
(bl) the little cat form bailmore

This is the story of a cat who was born ill and was killed by its mother being too weak to exist. The life of Mau was short, but now with the opportunity to live again in a world of fantasy and advanced technology, he is determined not only to live but to never be weak again. I'm working on more stuff so I'll be posting like 3 chapters of this every week

Jay_Stylez · Fantasi Timur
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

3: Immortal is a funny word

"Ugh, what the fuck. My head is killing me and what is that smell? Lying on the floor, facing the ceiling with a pained expression on his face, was Mau, and he was not looking good." Mau thought out loud.

Mau had been unconscious in this cave for a week after his fight with the golden canine-like beast. This wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for the fact that he had almost given himself a concussion from the terrible fall on his head. from His little fainting episode.

Besides, he had been stuck in this cave, that was only 12 meters wide and 3 meters tall. It wasn't too bad because he was only 4 feet tall, but the raw meat smelled had filled up the cave, and it's all he could smell. It didn't smell spoiled, but the smell of raw meat still wasn't pleasant.

"Okay, so it's been a week, has it? Wow, my time perception is crazy. They use something called calendars and clocks here that help you keep track of things like this, but maybe I won't need them. I'm like a genius. Mother wouldn't try to kill me now if she saw me," thought Mau with confidence before he realized something.

"Wait, Mother killed me? Yeah, I guess she did." Mau sat there with a deeply saddened expression on his face, as his lips trembled a bit before he raised his hand and quickly slapped his cheek, then clenched his fist. "You don't have time to be sad!!

"Everything wants to kill you. Snap out of it! We just have to prove to Mother that we're stronger now and we'll be the ones to put people out of their misery. I'll become immortal, that way no one will ever kill me like that again." mau said with a shaky voice.

"Immortal, what a funny word." Thought mau.

If Mau was processing the information the shiny man gave him correctly, there were certain steps you had to take to get there as a human cultivator, and it's long and boring. But magical beasts just eat people and each other to gain strength; this is only a small part of the normal means of cultivation. Honestly, Mau didn't know what he was.

Mau briefly began to monologue. "Hmmm, let's see. When I entered this body, something strange happened. It felt as if I merged with something, but from what the shiny man said, I was supposed to just be shoved in some meat sack."

"What I merged with wasn't this body, so what was it? It felt similar to what I was before I came into possession of this mass of overgrown flesh. From what I understand, what I was before was called a soul. Did I merge with this thing's soul? I must have; that's what it felt like."

[somewhere unknown ]

Hahaha, smart, aren't you? I only gave that cat information to navigate that world, but somehow his soul merged with it. Not only did it heighten his perception ability, but his awareness as well, causing him to gain a whole entire personality in the process.

"Although he is a little childish, like seriously, shiny man, I'm a god, you should be showing me some respect, huh? But compared to the not only child but infant he was, his mind is comparable to a teenager, how immature he is. Huh, shiny man?"

The tall, beautiful bronzy man started to blush a vibrant red color. "COUGH!!" The shiny man then cleared his throat. "Well, I guess it's not a bad name. Anyway, I believe I might have done something wrong. Maybe I was supposed to take the beast's soul out of there first before I put him in."

"He almost instantly turned into a 7-tier beast. If I hadn't intervened, things wouldn't be as interesting. If he had it too easy, it would have caused me some trouble as well."

My only job is to watch; I'm not supposed to mess with any souls. In fact, this is my first time ever doing this, and I would say I'm doing a good job.

*Knock knock*

A beautiful, busty woman with black hair, red eyes, and a dark purple tight-fitting dress walked into the shiny man's room. "Master Caz," said the black-haired woman.

"I looked into what you asked me to"

"Oh, did you? Did you find it?"

The shiny man eagerly asked. The woman handed him a crystal-like globe, showing a dark black egg surrounded by a beautiful green scenery. Grass was wisping in the wind, and there were beautiful flowers of varying colors.

Along with large hedges with vibrant blue round tiny fruits growing from vines that tightly wrapped around the hedges, as if they were embracing them in a warming hug. These hedges acted as a wall, boxing the egg in as if they wanted to protect it.

The contrast of this huge 2-meter tall egg paired with this beautiful, colorful background was captivatinly intoxicating.

"Is he your vessel, yes, but he's way too young to do anything entertaining anytime soon. Bummer. Well, keep a watch on him. Whenever he shows signs of waking up, let me know," Caz said.

"Yes, master," the woman turned towards the door and walked almost seductively, but with a sense of elegance. She was very captivating, but Caz paid no mind. He was too busy monologuing in his head.

