
'Till We Meet Again'

Verene Lee, a brilliant and tenacious lawyer, and Zeon Nelson, a charismatic billionaire CEO, were once deeply in love. However, their passionate relationship crumbled under the weight of misunderstandings, pride, and the pressures of their respective careers. They parted ways in a painful breakup, leaving their hearts shattered. Verene has made a name for herself in the legal world, but she's struggling to find true happiness Zeon, on the other hand, has achieved incredible success in the business world, but his wealth and power have left him feeling empty and lonely. Verene's life takes an unexpected turn when she becomes the lawyer for a high-profile client embroiled in a complex legal battle. Little does she know that the client is none other than Zeon Nelson, the man she thought she'd never see again. Forced to work closely together, old emotions and the scars of their breakup are laid bare. As they navigate the intricacies of the case, Verene and Zeon find themselves drawn back into each other's orbit.  Can they find it in their hearts to forgive and forget, to give love a second chance?

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5 Chs

Chapter 4:( A new beginning)

I took a deep breath and managed to speak, My voice cracking with emotion. "I met Zeon today, Sabrina. He's the unknown client—the one who broke my heart years ago."

Sabrina's eyes widened in shock. She obviously heard me talk about Zeon before, but the pain in Sab's voice now cut through her heart. "Zeon? The same Zeon who-"

I nodded, my tears soaking into Sabrina's shoulder. "Yes, Sabrina. He's the one. I never thought I'd see him again, and now he's back in my life, as my client, no less."

Sabrina held me tighter, her heart aching for her me . "Verene, this must be so hard for you. I can't even imagine."

I pulled away slightly, my tear-streaked face reflecting the pain of my past. "You don't understand, Sabrina. It's not just that he's back in my life; it's the memories,

Couple of years ago, I Couldn't understand why Zeon was distancing himself from me, and this lack of communication led to many arguments. We both felt misunderstood and hurt, but our love still kept going . However, the real problem was when Zeon received a scholarship to a prestigious university in a different state. At first, I was thrilled for Zeon's opportunity, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being alone after all our days together . Zeon, too, was torn between pursuing his dreams and staying with the love of his life. He decided to go to the university, thinking it was the right choice for his future. I was heartbroken and felt like I was losing Zeon, agreed to try a long-distance relationship thing.

Jealousy, mistrust, and my freaking insecurities crept into our relationship, leading to frequent arguments . I felt neglected, and Zeon felt overwhelmed by guilt. I felt like he completely changed now that he is in a good state, One fateful night, after a particularly bitter argument on facetime . He made the decision to end our relationship, believing it was the only way for both of us to find happiness. 

I still remember his last words were, "I love you more than anything, Verene, if you think im using you , I can't bear to see you hurt because of me. You deserve to be with someone who can be there for you in every way. I don't think I'll ever be able to truly love again, but you'll always be my First and last Love, I hope we meet in the future someday by fate "

 Zeon's last words haunted me for years, but I moved on, I couldn't believe one word that came out of his mouth. He's manipulative, he's controlling, I hate him, I hate him

Sabrina held me tighter, her own eyes welling up with sympathy. "Verene, those feelings are valid. I know what he did to you, You were hurt deeply. But it's been a long time, and you've grown so much since then. Don't let the past define your future."

I pulled away slightly, "But Sabrina, I've already signed the contract. I can't back out now, and you know about the consequences,"

Sabrina's expression softened as she took my hands in her own. "Verene, try to focus on the present. Think of the opportunities this contract could bring. It's a chance to prove yourself and show him how much you've grown."

Sabrina's eyes narrowed with a hint of determination as she contemplated the situation. " Wait, Verene, you know, you don't have to face this alone. You have options, and you can choose how to handle it."

I looked at her , curiosity piqued. "What do you mean, Sabrina?"

Sabrina leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Verene, you know what they say about revenge, right? "Well, you have a powerful position now, working as his lawyer. You can use this opportunity to assert yourself, to remind him of what he lost when he let you go."

Sabrina flashed a sassy grin. "They say revenge is the best dish that's served hot with a side of confidence and a dash of sass."

I chuckled, not quite sure where Sabrina was going with this. "Sabrina, revenge isn't really my style. I can't do that"

Sabrina's grin widened. "Oh, Verene, I'm not talking about bitter revenge. I'm talking about showing Zeon what he missed out on and giving him a taste of his own medicine, you know its fun." she leaned in closer, her voice low and playful. "Lets just say You stride into that meeting room with the confidence of a hot ,sassy professional lawyer. You dazzle him with your poise. And then, just when he least expects it, you drop a sassy, witty comeback that leaves him speechless."

I couldn't help but laugh at Sabrina's suggestion. "You want me to tease him during a professional meeting?"

Sabrina shrugged with a devilish grin. "Why not? Show him that you're not just a lawyer; you're a force to be reckoned with. You can be fierce and fabulous at the same time, like me."

I couldn't help but join the laughter in the room . "Sabrina, you're absolutely crazy!"

