
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 38: Dad

Perseus POV

"You do realize that I had to abandon you for a reason, right? We are not allowed to take care of you." he said

"Even when we were 'in your care', we lived in literal hell, you dumbass." I then turned towards him

My 'dad' looked to be a man in his early 40s, 182 cm tall, has black hair and dark red eyes. He wears a crimson red suit with black pants and a black tie.

"Us true gods are not allowed to directly take care of our children, I already used my authority to ward away monsters beyond your powers then." he replied

"Oh, so my sister had to suffer all those years just so that you and mom then have to give birth to me and burden her further? Even the ones you didn't ward off are fucking stronger than a first year student of this academy."

"She lived with us before we released you to the wild. We kept you for a year too."

"Yeah, like living everyday on the edge in the pits of Tartarus is comparable to the 'wild'" I retorted

My parents are both part of the 'true gods', but apparently the true gods have a pact of not granting children the full extend of their bloodline and having a limit to how much they can take care of their children, so granted, me and my sister got a few perks that we refused to use once we escaped and got to the human world.

My dad is one of the more older one, a primordial god, named Tartarus. Yes, the true gods are the gods who appeared in the myths across the 13 worlds, and they're also the ones who are exploiting our lives for sports and entertainment.

"Well look at how strong you are now." he said "You and your sister are currently the only 2 in the tower who can wield powers of a true god, 'eyes of Horus' being one of them. Zeus' children are much weaker than you in comparison."

"Yeah, but my powers are not yours, so just fuck off already, I do not want to be reminded of the days where we had to hunt monsters to eat their flesh just to survive, I'm disgusted just thinking of it."

Remember the fact that we were homeless? Yeah we lived in that abyss for quite a while before one day where we suddenly got warped to the human world, we learned how things work, forged documents and blended in, being homeless in the human world is paradise compared to that pit.

We had to hide from monsters who are all stronger than us, we could only take them by surprise or sometimes be forced to feast on the corpse of those monster's prey.

Being the children of the gods, grant us the bloodline of that similar to spirits, well that's only what extend of the tools and magic of the 13 worlds can comprehend, we are more like demigods. But even then, I'm still mostly a dhampir while my sister is mostly human.

"Well even if you placed the limiter on, you 2 can still match up with the admins by the time you reached the 90th floor." he commented "Your mother plans on visiting you, but you know how she is."

"Already met her once, I don't care, so just leave already, I'm more than grateful for her to warp me out of there."

He just sighs and burst into flames and disappeared from sight. I stood there for a while and can sense my sister arriving.

"This mana trace..." she said as she realized it too.

"The old man was here to congratulate me, 2nd time I met him and he still doesn't care what hell he put us through."

"Just don't care about him." she advised as she hugged me.

I just hugged her back.

"We have our own lives now, so forget about him." she said "We have to live and be out of their shadow, we will climb this tower without their powers and used the only ones we earned on our own."

"I know sis."

3rd person view

Alice wanted to used the shadows to go and congratulate Perseus, but for some reason, she saw a man shut her out of it with a snap of his fingers. No one has done that before, she uses her complete control of the shadows to eavesdrop on people sometimes, and no one can shut her or stop her from it.

<Maybe that was the 'Weaver of Calamity'> she thought <No one amongst the rankers can shut me out of anyone's shadow. Interesting, I should ask Perseus about him later.>

"You look distracted." Elliot commented

"Well it's just that I warned the old man about Perseus' eyes, and yet he didn't take it serious at all, Perseus detected all of those traps and not only eliminate it, but create one of his own as well." Alice replied "Perseus spread out a lot of toxic gas across the field, enough to kill anyone who isn't a named."

"He didn't use that gold and silver eyes of his though, but nonetheless, him losing would be a low possibility." he then turned to leave "Bye Alice, when you shadow travel to meet Perseus, tell him congrats for me."


Cordelia POV

When I saw him win, he was very happy, but the moment he went out of sight, Perseus had a very grim expression on his face which he tried to hide, yet I can see a glimpse of both sadness and anger in his eyes.

He acted like his usual hyper and energetic self in front of me and Emma, but we both knew. His sister knew something as well, this was one of the secrets that Emma asked me to help with. They both are hiding something that would distract them this much, it's not normal.

"Why are you staring at me? Am I that attractive?" he asked "Emma, I understand since she probably still have some feelings for her ex, but you on the other hand."

"You sure are confident in yourself, huh."

"Of course, if I don't believe in myself, who will? Well apart from my sister."