
(FL) A World Without YOU

[World 3109. Another failure...] "I'm tired." "I want to take a rest. A real one. One that can make it all disappear." "If only I didn't make that stupid wish. Surely, everything would've just ended right there." "Now, we are just intruding into the lives of many." "How many lives have we put to rest? How many have we replaced with our own?" "My love. I love you so much. But the sacrifices to be with you need to end." "Every new life we live, new world we reside in, hurts me deeply." "How far we've come, my love. How many souls have we tarnished and dreams shattered?" "I promise you that, in the end, I will still love you the same." "This curse, it needs to stop." "I need to take a rest. A real one. One that can make it all disappear." "To stop this stupid curse that destroys many, I need to kill you." "Surely, after all the worlds we've traveled, one is bound to have magic?" "And hopefully, magic strong enough to destroy the feathers that bound us together." "It may not be another great beginning for us but a welcomed ending for many." "Hopefully, it comes true. But until then, let me stay by your side throughout all our lives." "For when the time comes, I will wish for you to be gone from my hands." "Yes, a world without you is for the best. A world without you will be the end." "I'm tired."

Shuri_Suki · Fantasi
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3 Chs

World 3110 [Prologue 2]

"Okay, I'll quietly listen." Evia kept quiet as he let Adamir continue his story.

"So as I was saying. They went on many dates and realized that they fit together really well. From there on, they officially accepted each other as a couple whom they would want to spend the rest of their life with. Until one fateful day in which they wanted to celebrate their first anniversary. They both got each other presents as they opened them under the night sky. Holding each other's hand, they looked up and admired the night's beauty. Adam wished for that day to last but just like any blissful scene in one's life, it was bound to end. Tomorrow is another day. Although they could probably recreate such a scenario each and every single day in their life, that day was quite special for the two since it was their first anniversary as a couple. And so knowing that, Adam stood up and looked at Eve, sincerely. While doing so, under the veil of the night sky, he made a wish. He wished that in any lifetime, world, and place, they would be together forever. As he said that, Eve asked him if he would still follow him even after death. He replied by saying that, death will not hinder us to live together, forever. I will follow you wherever you go. No matter what world or time we live in, I will remain by your side. That is my vow. With such an adamant and courageous reply from Adam, she couldn't contain her happiness toward him. They locked eyes and laughed knowing that such fun and games will still come to an end. But before they could finish laughing, the veil of the night sky suddenly changed into a red one and the two froze in place. Adam and Eve couldn't move but both of them can hear. A voice then whispered into both their ears. An eternal love that knows no bounds. I will give you two such. Will this be a lesson or a never-ending story? Will the two of you remain unchanged? The voice they heard suddenly materialized into somewhat of a mist almost forming a human body like that of a specter. The ghost-like being went near to Adam as she continued to whisper into his ears. Go. I will give you a journey of countless lifetimes. Seek your lover in countless worlds. Isn't that what you hope for? A never-ending bliss? Since Adam couldn't speak, he also couldn't accept or refuse. The specter then let go of her final words. Know that this endless journey doesn't come without a price. To continue it, a sacrifice must be made. Every lifetime you live is a lifetime taken away from someone else. But all is meaningless for the sake of true love. I am the one who treasures all vows. A time will come in which you would want to seek me but I will not show myself for this journey is for you alone to weave."

Before continuing the story, Adamir paused for a while as he looked into Evia's eyes.

[She is paying too much attention when it comes to love stories. But even so, I still fall for her every single time.]

"Why did you stop?" Evia said while pouting.

"I'm sorry. Where was I? Oh, yes. The specter then turned back into a mist as the two became unconscious. After a moment, Adam woke up alone in a strange place. The trees looked different, he noticed. He stood up and looked at himself. He saw that he was still wearing the same clothes that he wore but something was different. He noticed a watch on his wrist which was not an ordinary watch. He assessed the situation and remembered everything that have happened so far. Yet he still couldn't figure out why is he alone in the middle of nowhere. He was anxious to find Eve and so he started searching for her. Since that was the case, he walked for a while and saw a city. The infrastructure was a lot different from the ones he knew. He entered the city and one by one he asked if they saw a girl as he described her features to every single person he met. Without much luck, nobody seems to know the girl he was talking about. As he asked each person, it became clear to him that something was off about the city. Although they talked the same language as him, they also couldn't understand him. Their clothes also seemed to be different. He suspected that he somehow got drugged and was left in a nearby forest in a foreign country. Although it was quite far-fetched, he asked people around about it but he couldn't get any answers across. Until one of the people he asked answered in a very peculiar manner. Knowing that Adam was not from here, the person handed him a map of the country and a random newspaper. Adam took it and sat near the side of a building. He saw the newspaper headline and the map and he was surprised. The map wasn't like any other map he has seen back in his old world. The newspaper dated a time that was somehow in the past. After getting his thoughts together, he reminisce what the specter had told him. And from there on out, it hit him. He laughed as if his life was a joke. Find my lover. A never-ending journey of everlasting love. He said to himself acting like a madman. He stood up and slapped his cheeks. He took a deep breath and sighed heavily. He knew what to do now and that is to find his lover."

Before continuing with the story, someone knocked on the door.

"Oh, that must be my father," Evia said as she walked towards the door and opened it.

"Evia, my darling. I've got a big catch tonight. These two running gords were a lucky catch! We can have a feast." Evia's father said.

[Gords? They look similar to big rabbits in my old world.]

Evia's father can't help but notice Adamir and so went close to him after putting the two dead gords on top of the table.

"What do we have here? A lone traveler? You seem to be in bad shape young lad. Your clothes are tattered up. Rest well for now. Don't worry we are having a feast tonight. I hope that this food gives you energy for where you are headed!" Evia's father said. He was the type of parent that is kind to any that his daughter seemed to care for. A very outstanding figure for her daughter to follow.

"Thank you for your care. Your daughter has been very kind to me." Adamir humbly said.

"No worries, young lad. Now just rest there and keep my daughter company as I prepare tonight's dinner." Evia's energetic father was full of spirit.

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