
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 20: Raining Gold (2)

3rd person view

"I misled her like you instructed." Struan sighs as he ended his phone with his sister "The misunderstanding isn't going to last long, you know, besides, Perseus is a great guy, why try to separate them?"

"Until the Mirage Legion is completely out of the picture, I cannot let her get too close." Brooke replied "So for now, we'll just mislead her with the lie that Diana has a brother complex."


Cordelia POV

I was given a membership ID by Perseus before I went to my dorm. I was also given the directions to come here on a Sunday to introduce myself to everyone. I got to the 3rd floor and ask a passing member where that is.

"Oh you're the boss' new partner." the woman replied

She looks to be in her early 20s, 168cm tall, almond skin, has black hair and dark green eyes. What's strange is that...she's also a nature spirit.

"If you're wondering what I am, I'm an Oread, a mountain nymph." she said "my name is Terra Imelda."

"What is it with him and beautiful spirits?"

"I know, you'd think his sister is already beautiful enough." she grumbled and clicked her tongue "Don't worry, you'll get along with all of us, the boss is rest at the moment, so I suggest talking with his sister for the moment, they've been up all night."

I think I'm starting to know what my brother meant. And I don't think I like it.


Diana had bag under her eyes and was struggling to keep her eyes open.

"Why are you so tired?"

"Dhampirs really are energetic, he lasted so long all night." she replied "And I didn't want to be humiliated, so I asked him to do it again and again...and again."

This really isn't funny.

"He can stay up multiple days without needing to rest if he wants to, the only reason he's sleeping is because I forced him too." she sighs "I don't know how I handles him all these years, his stamina is really something else. As his partner, you should brace yourself, because you can get up over and over and yet he remained dominant."

"Um...what are you talking about?" I asked just to make sure.

"I was using him to relieve the stress he caused me." she answered

"They had a spar." Terra clarified to my relief "She's just tired, first, let's go to our division, the boss is there with the others."

"Why do you call him 'boss'? He's younger than you."

"Because I entrust my life to him, that's all." she replied


Perseus POV

Last night was a bit exhausting, apparently the news of the clan war stress her so much that my demonic sister would use me to relieve her stress by fighting me over and over in many rounds of spar, I lost about 70% of my mana and destroyed 2 training grounds while she can barely keep awake.

I heard the door being opened and woke up from my nap on the couch to see Terra and Lia come in.

"Hey Lia, you met Terra, so no introduction there, but here are the other 2 guys in my department, Bora, Wyatt, introduce yourselves please."

"Sup." Bora greeted as he looked up from his book.

Bora Tempest is a wind spirit, something along the lines of Anemoi Thuellai. He's looks to be in his mid 20s, 180cm tall, has light gray hair and teal eyes. Man, Tempest is too common of a last name for wind spirits.

"Nice to meet you." Wyatt greeted with a bow.

Wyatt Dillard is a vampire, he got 2 pair of fangs to bite into flesh, and unlike the myths, they can get by with any blood, not just humans. He's also look to be in his mid 20s, 182cm tall, has black hair and light red eyes. He also tends to wear high class clothes since his dad is a prince or something.

I'm a dhampir, I got retractable fangs, cool, right? Only one in existence since they only born every thousands of years. I just mostly hide it by claiming myself as a human.

"See, Lia, 5, I always have people to come with me to dungeons. 51st floor and up will have ascension bosses, those are fun too."

"I really don't see the point of the tower having people limits considering that rankers are just almost as strong as a floor boss, 5 people minimum is overkill." Bora complained "He just need 1 or 2 supports."

"Is the guild leader and deputy leader not back from that stupid quest?"

"No, they are not, that's why your sister is super stressed and you had the audacity to come back with the news of a possible clan war."

"Shh, only our small office and my sister know about that, besides, it's just the current 14th ranked clan with a former ranker, it's not that bad, I can always fight a named head on."

"But boss, why don't you just remove your limiter?" Terra suggested

"The academy and the novel just started, you seriously want me to remove my limiter and destroy the suspense?"

"You and your protagonist syndrome."

"I don't even think that that's a real thing".

"Well it's pseudo science, I think it was called main-character syndrome." Wyatt chimed in "But same difference."

"Speaking of that, Lia, don't we start practicing in the pseudo dungeon tomorrow?"

"Yes, and the week after that, our school are meeting the graduates that are chosen for the raider draft to see our apparent role models."

"Can't they just let our boss do that? I mean, just send a mage who is willing to record him completing an ascension quest into the 18th floor." Terra asked

"He can do it in minutes, too quick to learn anything." Bora pointed out

Potential clan war, a huge event that can cause chaos within the tower, I can't believe that it's happening in just 20 chapters. Well it's time to properly give Lia and you readers a proper tour of my guild.

Man, I can just be one of those guys who reject every offer to create a guild myself, but joining this guild is easier as I can just use my demonic sister to do my taxes. Yeah, I know, I have to give money to the human race for the shit I earn in the tower as my taxes.

Fortunately there are laws for a half and half like me where I only have to pay taxes to one race, I would prefer the vampires cuz it's much cheaper, but my sister said to just give it to humans cuz taxes are much easier process there.