
' The proposal ' Chapter 6

" Give one good excuse for walking out on me. For running away." The steady, firm tone, low-keyed but with intensity, made the person on the other end of the line keep quiet and avoid giving stupid excuses, knowing they'd hit a brick wall.

" At least you're not giving me some lame excuse.I expect you to return in two days. Sort things out till then. Don't force me to come and drag you here myself. Is that clear?"

The incoherent muttering and blubbering didn't affect him. He was used to it." In two days." He cut the call in a sense of discomfort mixed with sorrow. It was strenuous for Taehyung to speak to him in that tone but he deserved it for making him worry. They had a clear pack. Taehyung would always know his whereabouts and he broke their deal.

He pressed a button on his phone." Tell Mr.Jung to come to my office."

" Yes,sir " his secretary replied firmly.

Five minutes later, Hobi entered his office holding a bunch of files, walking towards Taehyung 's desk.

" Good morning! Lovely day, huh?" His sunshine face first thing in the morning was the least Taehyung wanted.

" Morning.." he answered back fretted without looking at his friend.

" Is it so hard for you to say good morning? It won't cost you a dime!" 

" What's so lovely? It's another ordinary day." 

" Not in the mood again!" Hobi observed, sitting across him on the chair, stretching his legs." Rough night?" 

" You could say that." He really didn't feel kike talking, answering about anything except their work.

Hobi fixed the hem of his pants." Have you found him?"

" Yeah. He is in London." He felt his blood boiling at the thought but as usual he kept an indifferent expression, his gaze travelling between documents.

" London?" Hobi exclaimed, stunned." What is he doing there?"

" Behaving like a daft prick if you ask me." He rubbed his temples, cropping up his head ." Don't want to talk about it." 

Hobi understood his friend was making significant efforts to keep calm but inside he was at a boiling point ready to explode. That was Taehyung. Hiding his thoughts and emotions from the world and himself, acting tough to avoid getting hurt. And be mistaken for a human!

" Anyway, Mr.Lee requested a meeting. He wanted to discuss the terms."

" Would you mind handling it alone? That old fool gives me a headache."

" Sorry. He requested a personal meeting with the big boss!. It seems it's the only way to seal the deal." 

Taehyung 's gaze travelled to the huge window, at his side and the bright,sunny sky." Schedule it for two. I've got arrangements for later."

Hobi's heart clenched and he leaned forward." Are you still seeing him?" 

" Yes..but I would advise you to stop lecturing me. I know your opinion and I chose to ignore it."he retorted , playing with the pen in his fingers.

" You're walking on eggshells!Quit while you can. It won't end well." Hobi warned him strictly. It was a long shot since Taehyung had made up his mind on how to proceed.

" For him. I'm counting on it. Nobody messes with V and gets away Scot-free." 

Hobi unfortunately realized his words and his warnings wouldn't prevent Taehyung from executing this ridiculous plan once he has set his mind on it. His gut feeling was warning him he would eventually face the music. But that poor boy was in for a bumpy ride. Hobi was feeling sorry for him. Well..at least he gave it a shot.

" Promise me you won't do anything entirely stupid. Kill him, cut him to pieces and scatter him around Seoul." Frankly speaking, that was his biggest fear. For him and Bogum Tae was Tae..but for everyone else he was V. The scariest part was that Taehyung actually believed he was a notorious criminal with a badass reputation.

" If I intended to kill him don't you think I would have done it already?" 

" But it did cross your mind.." 

The wicked leer on his lips terrified Hobi confirming his suspicions as he broke out in cold sweat. He knew about Taehyung's illegal activities, shoddy reputation back in the States. Here he was a respectable businessman. In Vegas a cold-blooded criminal.

" Please don't jeopardize all you have accomplished by acting irrational. I'm not thinking about the company or the scandal..just you. I'm your friend Tae. I love you and I'm worried about you. You can't alter the past. Erase it..face it and learn to live with it." 

Taehyung poked his tongue at the sentimental lecture first thing in the morning." I know what I'm doing Hoseok. Nothing you or anyone else can tell me to change my mind. Jungkook will pay a heavy price." he blatantly commented, returning to his work." Brief me about the meeting. I hate surprises."


