circling the entire region. Serving as a wall of fog. Although it look small from thus distance, Zyro wasn't fooled. He can't even imagine the sheer size of the thing.

Zyro sighed internally and look beyond the wall of fog but found nothing interesting - There's no civilization, just forestry.

He then shifted his gaze upwards. To the long line they'll be climbing towards the land above. Wondering. What could have produce this roots? What's up there?

He didn't wonder what the enemy they'll face for he already knew them. The Gricks, born with wings to soure the sky, with razor sharp claws. Facing thousands of them won't be an easy task.

As the drowning sun slowly plunge in the sea of crimson clouds. A strange calmness rested in Zyro's mind.

The long and arduous climb begin.