
(Lost Legend)

Cyber era: year 11355 After thousands years of constant progressive developments. Catalyst came to Earth in a form of extraterrestrial cyan crystal, driving humans to the verge of extinction. In fear in another strike that may wipe the entirety of humanity. With what little remains, they formed STELLAR - The utmost elites humans could produce, boarding a grandest galactic vessel to venture towards endless galaxy in search of Catalyst origin. After countless years traveling through the endless expanse of starlit void. STELLAR had finally fallen. Leaving one miraculous survivor to carry it's impossible mission - Find and destroy Catalyst. Zyro, a forced recruit from the slums had only wanted to live in life. Nothing ambitious worth bragging about. However, never on his wildest dreams would he expected to find himself as the last remnant of STELLAR. Waking up in a world of magic and swords.

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69 Chs

Chapter 26: Swift Assault

The long caravan carrying dozens of magic stones made it's way through the forest, trailing a rural path. Tall trees can be seen as it past. On its side, guards and slaves protected the caravan with stern expressions on their faces.

Zyro was one of theme.

The Mine were located in a secluded part of the Foggy Ring, so the route they're taking was an exclusive road and not used much. Deeming it unimportant for other forces to clear the danger that lurk around this region. Raising the possibility of attack from vicious beast. Particularly for a caravan of this size occupied by hundreds of people.

"Don't worry Zyro, your being worried to much. Trust me, I've done this work dozens of times. It's not that bad" Pert comforted. There's a bump in his golden head made by Zyro fist.

"Oh, do say. How many times did the caravan got attack?" Questioned Zyro.

Pert gave a bitter smile, hesitating.

"Ah... One."

"One what?" Ask Zyro suspiciously.

"There's one trip that we didn't get attacked."

Zyro face -palmed.

In a dozen trip, there's a single chance that they might not be attacked. But considering Zyro's luck, the monsters assault was certain.

'Then let them come then, how bad could it be?'

Pert had told Zyro stories about monsters in this world. The minority were born prey, weaker than people in this world and was hunted for their meat. While the majority can only be described as viciously terrifying predators. Some capable enough to feast on entire villages, and threaten cities. What's worse, this monstrosities are known to have abilities but seldomly.

Despite this harrowing creatures existence, Zyro wasn't worried. Because those abominations lived outside, beyond the great Wall of fog. The interior of the Foggy Ring was long rid of the most hazardous monsters. Leaving a few that slipped in the cleansers hands, which are generally weak beasts.

Once again, Zyro was reminded of his inferiority. Unlike earth, where humans reign supreme and animals was mere livestock meant to fill their plates. This world people in contrast feared the predatory beasts, trying their best not be their meal. This may also partially the reason why they're not that advance.

As the caravan went on, Zyro used to time to study the beast language through Pert. Surprisingly, the kid have potential to become a language teacher. Although his explanation were not professional level, its understandable. But considering his age and status, his skills are nothing but impressive. Zyro learn quickly, mostly thanks to his mental AI recording everything that's being thought. Due to this, Zyro just keep asking translations of words one after another in a fast pace. Skipping the explanations. Making Pert perplexed, Zyro was quite pleased and given the kid one stone. So he did what he was told.

Pert keep blabbering all of what he know tirelessly. Fortunately, the blonde is an Aster with overflowing vitality and quite a chatter box. While Zyro listened with an even expression.

Hours past, and finally. Pert's mouth dried, he complained in a raspy voice.

"Are you even listening? I'm been talking for hours. Zyro, you won't learn the Beast language easily this way. How about we take it slowly? My throat can't take it anymore!"

Hearing the lad pitiful plead, Zyro sighed. And Said in a fluent beast language.


Pert expression froze, staring at Zyro with wide eyes.

It had only been three days since Zyro started studying. No mundane mind can master a language with such a short amount of time. Of course, it's mainly due to his Mental AI aid, recording the words for translation for him to say.


Just before Pert finished his words, A bulky man stride beside them. Bumping to Zyro without care, knocking him down. Zyro was about to subconsciously retaliate with words but Pert quickly gripped his shoulder, pulling him with some force. Stopping him from saying anything.

Zyro turn to the kid. And saw a rare stern and nervous expression on Pert's face. Warning him to not offend the man any way at all cost.

As the man walk away, the slaves made way. When he reached far enough distance, Pert heave a sigh of relief. Before saying to Zyro with a shameless smile.

"Zyro... I have forgotten to tell you something crucial. But I might remember it if you give me some magic crystals"

'This stingy brat'

Zyro took a deep breath, and raise his fist.

"Would you like me to jog that memory of yours?"

Pert's smile froze as he wave his hand in denial.

"Oh, I remembered now."

"Then say it"

The lad recall for a moment.

"Everyone knew that every being ascend in life."