Jungkook was standing outside his building,leaning against the wall, one knee bent, hands crossed on his chest,waiting for Taehyung's arrival. It was their fifth consecutive date since that hot night at his apartment. The younger blushed  recalling their steamy moments, anticipating more but the man hadn't made any sort of move and Jungkook couldn't but admire him. He had made a promise to keep it slow and to Jungkook's disappointment and satisfaction he had kept it. 

They would hug, kiss, cuddle but that was it. The younger needed more but didn't want to give the wrong impression.

Taehyung arrived in his huge limo, getting out and prancing his way. He held his hand, placed a soft kiss on it and then pecked his lips." You look exquisite, Kookie."

The younger 's cheeks were painted crimson red." Thank you Taehyung..you look handsome yourself." he returned the compliment, fixing his askew tie knot with his fingers.

"I've made reservations at a new Japanese restaurant." he announced casually, holding his hand and escorting him to the back of the limo, taking his seat next to him.

Jungkook's doe eyes sparkled from enthusiasm." I love Japanese food!" 

Taehyung had planned this night up to the last detail. He knew which button to push, what words to use, what gestures to make to keep him under his influence." I'm here to fulfill all your wishes, doll." He kissed his knuckles and then cupped his hand, testing it on his thigh.

The restaurant was bustling with customers but Taehyung had booked their VIP room exclusively for them. They tried everything. Ramen, different types of sushi, yakitori, miso soup and sake. For dessert, mochi and castella.

Taehyung seemed less tense and more relaxed. He wasn't smiling or anything of the sort but his face had lost its usual coldness. At some point he received a call and stepped out to answer. When he returned he looked a bit worried.

" Is everything ok? Did something happen?" Jungkook asked, watching him sitting and gorging down his sake.

" A minor setback. Nothing serious." He raised his hand and the waiter rushed to their table. Taehyung paid the bill with his golden card and stood up, straightening his expensive Gucci suit.

" Are we leaving?" They were having such a good time Jungkook wished the night wouldn't end so abruptly.

" Let's walk." 

They left the restaurant holding hands and took a long stroll at their favourite place. Han river. It was a warm, starry night, people were wandering along the river, laughing, having snacks, sitting on the benches scattered on the premises.

" Have I told you how stunning you look?" He kissed Jungkook 's palm, squeezing his hand.

" Yeah..many times already.." he teased him as his gaze travelled to the man's perfectly sculpted characteristics. His handsomeness was giving him goosebumps. He often wondered how he got so lucky and met this wonderful, mysterious man.

" It's your fault, doll. You have me completely under your spell." 

" I'd wish!" Jungkook exclaimed." I hardly think that's the case!" 

" Take my word for it. You have been a revelation to me. Although I believe there are parts of you I still haven't discovered." 

Jungkook's brows narrowed." I don't hide anything. What you see is what you get." 

Taehyung halted, let go of his hand and stuffed his inside his pants' pockets." It makes my departure even harder."

Jungkook's jaw dropped, rooted to the spot. The slight trembling of his body made him shiver as if he had dived into ice water." You're leaving? Where are you going? For how long?" Unwillingly he was biting his nails, gulping. Taehyung was leaving him.

He was going away.

" Got to go back to the States. I've been away long enough..and there are matters I need to resolve." His voice was calm, showing no emotion explaining his sudden departure.

"For.. How long? You will return, won't you?" 

" Eventually.. I'll be gone for at least three to four months. There's always the possibility of not coming back."

Jungkook wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. His stomach churned, everything seemed to shut down, looking out at the rest of the world through a thick fog. A stabbing, sharp pain shot his head and heart like fire. It made him reel. So much time away from him seemed like an eternity. Without seeing his handsome face, hearing his strong voice, kissing his sweet lips, holding him in his arms.  A real torment. And the thought of him not returning at all..he suddenly couldn't breathe. He was stifling..

The awkward silence between them brought tears to Jungkook's eyes. A wonderful dream coming to an end. Nothing in life lasts forever. And now he understood why a part of him was warning him not to get too emotionally involved, attached to this man. His life was in the States. However he wiped the tears with trembling fingers not wanting to break down in front of him.

