
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
183 Chs

Chapter 168: True kings

Perseus POV

The next day, I am to confirm my existence as a dhampir to the royal family in their castle or whatever, Wyatt personally didn't wanna come but he put his feelings aside and do his job, it's one of the times where I don't see him smiling, to be fair, if worse comes to worst, where he is forced to stay and inherit his 'rightful' place, the clan is prepared to fight back meaning a loss of a great source of revenue since we're probably not allowed back here again if we fight the royals.

Lia isn't coming with us since we're letting her prioritize the school activity until she's strong enough to join us in for our activities.

We're supposed to wear formal clothing so I just worse a black suit cuz cool sunglasses looks great on it and I can look like one of those cool secret agents.

We're brought to this guest room where the whole clan was sitting in and enjoying ourselves until a person came is. And just when I thought I can enjoy a chocolate chip cookie in peace.

He's a guy look to be in his 60s, 180cm tall, has black hair, light red eyes. He's basically an older version of Wyatt, based on his face, it's from one of the pictures in the files I got before we came here, he's both a duke and prince of the vampire race. Something Crimson, Wyatt's dad who neglected him, so Wyatt took the last name of his mother's.

Wyatt forced his usual expression, but I can tell he's not happy, my clanmates mostly bowed in respect since we should only kneel to the head of the royal family or a representative when given authority to substitute when the head, who is the king currently, are away.

"Boy, are you not going to give me respect?" The prince glared at me

I got up and brushed the crumbs from my clothes and put my hand out.

"Are you not going to bow?" his expression is getting scary and I can see my sister's emotionless expression.

The clan are to treat each other as family, if one faces a problem, the others shall help, and in this case...our job is to just piss the prince off. Well I volunteered for the task, the others would only involve themselves if a fight happens.

"I'm a duke too, are you insinuating that I'm your inferior?"

"You're in my lands, so in this case, you should at least do more than a handshake." he retorted

"At least introduce yourself whatever your first name is."

"I'm Xary Crimson." he replied bluntly without his several middle names that would complicate the shit out of my brain.

"Perseus Silver, nice to meet ya." I then used magic to lift his hand and forced a shake which he did not like as I took back my seat.

He just sighs as he stopped his bodyguards who would've been absolutely destroyed if they tried anything funny.

"By the way, I ain't humiliating myself by kneeling to your dad, he may be my client, because I have no reason to lower myself towards a guy who is not my king."

"Do you want to seriously get executed?" Xary asked

"I'd love to see you try, maybe get some rankers to help, go ahead and hire them to see if they help, Queen Artia, I would since she is technically my queen, but your dad, nah."

We then heard the sound of a ringing bell signifying that the king is ready, the bell is used to tell when the king is meeting an important guest throughout the castle where the servants are then to go into proper position and escort the guest, in this case, the price/duke is doing it.

We were brought to the throne room and on our way there, he didn't even once make eye contact with Wyatt, the throne was completely made of this white colored steel with this old man sitting on it.

Lorron Crimson, the current king of vampires, he looks to be a lean and healthy old man in his late 70s, grey and black hair, dark red eyes, he weas black clothing and a black cloak over it. He got a red colored crown which was pretty cool, kinda tempt me a bit to like fight for it.

And as everyone kneeled, I stood there like I said I would.

"Boy, are you not going to kneel?" the king asked

"I've made my decision, sir."

"SIR?!" Xary exclaimed

"Kneel." I said as I put magic into my words and the duke alongside the enraged soldiers were forcefully kneeled.

I can hear the heartbeat of the king going extremely fast meaning that he's trying his best to resist it.

"Well, in terms of quality, I guess you being a king isn't that farfetched, but are you sure this about this one?" I pointed at the prince

"He's...only a potential successor." the king replied as I released my magic "I have not named my successor nor will I, my children are to decide it between themselves. I did warn my child not to ask you to kneel in my presence, I suspected that you are one of them, the true kings. I was seconds away from being forced to do the same thing."

"Don't worry, I'm sane enough to not force you to do that, so how does this work, you're gonna taste my blood fresh to prove my legendary existence, right? Give me a bowl so I can put my blood in."

He beckon a servant forward who presented a bowl where I then pulled my sleeves a bit and used my sword to cut myself and let it filled a decent bit before healing myself and used water magic to clean it up.

It was brought to the king who dipped his finger in it and tasted it.

"A bland taste...only the human race can mix with the vampire blood are granted the title of dhampir since they're an origin race." he said "The bland taste comes from the mixture of poison and regular taste of blood, you truly are a dhampir."