
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasi
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183 Chs

Chapter 124: Replica

Perseus POV

"Please open the door, it happens all the time, no need to be shy." I said as I knocked on Lia's door.

I'm so never letting her forget this incident.

Cordelia POV

I'm so embarrassed, I made the embarrassing rookie mistake hitting my teeth against his too hard, he then laughed at me as he pulled away, no one is going to let me down!

"Don't make me pick the locks." Perseus called while clearly holding his laughter.

I then reluctantly then went to the door and opened it, he wrapped his arm around my waist when he saw me and kissed me this time and this time it was good.

"Good night, Lia." he said as he let me go "Hopefully that repaid you, I'm going out for a bit."

"Where...where are you going?"

"Remember that Valentina is technically pregnant? I need to check up on her a bit in person and I'll also go to the directors to try to know the events beforehand for you so that you'll have an advantage in the tournament. Why the face? Are you jealous?" he said playfully

"You sure moved on quickly from one woman to another." I pouted

"We technically weren't dating when the class was on that trip, we only have...some physical contact."

"That's the problem, when we start actually dating, I'm expecting the same."

"You do realize relationships doesn't have to involve sex, right?" he asked

"1 year after we date maybe, anyway, safe travels."

Yes, we're not dating yet, only fooling around, not that I mind. Complicated, I know, but if those couples can make it work in those stories, I can too.

Perseus POV

I then left for the world of the race of nature spirits, I warped to the portal and got through it to go past the guards, as I did I got a group call from the executives of the Mirage Legion.

"Say, what if we hire Alice?" Leona suggested "She's known in the black market as the best information broker for a reason, she may not be able to trace it back to the leader of our potential rivals, but she can at least provoke them to come out as she goes after their trail."

"That does sound like a good idea." Sela agreed "But at the same time, there are also chances that she herself will be tempted to join them as an insider, they are able to utilize it, something that Rex haven't been able to figure out. Hell none of us even knew it does that."

"You can do what you want, I'm busy finding a way to get it out of the king, he's being wary and keeping his distance recently, I have a good sneaking suspicion that he's one of them." Etha claimed "So I'll leave it all to you, and beforehand, if I disappear, you all know the culprit."

I never thought of that, the ones who possessed the jade might be a part of this other organization. I then told them what I knew, someone with dazzling jade eyes which intrigued everyone.

"...So I'm just saying, you meet anyone with beautiful jade colored eyes, run away and stay cautious at all time, they might just be the one. I can only assume that they're some leader or boss, but I can't assume that they may not be the head either."

"That'll help out a lot, I'll have my trusted aides to check into that amongst the beast folk." Leona replied "But even then, we're at a lost, we always knew that there may be someone out there who's after the same thing even if it's slim."

"I'll focus on just trying to get the same power from this jade, my pride is hurt that someone did something before me, I'm closing and shutting myself in." Rex declared

Ezio is unusually quiet as everyone were talking about hiring Alice even till we ended the call, he only spoke up and added very little suggestions, I seriously can't tell what he's thinking, he's one of the guys who I can't figure out in this tower, he's definitely not someone I can depend my life on.

Rex is a fiend and his greed for knowledge triumph over everything, but even he I would rather trust, I fought with Elliot with the strength equal to that of an SS rank level threat and I lost badly, it would be the same with Ezio, Diana full strength might hold her own, but she needs about a year before she can beat him completely.

Which isn't bad since she's much younger than him and she slowed down trying to find an ideal team to surround me, otherwise, she would be the current number 2 or 3 at the very least.

Ezio and Alice, the latter a slight bit more if I want her to do her profession.

The call ended with a majority agreeing to hire Alice, I tried to protest a bit, but everyone else was on board and so I sent a call to the captains amongst the assassins about the person with jade colored eyes and to be cautious of them if the eyes were to 'attract' them.

It must be some sort of magic, I need some eye magic specialist or something, maybe I need to contact the guy that I got 'eyes of Horus' from, cuz that's probably the best guess I got right now, a power of a god or at least a replica of it like mine.

But even if it's a replica, the only way to get it is from someone who possess the original skill or a god who earned the right of one of the replicas which is just an inferior form that can be used by demigods, as for the original, I don't know anyone willing to give it away even at the cost of their immortality and pride.

Gods have unique skills, sometimes similar to other gods of the same thing , like all gods of flames have the same immunity to fire or something like that.

Oh you're probably which god I got the skill from, right? Don't worry, I'll tell ya cuz I'm too lazy for a 100 chapter build up It's not Horus if you're wondering, the guy is a fellow war god, Ares.