
(FL) A World Without YOU

[World 3109. Another failure...] "I'm tired." "I want to take a rest. A real one. One that can make it all disappear." "If only I didn't make that stupid wish. Surely, everything would've just ended right there." "Now, we are just intruding into the lives of many." "How many lives have we put to rest? How many have we replaced with our own?" "My love. I love you so much. But the sacrifices to be with you need to end." "Every new life we live, new world we reside in, hurts me deeply." "How far we've come, my love. How many souls have we tarnished and dreams shattered?" "I promise you that, in the end, I will still love you the same." "This curse, it needs to stop." "I need to take a rest. A real one. One that can make it all disappear." "To stop this stupid curse that destroys many, I need to kill you." "Surely, after all the worlds we've traveled, one is bound to have magic?" "And hopefully, magic strong enough to destroy the feathers that bound us together." "It may not be another great beginning for us but a welcomed ending for many." "Hopefully, it comes true. But until then, let me stay by your side throughout all our lives." "For when the time comes, I will wish for you to be gone from my hands." "Yes, a world without you is for the best. A world without you will be the end." "I'm tired."

Shuri_Suki · Fantasi
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3 Chs

World 3110 [Prologue 3]

As Evia's father went to the kitchen to prepare the food, Evia continued to listen to Adamir's story.

"And so Adam went off and did his best to search for his lover, Eve. Along the way, he learned that he was truly in fact in a different world. At some point, he also learned how to operate the watch as he used it to find Eve. He was also given a job by a person that pitied him as a baggage carrier so he could have money to survive. Alongside that, he learned the basic language in that world to communicate with people. A couple of weeks passed and he finally found Eve in a not-so-far-away city. Using the watch, he pinpointed her location as it beeped when he got close. He then got close to her and hugged her. As if meeting someone you already know, more so your lover, he instinctively did that. Eve was in disbelief as she shouted to let her go in this instance. What is wrong with you? Do you not remember me? Adam said. Eve then replied saying that she somehow felt that she should hug him as well but doesn't quite get the reason why. All these things suddenly got to him as he explained to Eve everything but no matter what he said, Eve was clueless. Eve told him that she has the feeling that she somehow needs to be with him but no matter what explanation Adam tells her, there was no evidence that she knows to back-up such facts. With that, Adam tried to slow things down and start from scratch. but on the 10th month of his stay, Eve was killed. Adam didn't know this but as Eve died, so did Adam."

"Is... is that the end? What cliffhanger that was..." Evia said while glued to the story.

"It's not yet the end but we are close," Adamir replied.

"The food is almost ready!" Evia's father happily announced to the two.

"I want to know the end of the story before we eat dinner," Evia said in desperation.

Adamir then began to wrap up the story as it was close to being finished.

"And so after they both got killed, Adam woke up again in an unfamiliar place. This time inside a house, lying on a bed. His eyes were tearing as if he was crying in his sleep. Where am I? He asked. Is this a hospital bed? He was puzzled. He stood up and got outside and was surprised to see that he was indeed in a different city yet again. He asked the people to make sure that it was the case and sure enough, he is in a different world as well. What is happening to me? he said to himself. He then went back to the bed where he woke up and lay down. He closed his eyes and rested for a while. But it wasn't a pleasant rest for when he woke up again, his eyes were filled with tears. He didn't realize it sooner but he was dreaming of people's lives. Two lovers' life from a distant world not far from where he was back then. He then remembered something that the specter has told him and that there is a price to pay for the life he is living. After many realizations, he wanted to find Eve again. And after a couple of days, he did find her. He didn't repeat his actions but made sure to explain to Eve everything clearly. To his surprise, Eve didn't know what had happened previously and so he was certain that she forgets everything. Since that was the case, he made sure to treasure his time with Eve but again, on the 10th month, Eve died of an unknown illness and Adam followed right after. Adam then woke up again and repeated the process all over again in a different world, time, and lifetime. Over and over again, he found her and explained to her everything. He repeated this over a hundred times now and at that point, he has changed a lot in how he approached things. He learned that at the 10th month, both of them will die. And if one dies earlier than the 10th month, the other will follow as well. He began to write a journal. He learned that his pouch carries over items that he stores in it. He stored a lot of notebooks and pens. Each page was dedicated to the worlds that have passed by, experiences, details, and the different languages he had learned. He also wrote a diary but at some point nearing his half-a-thousand reincarnated life, he didn't have much space left in his pouch and so he left the notebook. To this day, all he carries is a single notebook and a pen in his pouch. And instead of every detail, he only writes the important things that matter. And after a couple of reincarnations, he has lived life for thousands of years never stopping to find his lover. But at some point in his journey, he got tired. He stopped explaining to her the situation and just enjoyed the time he has in each world he lives in. Although his love for his lover never faded, the lives that were lost because of it continue to hunt him during his sleep. That is the reason why he rarely slept and was continuously tired. But even so, he strives to meet his lover. For in every world, his love for her is everlasting and forever."

As Adamir wrapped up the story, Evia was all tears.

"Don't cry. It isn't that sad of the story, really." He tried to comfort her. And as he comforted her, Evia's father enthusiastically announced that dinner was ready.

"What a tragic story you got there, young lad." Evia's father said.

"You were listening?" Adamir jokingly said.

"Of course. it was quite interesting. Since I lost my wife, her beloved mother, a couple of years ago, I swear to live life and bring joy to our daughter. But there is still a lingering feeling in my heart that I want to meet her again. I do not know if I can do it forever but maybe a couple more times will do. And at some point, I should be prepared to say goodbye because if not, I'm sure that it will end up being a curse than a glorious wish." Evia's father said in a somewhat serious yet calming tone.

"Stop it with the sad story you two. The food is right in front of us. Let's eat." Evia cheerfully said to keep the atmosphere a joyful one.

And just like that, the three of them enjoyed dinner together in a small house in the middle of the forest.

And while eating, Adamir still contemplates.

[If only I knew beforehand everything that I'll go through, I wouldn't wish for this curse. That is why if it is true that there is a possibility that there are remnants of magic in this world specifically, I would like to get my hands on it as soon as possible. Because I cannot tell to anybody else, more so Evia, that my ultimatum goal is for her to be killed. To be precise, manipulate her soul to stay in a world and die there with it. I've learned that throughout my reincarnations that our souls are linked together. Only when they are unlinked change may occur. I've reincarnated in some worlds that host magic but were never close enough to fully grasp and learn the fundamentals required for my goal. Through these worlds, I learn that it is a possible feat to be done. A 10-month limiter time frame for every world is too short for me. If this world fails, I probably need a couple of thousands more to somehow grasp learning complex magic. Until then, let me enjoy this time. But the problem still lies in the fact that she forgets everything and yet I remember everything. Why am I allowed to suffer so much for the sake of this love to be re-live over and over again? I love her but I just can't take it anymore. I'm tired and at some point, it needs to stop once and for all. If I could wish for something right now that would be living in a world without her. Yes, A world without you.]

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