
(Legacies) Landon, New Landon

A journey about a man who was reborn in Naruto Shippuden but died then given another chance by ROB for the entertainment. He can be chill even when the world end or he can be on fire when he was angry. It also about how he tried to live his life in this environment that full of dangers. Author's note: writing this was a test to me if I can write ahahaha it all about improving my writing and new words. Oh don't expect much from the story it was a fanfic story which all the things inside were not mined except my own putting.

marawa · Televisi
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21 Chs

Chapter 1. Wishes.

"Arg, seem like I'm dead again. What with those Okutsuki they always came and find trouble with our planet even if we don't want one. And my disciple the Eight beast Vessel was even rely on these old bones and did not fight back for my peace ah!" A bright soul was complaining to no one while floating.

"Um, may I have your attention?" A powerful voice sounded in a void and attract the soul attention.

"For your hard work and entertainment that I have watch from the first time you went to Naruto during the Warring State until the child of prophecy born I hereby grant you four wishes" the ROB said to the soul.

The soul was suspended for a while then bright even brighter. 'shit is that what I think it is? A ROB who grant wishes ah! I finally have the opportunity to wish. Why did it not happen before? Never mind let just go to the world where I never able to finish watching"

"Thank you, but is the world counted as a wish?" "No, same with background"

"Ok, then before I wish I would like to make my background first. I would like to reborn as Landon Kirby in the Legacies after he was chase by the dragon and that where I awaken as him and assimilate his soul combining mine with him and without the influence of Malivore. Now for the wishes, I wish to retain my past experiences on taijustu, ninjustu and weapons. Second wish is to have control over the phoenix fire and can use it normally. Third wish I wish to have to have the books on any magic from Harry Potter. My fourth wish is to be able to brewed potions any types that came to my mind and for my last the golden arrow can kill my phoenix side but it will burst for the final time purifying my mortal shell making me a prime human with immortal abilities but can be killed by decapitation"

"That all thanks for the wishes" I said and thank the ROB "well your first wish you will retain your past experiences when you die and reborn anew with all the experiences. Second wish was also the same with the first wish. The third wish it will appear in the basement of the dragon lair as a magic grimoire. For the forth wish,mmm it can happen but need to follow the celestial seasonings. You understand everything? Good then for the final wish it will happen but all your past experiences will remain including strength and such only phoenix side will die"

"Yes. I understand as in celestial means moon or stars right?" "That correct. Now it time to move on" he wave his hand and I vanished from him.


'arg, what a huge amount of information. Seem like I stuck here and can't do anything until I die to get all my powers uh' a man with curl black hair, green eye with a height of 5'8 feet can be seen while thinking to himself.

There's light coming from the door and a black man came down.

"Landon, Landon are you ok?"

"Rafael? What are doing here"

"Where's the knife?" A feminine voice interrupted the union

"You said three minutes" Raf said while facing the girl holding out her hand.

"Like I said everyone's a liar" she said and throws Landon to the shelves.

"Ugh. I don't know about the knife I throw it"

"What about the people on the bus?" She asked.

"I didn't do it. Ok there's a girl who breath fire. She's the one who burn them" Landon said while standing behind Raf.

"You lying" she raise hand again but Ric came to the rescue.

"There is a girl running around the bush who breath fire. I think she was a pyromancer"

"See I told the truth. But what is the pyromancer?" Landon ask.

Landon Pov.

"What's a pyromancer?"

"A breathing fire witch" answered Hope.

"Are you sure she a pyromancer?" I ask back to confirm.

"Yes!! That for the information for now. I need to call Dorian" Alaric said

"Well choose your favorite" I said then catch up with my brother by foster Raphael.

"A dragon!! They aren't exist" Alaric on the phone said.

Dorian, "that also about vampires and witches"

Alaric, "ok dragon-girl. Find anything or way to kill it"

Dorian, "it said it here that it needs a punch of courage and bold"

"We have that a lot" he said then closed the phone.

"Let go outside"

We all getting outside and met the girl. Hope and Raphael fought with with Alaric support them. Watching them was unnerved me. I may not have abilities but the children of my previous clan were able to fight more than them better what this unnecessary movements? I really need to awake my abilities then I can protect myself.

They finally kill the girl and planning to bury her.

"Landon find some shovel" he command which I comply and ran back to the basement. I found a book which can be my grimoire. I put it inside my bag that I carry.

I took it and walk back outside.

Alaric look at a huge creature with Hope and Raf. I look over and see a huge dragon flying up ready to breath fire on us.

Hope step forward while Alaric shouted at us.

"You two run if you don't want to be burn to ashes"

Raf and I ran toward the car leaving them behind.

With Alaric.--------------------------------

Hope step forward and do black magic to kill the dragon but it did not die but turn human again.

Alaric pierce her and completely kills it.

They return to the car to find Landon and Raf not there.

"They gone here the letter" Alaric said giving Hope the Letter.

Hope read the letter which the same as the show.

Her eyes were tearful but she hold them up.

While Landon and his brother and best friend walk on the road.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Oh! MC forgot the plots

marawacreators' thoughts