Zyro frowned, confused.

"I don't know much about it, but I'll try explaining. It works like this. For example, if a being were to become unnaturally stronger than others. Wether it's individually or externally enough to overpowered 5 ordinary people. The world will bless that someone with a "Mark" we call this a ascension of life. Because the higher one standing in life become, the higher their mark are. The first Mark is known as "Alpha" it means the beginning. Next to that is "Beta" second, then "Gamma" third. The guard that bump into you is an "Alpha" Trust me Zyro, one punch from him can kill you. So if you have offended him, he could end your life without anyone bathing an eye. No need for thanks."

Zyro look at Pert for a few seconds, before handing him two magic crystal. Which surprised the kid for a few second but quicky accepted the offer. Zyro was quite wealthy today due to the spoils he received from beating the three stalkers.

As for the young lad's stinginess, it's understandable for he had also been a poor brat. Utilizing every opportunity to earn money to make a living. Furthermore, the information he just received hold huge significance, solving a crucial mystery that been bugging him since arriving in this world.

It is said that the definition of power - is the ability to effect the life of others.

Wether it's authority, material, or individual strength. It all account to power that effected others around you for better or worse.

And this world ascension system bonded with this law. If an ordinary person were to train and grow stronger by any means enough to kill 5 average persons, he'll be awarded with the ascension of life. Giving him the first mark (Alpha) - it means "The beginning". And if that person were to grew stronger, becoming more skilled, smarter, or successfully raising an organization that loyally heed his command. Making his presence in the world more pronounce and deadly.

He'll ascend once again, to (Beta) - mean second, then (Gamma) - third. As for what comes next to that. Pert don't know either, a slave knowledge is limited after all. Still, just imagining how much power Kings and emperor's that command thousands of soldiers shivers him.

"You can identify someone's level through the mark in their body, I heard it magically appeared when you ascend. They could also make it show at will." Pert added joyfully.

Zyro gaze at the man visage at a distance, his eyes focused on the Alpha's broad shoulder. Where an tribal tattoo of (A) laid bare, like an masterpieces painted by a god, perfect and refined.

The tattoo he saw was a prof that the man is an Alpha. It appeared mysteriously when people were deemed qualified to be a marked being. The marked people can make it vanish at will, but others tend to show their mark to boast their achievement.

Zyro suspect that the reason behind the Prince and The four-armed demonic knight monstrous strength was due to this Marks. After all, the higher one's mark are, the greater their strength. He didn't know their exact standing in life, but their strength hinted it's height.

As he ponder about it, a sudden epiphany dawn upon him.

With his level of skills and knowledge in combat, his confident of defeating five mundane enemy or more. He had the qualification to ascend and received a mark. Yet, he still wasn't granted one.

'Damned it!'

The answer is simple... Because he can't.

This world ascension of life didn't apply on him for he is a outsider. A being that doesn't belong in this world so it's laws won't affect him.

Meaning, no matter how high his status become or how many troops loyally served him. No matter how skilled or wealthy he is. He won't be able to enter the stage of an Alpha, the begining of power. Limiting him forever in a weak human body.

Zyro cursed in frustration. If that's the case, everyone will receive the boon of Marks. Empowering them, Except for him. Isn't that too unfair?

He swallowed his envy and quickly moved on.

'Atleast there's still magic'

Zyro wasn't discourage, hoping to wield the language of Gods atleast.

Curious about ascended individuals, Zyro's eyes followed the Alpha as the man arrogantly stride further away, inspecting around the caravan. If he had offended that man, his life could have been taken without anyone bathing an eye.

Suddenly, he notice the Alpha man turn his head sideway looking at the forest. Then froze, his eyes open wide.

Zyro narrowed his eyes. And observe the man closely, seeing a dreaded expression in the mighty Alpha. That's when he saw the man's shock eyes blink. Coincidentally, Zyro blinked too at the same time.

The moment Zyro's eyes opened, the man was no longer there.

A crashing noise was heard at the caravans side.


All of that happened in a blink of an eye.

The next second, where the man once stood rained blood. A second more, the peoples was finally able to react, but all they could do is scream as they die.

Zyro who's a distance away watched the massacre. Confused instead of frightened. Because he cannot see who's the frenzied attacker even though it's on a killing spree, reaping lives at a unimaginable speed Infront of him.

His daze only lasted for a second as he quickly turn around, grabbed Pert and shouted.


Waking the others from their daze. Can't blame them though, more than a dozen people just died in 3 seconds.

Zyro sprinted away from the massacre, followed by the others after some delay.

"Look down! no matter what, don't look aroun!..." A guard shouted but was mysteriously cut off.

Zyro lack knowledge and experience on the right thing to do in this kind of situations, so he listened to that soldier advice.

Looking down as he run away, Zyro cursed.