
Chapter 1: Yui Kodai (Part 1)

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP. Izuku woke up to the blaring of his alarm clock which read 4:30, he stopped it with his fist, nearly destroying it.

"ughhhhh." Izuku groaned and looked out of his window before getting up and heading to take a shower.

When he was done, he put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt which spelled t-shirt on it, he then put on his signature red shoes and left his house. He ran and exercised for about 2 hours before getting back home.

Walking in the door, Izuku was met by his mother cooking breakfast for him.

"Hey mom." Izuku greeted before heading back to take another shower. Afterwards, on his way to school via the train station, he ran into someone while boarding the train.

"Oof, sorry." He looked towards the person he knocked over only to see a fellow hero-in-training, Yui Kodai from class 1-B.

He'd never spoken to Yui. Occasionally he would see her at lunch or at the many joint hero classes they had. But he noticed that she never made many faces, or talked to other people besides when she needed to. Izuku thought she was pretty cute, but he would never say that out loud. He could barely hold a conversation with a girl without stuttering.

"K-K-Kodai-san?!" Izuku stuttered while helping her up and boarding the train.

"Hello Midoriya." Yui said while looking at him with a blank face.

"I d-didn't see you there, s-sorry." Midoriya sat down on the train.

"It's fine, Midoriya. I didn't know you took this train" Yui sat down with Midoriya before the train sped off.

"W-Well most people s-say I look p-plain so I-I'm not surprised you d-didn't notice me." Midoriya's thoughts were running a mile a minute at how he was sitting next to a girl.

"Really? Me too" Kodai said with a little bit of surprise in her voice, but her face was completely blank as always.

She'd never seen much of him, though when she did she had to admit that he did look a little plain compared to Mina's unique look or Hagakure's invisibility or even Tokyami's bird like face.

"H-Haha, I guess that makes us plain buddies." Midoriya awkwardly laughed while mental slapping himself for that dumb joke."'

So Stupid' He said in his mind while Yui gave him a look of confusion. 'She is pretty cute though' He said before turning red after realizing what he just thought while Yui gave him another look of confusion.

Besides the few words they exchanged, the train ride was overall quiet. Once they got off the train, Midoriya ran into Ochaco and Lida with Kodai behind him.

"Hey Deku-kun!" Uraraka waved at him while Lida was waving his hand robotically.

"H-Hey guys" Midoriya said while walking towards them."

"Hello Midoriya-kun and...Kodai-san?" Lida asked questioningly.

"Y-Yea, I ran i-into her at the train station."

"Would you like to join us Kodai-san?" Lida asked while chopping the air.

"Ok." Yui said. They all walked to U.A and the day went relatively normal, with Bakugo yelling, Kirishima being manly, and Mineta being a pervert then the Hero Class came.

All Might came to Class 1-A in his skinny form (This story takes place before Overhaul but after All for One and the dorms are being made.) with Aizawa and Vlad King.

"Alright, everyone put on your hero costumes and meet me at Ground Beta." Aizawa said with his signature laziness."

"Yes Sir but why is Vlad-Sensei here?" Lida asked.

"We're doing the training exercise with class 1-B as well so get going." Aizawa said.

Class 1-A and 1-B arrived at Ground Beta in their hero costumes, wondering what kind of exercise they'd be having. Aizawa, All Might and Vlad King all showed up with flags in their hands, Making them even more confused. Holding a bunch of flags in his hand, Aizawa began speaking.

"You will all be paired up with one other person in teams of two, when the exercise starts, you will start with one flag, you have to take flags from other teams, the team with the most flags win." Said Aizawa

All Might then presented a screen that was in his hands, which showed each team."This screen will show each of your teams, pair up with your teamate and go to your designated starting position.

Team 6 - Izuku Midoriya & Yui Kodai

A/N Thank you for reading this chapter, I really love Izuku x Yui its one of my favorite ships in BNHA, stay tuned for the next chapter.