
That time of the month

Sainan Middle School

Class 1-B

Megumi sat with a petite, Black-haired girl who wore a pair of red glasses over her eyes and held an indifferent expression as they ate their lunch.

Unlike the girl, Megumi had a troubled expression as she looked at the girl and then went back to eating her bento. The scene kept on happening until the girl sighed and finally spoke out.

"Is it that time of the month for you, Megumi-chan?"

Hearing her blunt question, the surrounding girls chatting with each other stiffened visibly and Megumi's face turned beet red!

"W-what are you saying, Otako-chan?!"

"Hmm? It isn't? Oh, well!"

She brushed past the topic and looked at Megumi with a confused expression.

"Galko-chan might be with her boyfriend or something like that."

When it came to Galko, Otako never was serious and would always exaggerate things.

Megumi became flustered once again and she quickly tried to change the topic.

"Well, she might be sick. Anyway, are you going to stay for club activities today?"

She spoke hurriedly.

Seeing her expression, Otako had a small smirk and she pressed on.

"Oh? Did I press a nerve there? Did you possibly think of your Maa-kun?"

She leaned closer and whispered, making Megumi blush as she put her hands on her cheeks and looked at the corner seat of the classroom that was occupied by a Black-haired boy with glasses who ate his bento while reading a textbook.

"Am I correct?"

Otako's demonic voice brought her back and Megumi immediately stood up with a red face.

"I-I-I'm going to the bathroom."

She didn't wait for Otako's reply and immediately ran out of the class while trying to hide her red face.

Meanwhile, Otako had a slightly strange expression.

"Maybe... it's really that time of the month?"

"Hmm? What time of the month?"

An elegant beauty with long blue hair and a gentle smile on her lips walked and asked Otako with a simple expression.

Seeing the newcomer, Otako replied as unenthusiastically as she could.

"Oh, Ojou? I meant that this may be the time when...."

Explaining to the now blushing Ojou, Otako kept a calm expression.

Ojou finally nodded slowly.

"Oh, I understand."


"Hey, now! We wouldn't believe it if you don't show us your identity card."

Just at the corner of a local mart, a group of youths in punk t-shirts and weird haircuts surrounded a Blonde girl with an extraordinary figure.

"As I told you, I am a First Year student in a Middle School."

The girl replied without losing her composure. It felt like she wasn't surrounded by a group of despicable youths but a group of street dogs whose barking couldn't affect her.

"Heh? With a body and attitude like that? You must be a high school gal, right? Why don't you come with us, like you all are supposed to?"

A man with a dirty grin and a slightly sharper nose spoke out as he placed his hand on the wall right beside the girl's head.

Narrowing her eyes, the girl simply remained uninterested.

"Then why don't you all go and get a leash on your necks since you all are jobless dogs?"

Stepping on their nerves, the girl was successful enough to rile up the group which of course, turned out to be a very bad decision.


The bells on the entrance of the store jingled a sweet tune as a school student in the same uniform as the girl quickly walked out with a slightly worried expression.

"Wait, wait, wait, you sons of bitches!"

It looks like the current school system is unable to cope up with time as every single student are cursing others in the broad daylight.

"Huh? What the hell? Want to play hero, kid?!"

One of the punk with a stereotypical motorbike hairstyle spoke with a crooked mouth.

Without replying to his provocation, the brown-haired boy immediately disappeared from his field of view.


A sense of crisis rose within his heart and his teeth elongated and his jaw became more prominent.

But it only served the use of making the target even bigger.


A strong fist landed on the brighter and stronger teeth only to crack them slightly, making the punk howl in pain.

"You little shit!"

Before the leader could say anything, Rito immediately pointed at his lower body.

"You shit, I am an open-minded person to actually save you from such a fate."

The leader looked below and found that a spike from his own shadow was extended towards his lower Brother, piercing it in a moment's notice.

Seeing the strange quirk, the Leader visibly paled while the blonde girl remained indifferent.

"Shit! We'll get back to you!"

Rito was simply tired of pondering his own situation and decided to buy something to eat when he found this scene right in front of the store.

"No, you won't!"

He immediately burst into speed as the Leader was pathetic enough to just bully the weak. When placed in front of Rito, all he could do was watch helplessly as Rito's knee crushed his little brother's eggs.

The same fate was given to all the other punks that were going to get their manhood pierced.

Seeing this, the girl couldn't help but frown.

"How is it different than what I was going to do?"

Rito looked at this girl and silently appraised her before answering.

"The difference in getting crushed and being pierced is only understandable to men."

He whipped out his smartphone and immediately called for the ambulance before he looked at the girl.

"Why are you ditching the school? From what I know, you are quite a diligent one."

Picking on to the main point, the girl narrowed her eyes.

"From what 'you' know?"

Rito's shadow immediately squirmed slightly and he immediately jumped back to break her line of sight.

"Whoa! Yeah, I mean, you are quite popular in school. Why the anger?"

Rito asked with a harmless smile as he became vigilant around this ferocious girl.

"Oh... Whatever."

She didn't reply and immediately entered the store, leaving Rito dumbstruck.

"Sigh, whatever. I'll just go back home."

He also put this incident behind his mind and walked past the groaning men right in front of the store as they held their jewels with their quivering hands.

"See, if they were pierced, it wouldn't have hurt like hell. Only crushing is the best... maybe I should use the name Balls Crusher... that could make the Villains and Heroes shiver in fear just by my name, right?"

He muttered to himself as his strange naming sense kicked back in.


Character Introduced:




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after some thinking, I have once again decided to go for a big harem and that ofcourse includes our Galko-chan!

If you wish to support the novel, be sure to join my pat reon on a new month.

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