
(Haitus) Blood Of the New Moon

Sick of seeing these cheesy low breed werewolves disgracing the monsters he admires, when Christian got the chance he took a bite out of their lives

Master_Livythan · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
26 Chs

See I'm Facing A Dilemma

Laura Hale*

" hah hah" I ran for my life or what's left of it at this point. I've never felt this helpless since that fire 6 years ago. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a feral roar and the thudding of it's heavy steps running through the forest behind me inching closer.

I wouldn't be in this position if it didn't sneak attack me, shit living in the city dulled my senses, I internally groaned in frustration

" dammit I can't die here " after running for a bit longer I decided to turn around and face whatever it was. When I turned around I saw a large shadow thundering it's way towards me, my features started to morph and I met it's roar with one of my own while trying to ignore the gaping injury on my side

As if it sense my weakness it raised it's speed before it jumped towards me intending to bite off my head when suddenly something appeared above it, whatever it was, was to fast for me to follow so I saw nothing but a blur before the beast that was chasing me found most of it's body implanted into the soil seemingly unconscious with something standing on it's back

Following those feet, I looked up and saw a beautiful teenager looking at me with a neutral expression but what caught my attention were he blue eyes but her sclera was entirely black. I don't know why but I found my legs loosing strength and I collapsed, standing in her presence I felt so miniscule, I didn't feel like this even when I was before my mother and this girl isn't even an alpha

When I saw her just staring at me I decided to just rest and let me injuries heal when I suddenly heard a voice right next to my ear, I felt my blood run cold, since I only knew he was next to me when I heard him speak

Slowly turning my head in that direction, I came face to face with a handsome boy? no man ,I don't know because somethin else caught my attention. His blood red eyes staring into me making the blood drain from my face especially when I saw the same black eyes

{ A.N btw they're like a good version of this pic}

" Laura Hale, nice to meet you the name's Christian, that beautiful lady is Malia Hale, yeah she's your cousin amazing isn't it? "I heard the man speak cheerfully with his arm around my shoulder making me tense when I heard what he said my head couldn't help but snap towards the girl and now that I'm looking at her closely she does look familiar to someone I know but I can't recall who

" see Laura, right now I'm facing a dilemma, I need you to die for me " when I heard him my eyes widened in fear



" see Laura, right now I'm facing a dilemma, I need you to die for me " when I finished my sentence I had to bit my tongue to stop myself from laughing out loud when I saw the expression on her face, I was gonna continue teasing her when I noticed Malia walking towards, I didn't even need to look at her face to know the expression it most likely held making me click my tongue in annoyance

" tch, fine fine, I'll stop teasing her " when I finished speaking, my features went back to normal except for my claw which I used to cut open one of my fingers before I stuck it in Laura's mouth, she was so confused that she didn't even notice that her wound closed. Chuckling internally I decided to get down to business

" the feral do....I mean confused werewolf over there is your uncle Peter Hale and my darling Malia's father " I had to change my words mid sentence when I felt Malia's hand reach my waist. To this day I don't know why a pinch on the waist hurts so much....moving on

" right now he's crazy, I could heal his mind but I need him so do something for me and for him to do that, he needs Talia's alpha spark which you have in your possession, so you see my dilemma " I release a slight chuckle when realization dawned on her face before it was replaced with dread

" now now, relax beautiful, if I couldn't take away the spark while keeping you alive I wouldn't have bothered saving you in the first place but since a certain coyote would annoy me If I bullied her family, I decided to give you a deal, your alpha spark for one favor from me " I acted like I didn't feel Malia's claws in my side and waited for her decision

" what does he need to do for you ? " I was surprised when she didn't just ask for the favor and asked for my reason which made me grin and maybe my fangs scared her because I saw her flinch

" he's entertainment and he sets of the things I need to further the growth of my pack " I replied bluntly seeing no need to hide anything from her. I saw her frown as she stared at me

" why do you speak as if this is a game ? " she asked angrily which didn't last long before it was replaced by fear because Malia now had raised into the air by her throat looking at her neutrally but I could feel the rage radiating of her. What is this called now by the japs, right right yandere, it seems Malia developed slight yandere tendencies

" ha ha ha, I guess you could say that's a side affect of strength, look at you yourself, you're a fully healthy alpha yet your like a chick before your omega cousin so don't you think I could afford to be arrogant ? " I couldn't help but laugh when she finally noticed that she was healed yet she couldn't struggle against Malia, she gritted her teeth before she accepted her situation and that's when Malia dropped her

" so Laura, what is it that you desire " I asked while squatting before her when she finally calmed down

" I...." she looked like she was struggling internally making me wonder what she could want to ask

" I-I want to join your pack " when she finished I was honestly confused since I never considered adding her to my pack but aye she's another born werewolf so I have nothing to lose

" well.....that could work " before she could reply I released my claws and stuck them into her chest , she released a pain roar as her eyes glowed red before it started changing , returning to it's previous yellow before she passed out, I caught her before she hit the floor

Resting her down gently, I got up and walked towards the unconscious Peter when I finally noticed his broken spine making me give Malia a look making her look away. Deciding to just get it over with since he's a man, I stabbed my claws into his back, black veins appeared on my hand before his healing sped up and he raised his head and released a roar as his eyes turned red

" you probably won't remember this but entertain me well Peter " after finishing my job I picked up Laura and we disappeared into the forest

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

He's currently slightly weaker than a new born vampire from twilight

Master_Livythancreators' thoughts