Sabrina winked. "Crazy like a fox, BABE. It's a lighthearted way to show him that you can have fun and not take things too seriously, ever heard of kill him with kindness by Selena"

I wiped away tears of laughter. "Well, it would certainly make the meeting unforgettable."

Sabrina grinned. "Exactly! And who knows, he might even appreciate your sense of humor. If nothing else, it'll be a great icebreaker."

But then, Sabrina's expression shifted to one of contemplation. "But, on second thought, maybe that won't work. It might not send the right message, and it could potentially backfire, and then I don't want you to be crying to me telling that you got fired because of me"

Sabrina shook her head, clarifying her intentions. "Verene, jokes aside But you can show him that you've thrived despite the heartache he caused. You can prove that he missed out on the incredible and successful person you've become."

Sabrina's voice was sincere as she reassured her friend. "Verene, no matter what you choose to do, I'll be here to support you. You've got this, if you want me to kill him with my own sweet hands i'll do that for you babe, and you can bail me out of the case, isn't it great?! "

My heart warmed with gratitude for her support as I chuckled . "Thank you, Sabrina. You're the best. You always know how to make me laugh"

we both laughed together.. and made our ways to the living room to eat lunch together 

 Zeon POV:

I had just left Verene's office, my heart racing with emotions I hadn't anticipated. The smirk I wore was a mask, hiding the whirlwind of feelings churning within me. Seeing Verene again had awakened a part of me that I had long buried, and it was undeniable— but I knew I wanted her back.

As I was heading to my office in my G- wagon, I almost couldn't shake the memory of Verene's beautiful siren brown eyes, that had always held me captive, and I had lost myself in them countless times. The way they sparkled with laughter, or softened with compassion it was a sight I had missed more than I cared to admit, and I remembered the way her hair caught the sunlight and I longed to run my fingers through it once more, to feel its softness against my skin, and her cute little lips those had been my downfall, They had always been a shade of pink that seemed custom-made to tempt . The memory of their softness against my own lips haunted my thoughts, and I yearned for the taste of their sweetness once more.

Mr.Nelson ?!!!!, my personal assistant Vincent called out my name as I was lost in my own thoughts about my Amour

UMM, yes sorry I just Uh thinking about something really important , what did you call me for?, I asked Vincent.

Vincent, is my personal assistant, He's the same age as me and I consider him as my buddy, He does everything I say, Vincent had been by My side for years, a loyal and trusted person in both my personal and professional life. "he's not just my personal assistant; he's my right-hand man, my partner in this journey."

"Do we go straight to the office or do you need to grab something for lunch?", he asked me

Yes, just get me a Frappuccino from star bucks and get yourself something as well, I hand him my black card

"Thanks and is that all your gonna be having, aren't you hungry?", he asked me with a concerned face

"Vincent, im not hungry , im already filled with happiness", I tell him with a huge smile on my face.

What happened, you look extra happy today, did someone catch your attention?, he asked me looking through the mirror almost teasing me.

Uh No, its just I met the person handling my case, it was successful, nothing much.

Obviously im not gonna tell him I met my ex, but he wouldn't believe me anyways ,with a sly smile, I told him, "Dude, there are some things I'll keep to myself for now, and I can't afford to reveal all my cards just yet."

"whatever man, One day you'll spill it all out", Vincent rolled his eyes.

As soon as we both head back to our office, I kept my phone aside and sat on my chair as usual waiting for Vincent to bring me coffee.

"Here, your frap", he hands me the drink

Thanks, I tell him with a smile

Vincent, have a seat, I need to discuss something real quick, as he takes a side in front of me 

I begin to discuss the company matters with him, "so I've been thinking about our upcoming meeting with the legal lawyer, I think it would be wise to reach out to Kate her personal assistant and inquire if Ms .Lee is ready for the meeting and if she's in agreement to take on our case, because I believe Ms. lee is busy so its better if we mail her assistant. 

"I agree Mr. Nelson . How would you like to proceed with this?, Vincent asks me,

"Could you please draft an email to Kate and politely ask her to confirm if Ms. lee is prepared for the meeting and if she's willing to handle our case?" It's important to know where she stands' , I told Vincent to do so.

"Certainly. Should I provide any specific details in the email, or just a direct inquiry?", Vincent asks.

" Keep it brief and professional and also mail the case details and cause along with it . Mention that we're looking forward to the meeting with her and express our appreciation for her involvement. If Kate has any concerns or needs more information, she can communicate that in her reply."

Got it. Should I CC you on the email?, he asks me,

"Yes, please do. That way, I can stay informed and follow up if necessary."

"Alright, Mr. Nelson . I'll start working on the email right away and let you know once it's been sent." I scroll through my phone until he types in the mail.

Few minutes later, "Alright, its sent , Vincent gets up and shows me his laptop", 'Thanks, Vincent I really appreciate your help, you may head home'.

I head home with hope that Verene would say yes for the agreement and with the feeling of excitement that ill be meeting my, Verene soon.