"DAMN IT!! if that thing had hatched, maybe I could have used it to get a closer look at my little kitten. Well, too bad I guess. I won't be able to meddle in his life anytime soon, and I was so hopeful. Please stay alive for a long time, Mau I want to see everything you have to offer."

[planet bailmore]

[Location beast Forest]

Basking in the shade of the night, in front of a small cave, was a humanoid cat figure standing in front of a bright illuminating fire, eating some huge fully cooked lumps of meat.

"Mmm, this is actually good. Haven't even added any spices or herbs. I should probably cook some with it anyway or would have gotten all these pretty-looking plants for nothing,"

Mau thought to himself. He had put the knowledge of cooking to use as soon as he woke up and was faring very well with the knowledge, in his opinion. Next to him was a big pile of various different colorful plants placed messily on the floor. These were the herbs and spices to make a few meals with.

Even though he had just eaten a slab of cooked meat bigger than his head, he was still alarmingly hungry. He also enjoyed the feeling of energy slowly entering and flowing throughout his body as he ate. It was addictive, like eating sunshine. "Well, that actually sounds terrifying, well you get the point. It felt good and he didn't want to stop.

"Wow, I feel amazing. Is this how it is every time you eat a magical beast? "

"If so, watch out, beasts, because I'm coming for you."

"I wonder if humans taste good as well."

However, he immediately pushed that thought far away as humans held most of the power here. Mau did not want to be hunted down and killed because he had consumed someone's relative."

"Hmmm...well, enough of that."

Mau then tried to gain an understanding of cultivation in this world. After consuming all the beasts he had killed, he extinguished the fire, concealed his presence, and made his way into the cave. He paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and analyze the situation carefully. Mau then went into deep thought in order to process all the information. It was necessary for him to know this if he ever wanted to become an immortal one day, even if it was just a slight desire."

Martial cultivation goes as follows: weapon specialization, dao specialization, breathing techniques, and qi manipulation. Oh, and tempering, which is basically putting yourself through pain to make your body stronger.

The main and important factor that helps you move to the next realm is qi manipulation. Being able to absorb and store qi in your body is what separates mortals from cultivators. In the cultivation world, your cultivation level decides how strong your level of strength is based on your cultivation realm, where you are in that realm, which goes as follows:

Mortal realm:

In this realm, you begin strengthening your body with qi through various forms of tempering.

Foundation realm:

In this realm, you start accumulating more qi, making your body more powerful and capable of manipulating qi better.

Spirit realm:

In this realm, you develop your soul to be stronger by absorbing higher amounts of qi in your soul and body.

Earth-shattering realm:

In this realm, you become capable of understanding nature more, causing you to gain even more enlightenment in your elemental dao. You can consume and store larger amounts of qi, along with gaining a better understanding of qi, causing you to gain better control over it.

Heavenly body realm:

In this realm, your body becomes less mortal, causing you to gain more lifespan and gain godlike amounts of qi, with way more destructive power capable of destroying cities if wanted.

Transformation realm:

In this realm, you began to slowly become immortal, undergoing a youthful transformation and gaining even more lifespan, causing you to need to consume outrageous amounts of qi.

Immortal realm:

Once you reach this realm, you are no longer able to live in the mortal plain and you ascend to the immortal realm.

Along with tiers and realms, there are also four levels in every tier or realm: low, mid, late, and peak. Once you make it past the peak, you then move to the next realm or tier.

"Okay, that was a lot, but simple enough. I guess I should still try to practice martial cultivation since I'll have to be around humans sooner or later."

Mau thought this was the best options for him because, he'd rather hide being a magical beast from humans. It seems that humans use magical beasts to make special potions and advance in their cultivation. Mau wants to avoid being used in such a way."

"I would hate for them to think of me as some undiscovered ingredient since an existence like mine doesn't seem to exist here, making me the only one of my kind, and that definitely yells undiscovered ingredient."

"Ugh, where do I even go to find martial arts to practice? I don't even have any money. They seem to use something called credits and qi stones here."

"Wait, that weird crystal thing I saw in those beasts but didn't bother to do anything with because how do you cook a crystal? But from what I understand, they are very valuable. Sell them, but those won't be enough for me to get any type of cultivation things and find a place to live or even leave this planet. "

This was very true. Mau's best bet was to collect a lot of beast crystals just to live in the main city of this world, let alone buy any type of cultivation materials. Although strength is valued the most in this world, you still need money to live since most people where (were) strong. Taking what you wanted wasn't an option for everyone, and Mau might be among those people. So, he could only hope he'd come across something expensive in the forest, which was very possible but also a death wish. Going closer to the fourth tier for something like that or collecting a lot of beast crystals were the only options. I'm sure you have an idea of what options Mau was taking

thank you for read leave me some feed back if you can