
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 97: Tired of waiting

Perseus POV

"Sis, I'm tired of waiting, I'm going after the 2 nobles with the super funny names, and if they're not talking, I'm seriously killing them."

"Are you insane?!" Diana exclaimed

"Look, it's obvious that it's them and you know it, maybe they're trying to use reverse psychology and make us think it's not them cuz it would be stupid that they would try anything on them when we're right on their trial. Assassination? Imagine the chaos that would've been caused if Valentina actually died, despite her talents, she hates fighting."

"At least tell Struan and your other 'friends' that you're going to do just that." she sighs "Especially that precious and beautiful ex girlfriend of a queen of yours."

"You're beautiful yourself, don't put yourself down too much, sis."

"I know I am, anyway tell her what you're going to do, but please try not t level this world if you can help it."

I then ended the call and tried to call Valentina who is probably still asleep. And I'm not gonna text those guys in the Mirage Legion, I got the authority to do what I want anyway.

I sneaked onto their bases and found that none of them were there, so instead...I lured them back here by burning their houses down, both of them at the same time to let them know that I personally am onto them.

I used magic to make sure that only high quality water magicians can put them out, meaning that it will be expensive and by the time, they do put it out, damages will be done.

They can't accuse me out in the open either...but I know that one of them will come in the least.


But unlike my predictions...they sent impostors who look like them to come instead of coming here themselves...for them to do this, they're preparing something and I want to solve it before I'm required to go back to the academy, I don't even care about the jade piece anymore.

I then contacted my assassin squads to go full force and investigate those 2 nobles and find their location.


3rd person POV

"I've gotten permission from the higher ups." Ben told Tachima "We are going to lose the piece of jade no matter what since a ranked is on the case, even though we have not utilize its uses fully...we have no choice but to do it."

"At least we know that the queen will be the one possessing it since the other 3 are with the Mirage Legion even though they don't know that we have the rest." Tachima sighs "So when we finally need to assemble all of it...we'll go for the queen again and then the Mirage Legion afterwards."

<We don't really have the rest, we never found the one in the tower.> Ben thought <We explored every floor possible too, maybe it's at the upper floors where the current rankers haven't reached.>

"Let's evacuate our family members first before we release it, we'll be branded criminals right after this since the words of the queen are absolute and we went against that." Ben suggested "Though still hide our trails...we want to prolong their investigations linking back to us as long as possible."

"We will also no longer have any backers since people will die...but we never expected that a ranked would get on our trails while the queen now know the existent of the fragment."


Perseus POV

I went half the day and found nothing about the whereabouts of the 2 original nobles with the funny names, can't believe they outsmarted me somehow.

Since my efforts were a bit fruitless, I went to my class who's only having an afternoon session of light exercises and sparring which despite their reluctance, they weren't too pessimistic about it, they are getting a whole night rest after this.

I pulled Craig and Emma aside when no one was looking.

"The houses of the 2 noble that were burnt a while ago, they weren't caused by the same terrorist that tried to assassinate the queen." I whispered as I created a sound barrier "I caused it."

"What the-" I then continued and interrupted my homeroom teacher

"Those 2 houses are the culprits behind it, and try to end the class early, give them rest, and be prepared at any moment to pull back and go to the tower, I don't know what they're planning, but they got impostors to take their place and the originals are hiding somewhere. I can't tell you anymore than that."

"Was that why your sister here earlier?" Emma asked

"Well that did led to this, I know you guys will do fine but I can't say the same for my class."


I got back to the safehouse to hear Eleanor taking her classes online from her room while Valentina is in the living room watching TV quietly.

"Welcome back, I think I figured out what happened already, but let me hear it from you personally to add on to my perspective aside from my reports as well." she said as I sat next to her.

I then told her everything I know for now.

"They might be planning another attack soon and I would recommend to mobilize your guards and the army, I would say start a lockdown or evacuation, but they can just attack those at the evacuation routes, so I'll do my best and I hope their impatience will cause the attack before I go back to the academy."

"You sound so sure, I have contacted the 2 nature spirits ranker earlier but unfortunately, we do not have enough proof to give them and they are not willing to leave their progress in the tower when they are climbing fast." Valentina replied "Not even the named are coming yet, unless I reveal the existence of the jade."

"Thank you for trusting me and not really asking too many questions, I'm sure even you have a lot of questions about my parents."