
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

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69 Chs

Chapter 37: Life is hard

Zyro wasn't planning to die, but quite the opposite, actually. Under streaming rays of moonlight through the leaves. He jumped high and strong enough to not be reached by the hungry predator. The eyeless hound could only follow his "delicious" scent, snapping its jaw as Zyro descended.

His heartbeat grew wild mid-air. The approaching gale made his tattered garment flutter, and his raven hair dance. Zyro's arms were folded, guarding his head as he plunged through a cluster of leaves and thin branches. He had already carefully chosen his landing path to avoid tough tree limbs that might hinder his drop. After what feels like an eternity, which only lasted for a mere seconds. Zyro stretched out his gloved hands, catching a durable branch he had long anticipated. Gripping it tightly, his body's vertical drop took a horizontal turn as he swung. The branch his clenching bends from his weight and falling momentum. But held tough, until he let go and rolled to the ground. Safely landing. If not for his gloves, the skin in his palm would have pilled off.

Without time to praise the successful stunt. Zyro hastily dashed as fast as he could. Leaving the furless beast in the tree's top. Alone and confused about what to do, climbing was already hard enough for that handless body of it. So a safe descent was out of the question, it lingered for a moment for it was a living being that knew fear too. Left without options, the eyeless hound freed its claw attachment and fell. Its hairless body collided against benches, causing leaves to rustle as the beast stumbled miserably while shrieking in agony. Before pathetically hitting the hard ground with a bone-breaking sound. Injuring the vicious beast. Partially due to its carelessness and heavyweight. It stayed there lying for a second. Before ferociously giving chase, wearing a drooling grin with a hint of rage.

Far away, Zyro greedily breathes cold air to supplement his burning lungs. Already feeling the strain of running with all his might. Sweats run down his body, despite the chilling atmosphere of the night. His wet hand was freezing, shivers constantly running down his spine, and his heart beating wildly. Contrasting to Zyro's impassiveness a minute ago. Of course, his scared to his wits end. But remain composed throughout this entire ordeal. No matter how dangerous and dire the situation may be, Zyro's mind remains calm and calculative.

Hearing noises resounding in his back. Zyro gritted his teeth and continued running, his eyes were too preoccupied with watching for additional perils and standing logs he might stumble upon. Specially focused on the terrain to avoid something stupid as death by tripping.

Fortunately, there seem to be no nearby monstrosities. The eyeless hound was too much for him to handle already. Zyro prayed no more came.

Despite his all-out sprint, the predator chasing him only grew closer, but not as fast as before. Still, it won't take long for it to catch up. Zyro cursed before suddenly frowning, finding something strange in the sound his hearing. He spared a quick glance back and saw the chasing eyeless hound staggering and bumping into trees. Of course, it can't see anything, it doesn't have an eye! So, its perception is limited to vague instinct and smelling. Not the best senses to avoid rough obstacles while swiftly running.

A grin appeared on Zyro's face. And changed his course from a straight run to a zigzagging sprint. Sure, the eyeless hound's superior sense of smell can track Zyro's exact location, and also, probably perceive tree's due to their woody scent. However, the native scent of earth and wood was all over the place. Hence, sensing theme was much harder, specially when briskly moving.

The eyeless hound stumbled and brushed again tree logs grew in frequency. Disoriented by it's prey switching direction. Greatly reducing its speed, so that Zyro could maintain safe distance. This regimen continued for a long time, infuriating the beast even more. It's movement became wilder as time went by, the hound tough hairless hive constantly collided without care as it growl, with furious mind focusing solely on reaching it's prey.

That prey, Zyro. Was having another dire problem. A common issue of his body that he've always been discontented - lacking stamina. Not like it was insufficient, in truth. Zyro's endurance was far superior than mundane humans, thanks to his cruel daily routine testing it's limit every day. Yet... Against an injured, unseeing hound with the Mark of an Alpha, Zyro's bodily capabilities paled miserably. The only Zyro could be thankful about right now is the absence of other predators littering around... Which is, strange.

But Zyro was too busy running to marveled about mysterious phenomenons. Feeling his leg muscles burn, bathed in sweat. Breathing heavily as he pass through timbers and bushes. Zyro jumped over a fallen log and finally, he saw hope ahead.

