
Kaito Akaden (Kaito)

Hey everyone, I'm changing the fanfic name from 'Kaito' to 'Kaito Akaden.' Don't worry, I'm still the same author, I just felt that the new name suits the story better than just plain 'Kaito,' ya know? So, going forward, it will be 'Kaito Akaden.' P.S. 'Akaden' means 'Red Lightning,' which is Kaito's signature jutsu. What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Minato and Kushina. Kaito inherits his mother's distinctive hair color and his father's facial features, including his captivating blue eyes. Born into the same generation as Itachi, Kaito is armed with knowledge of the future. Witness his unwavering determination as he endeavors to protect and safeguard his beloved family. OCXRTNHinata but as Hinata's elder sister."Hotaru Hyuga" If you wish to support this story and have access to 10 advanced chapters, please join me at patreon.com/Tilct

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Chapter 5: Growing up

Chapter 5: Growing up 

As the weeks turned into months and the months into years, a considerable amount of time had passed—three years, to be precise. I had grown rapidly over these years, transforming from an infant into a toddler as I eagerly awaited the beginning of my shinobi training. In the mornings, I would watch with fascination as my father, Minato, prepared for his missions with Team Minato. His sense of duty, his unwavering determination, and his mastery of the shinobi arts were awe-inspiring. I couldn't help but admire him and aspire to be like him.

Kushina, my mother, noticed my growing interest in shinobi training and decided to introduce me to some basic principles at home. She taught me about chakra, the life force that fueled a shinobi's abilities, and the different nature transformations. I absorbed this knowledge like a sponge, eager to grasp the fundamentals.

On this particular day, I found myself beside my mother, Kushina, as we strolled down a bustling street filled with vendors and merchants. Our mission for the moment: buying groceries.

"Kaa-chan, can we get some raichi, please?" I inquired, my eyes sparkling with anticipation. Lychee is Raichi, in Japanese, happened to be one of my absolute favorite fruits, so I couldn't resist the urge to request them. "We just bought a box full of them yesterday. Did you eat them all?" Kushina inquired, giving me a discerning look. Employing my best puppy dog eyes, I responded, "But they are so good," pleading with all the innocence a toddler could muster.

Sighing, she eventually succumbed to her son's persuasive gaze and bought some raichi for me. "Make sure you don't finish them too quickly, or you won't get any for another week, you know," she cautioned.

Apart from my raichi addiction, these last three years had been quite eventful. Minato, my father, had been assigned to the same team as in the original canon—Kakashi Hatake, Obito Uchiha, and Rin Nohara. They bore an uncanny resemblance to their canon counterparts, and while I had met them once or twice, most of my time was spent with Kushina and Minato when at home.

This leads me to another significant development: my friendship with Itachi Uchiha. Due to our mothers' frequent meetings and conversations, we often found ourselves having playdates. Itachi was remarkably intelligent for his age, and during our brief encounters, he informed me that his father was about to commence his training in the shinobi arts.

Speaking of training, I had already determined the path I wanted to follow as a shinobi. There were different styles and approaches—some, like Hashirama Senju and Naruto Uzumaki, relied on their physical strength and power to overwhelm opponents. Others, such as healers like Tsunade and Sakura Haruno, used their innate ability to heal and strike back. Then there were the all-rounders like Kakashi Hatake and Hiruzen Sarutobi, who excelled in various aspects of shinobi combat. However, my preference leaned towards the speed-type shinobi, exemplified by Minato Namikaze, all the previous Raikage, and Shisui Uchiha. These shinobi were swift and lethal, making them highly effective in their roles.

Fast forward to the present day. I found myself helping Kaa-chan prepare an extravagant dinner, fully aware that Tou-chan would be returning home soon from his mission with Team Minato. She was whipping up ebi tempura and chicken katsu, two of our family's favorites.

"I'm home!" came my father's voice from the door. Upon spotting him, I rushed over and gave him a warm hug, enthusiastically greeting him "Welcome home Tou-chan". "Welcome home, dear. You're just in time. Hurry up and freshen up; we'll set the table," Kushina said with a radiant smile.

After the meal, we all sat down and chatted about our respective days. When I finally mustered the courage to bring up the topic that had been on my mind for a while, I asked, "Kaa-chan, Tou-chan, can I start my shinobi training, please?"

Kushina looked puzzled, wondering why I would want to begin my training at such a young age. She voiced her concern, saying, "Huh, why would you want to start your training so soon? You should enjoy your childhood more, you know."

"But Itachi said he's already started his training in the shinobi way, and I don't want to fall too far behind, you know," I replied, subtly using Kushina's verbal tick. Minato, perceptive as always, probed further, "Is that the only reason you want to start so early?"

I decided to be honest and revealed my true motivation, "I want to become strong so that I can protect both of you. I've heard about the war, and I'm scared that we might lose family members. I... I don't want to lose Kaa-chan and Tou-chan," I declared with unwavering determination. While it wasn't an outright lie, my fear wasn't so much about the war itself but rather the traumatic memory of the Nine-Tails attack.

Upon hearing my heartfelt confession, Kushina enveloped me in a warm hug, tears glistening in her eyes. She reassured me, "You won't ever lose Kaa-chan or Tou-chan; we're super strong, you know." Minato joined in, hugging us both tightly.

After a while, we reluctantly let go of each other. Still nestled in Kushina's comforting arms, I looked up at Minato, who wore a gentle smile. "Well, we should get to bed soon because your training will start early in the morning," he announced.

And so, as the night settled in and I drifted off to sleep, thoughts of my future shinobi training and the determination to protect my family filled my dreams. The journey ahead would be challenging, but with the unwavering support of my parents and the knowledge that I was pursuing this path to safeguard my loved ones, I felt ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited me in the world of shinobi.

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