A distance away forward. At the end of the forest, the small mountain side can be seen. It's inclined surface littered by myriads of fallen rubble's in all shapes and sizes, as though caused by landslides.

The eyeless hound growl in his back, sending shivers down his spines for it was loud. Terrifying loud in fact. Meaning, the beast is dangerously close, and closing further as seconds past. While his legs are starting to falter. Zyro felt it burn, screaming to stop.

'Just a little more!, and more!, and more!'

He shouted in his mind with gritted teeth. Zyro knew words won't magically bless him strength. But keep uttering motivational none sense nevertheless. Somehow finding solace in his own shitty, if not awkward inner speeches. Such as.

'You didn't cross the universe to be eaten by a ducking dog! Are you!'

Of course he didn't. Zyro hold the hope's of earth after all. A dog, no matter how monstrous it might be won't be his end.

Soon, Zyro reached the stony clearing of the mountain side. Steeping into rough, uneven ground. Zyro's eyes darted around in search for a specific spot. And as soon as he did, without care for grace. He leaped towards a gathering of rubble's between two large stone fragments were he had hidden his black, cybernetic armor. And hastily dug it out, pushing away the shrouding rocks.

It was a race of time. The eyeless raging hound was mere seconds away, craving to bit into his flesh and tear him to shreds.

With the rocks removed, Zyro's hand searched for an specific part inside with calm movements.

But his mind was in turmoil. Scared to his core.

'Duck!Duck!duck!duck! Where is that ducking thing! I'm gonna be eaten here! Damned it!'

A second past. Then another, and another. At the next moment, the ferocious hairless hound emerge from the forest. Directly heading to the crouched young man with his back facing the feral beast. Without delay, the eyeless hound leaped towards Zyro with wide opened mouth full of zigzagging blood dyed teeth's.

At the last second, Zyro twist his waist to face the disturbing creature. Lunching his right fist forward with all his might. Heading towards the eyeless hound wide, gaping maw that's wide enough to swallow his head whole.

His armored forearm unleashed a silver blade went inside the devouring maw, as the beast snap it close. The eyeless hound razor teeth's colliding again black steel. Zyro felt his heart skip a beat for a moment there, imagining his arm being reaped by the beast crushing jaw. But it did not. Putting a wicked smirk on Zyro's face.

"Who's grinning now you damned dog" He muttered, heavily breathing.

Their skirmish only lasted one second... And that's all it took to decide the victor. It wasn't the mighty, ferocious beast of the first mark. But the weak, pathetic slave of the mine. Zyro.

The tip of the short blade can be seen sprouted behind the furless head. It was unleashed along the punch while the beast greedily charged. Skewering its own head in the process. Ten silver blade went through the creatures neck bone, severing it's spine.

The eyeless hound abruptly twitched for a few moments before finally dying.

With his gauntlet stuck, Zyro leaned back against the rock. Panting heavily as he calm his racing heart. He look up, silently gazing at the glittery night sky with two pale moon. One azure, the other dyed in crimson.

Zyro clicked his tongue, grunting.

"Tsk, neutral my ass. Is that blue moon just a decorations?"

A feminine voice resounded in his head.

[Congratulations for living another day]

He ponder about Aizra's words as though remembering something.

"That's it? No rewards or something? Not even a praise?"

He joked, recalling power giving systems in anime's he viewed.

His mental illness. I mean, Aizra, replied without delay.

[I am merely a mental Artificial Intelligence. My capabilities are limited by logic, and am unable to bless you rewards such as skill, items etc. Out of nowhere. Please burn this in your damned head. Reality it hard.]

That statement almost bought Zyro to tears.

However, Aizra bring solace. Saying.

[However, if it you want a reward. I can sing you a song.]

Zyro smiled.

"You'll do it for me? How sweet of you. Please do."

Following that, Aizra sang three words that made Zyro want to bang his head. Not like he can scold Aizra by doing that.

[In your dreams]

Zyro sighed in frustration. For not being able to dug out his AI infested brain. He could only blame himself for Aizra's attitude. She learned from him after all.

Looking at the hairless hound disturbing visage. Zyro winced. Before turning to the direction where his starship fallen.

'Who need magical rewards if there's destructive weapons and high speed aircraft just under water.

His ordeal in the wilderness wasn't over yet.