" I hope you solve everything." he coughed, taking two strides forward, standing at the edge of the pavement, browsing the calm waters of the river.

Taehyung back hugged him, resting his chin on his shoulder." Smile doll! Sulking doesn't suit you." 

Jungkook sniffed at his redolent musky scent wondering if he will ever get the chance to smell it again." I'm not sulking.." he protested." It was so out of the blue..give me time to sink it in."

" You could visit me anytime you want." he suggested and instantly regretted it, hoping Jungkook wouldn't take his invitation for granted.

" I can't.. I've got my studies, my work, my family..a trip to the US is a big deal." 

" And where does that leave us Jungkook? We have a nice thing going and I don't want to lose it." The lies he had to say!The truth was he couldn't wait to get rid of him! He was posing a threat for Taehyung and.. Although after last night and the things he learnt Jungkook was out of the picture. He just had to prolong his interest until the big announcement and then send him off to hell. Finally he would be able to breathe and go back to his life!

" Long distance relationships don't last Taehyung. Eventually you get used to living without your partner, grow apart and..break up." It hurt so much to say the words but he knew better that to keep his hopes up only to be thrashed later. He could feel his heart pounding uncontrollably, holding Taehyung 's hands gently.

" Would a ring change your perspective?" 

Jungkook turned around so fast it made him dizzy and nearly stumbled but the older one held him." A..a ring?" 

Taehyung grinned. So fucken predictable!" Why so shocked? I realized after these months that I want you to be part of my life. I don't want to lose you. I need you in my bed all to myself." The need to puke was becoming stronger by the minute. The bullshit he had to say to keep him under his control even after his departure was eating him alive.

The younger 's heartbeat increased dramatically to the point he thought his heart would jump out of his chest." You mean an engagement ring?" It sounded so unrealistic and surreal.

" Of course doll.. whatever you say." 

That sentence should have warned Jungkook but he was so happy and caught up in the moment that even if the danger was written in capitals on Taehyung's forehead he wouldn't have gotten the hint. 

Taehyung reached out in his side pocket, took out a small, red, velvet box." Hope you like it." 

Jungkook was in awe! The expensive , golden Cartier ring was flashing bright before the younger 's sparkling eyes." So..you love me..you love me…want to marry me.." he stuttered, dazzled by the ring, the proposal and the prospect of spending every day of the rest of his life with Taehyung. Going to sleep and waking up by his side, seeing his handsome face.Taking care of him. Cooking for him when he returned from work.Having wild, passionate, stormy sex with the most wonderful man he had ever met.. Jungkook had known all along but didn't admit it to himself or anyone else. In the sort while they were dating the younger got fascinated by his mysterious charm and emotions were unlocked.

He was madly, undeniably head over heels with this man! He had known since the beginning of their extraordinary, bumpy journey. For the first time in his life he was in love! 

" Yeah ." His resilience had its limits. Saying 'I love you' to that fool was definitely not gonna happen. He was already struggling to make it through the night, acting whipped and fluffy!

That should have been clue number two for Jungkook! The boy was over the moon, beaming in ecstasy! Clueless to Taehyung's devious plan. He jumped on him, hugging and kissing him all over his face, laughing.

" Hey! Hey! Easy there." He put him down, held his hand , slipped the ring in his finger and kissed it." You're mine now Jungkook. Only mine. Remember that ." 

Jungkook felt his knees bend from weakness." I'm yours Taehyung." he lisped trying to tame his beating heart and profound excitement. Taehyung gripped his jaw, kissing his rosy lips and the younger melted in his strong arms. 

" Tae?"

" Yeah doll."

" When will you meet my parents and hyungs?"

" I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon so you announce the good news and we'll arrange a meeting when I get back." 

Jungkook pouted." I was hoping you'll meet them before you leave but it's ok." he responded, snuggling his head in the man's nape.Spend the night with me.I need a little more time in your arms."

His mind was working overtime to find a believable excuse to reject him gently and skip the nightmare of having to spend one more second with him." I'd love to doll but I've got an important meeting early in the morning and my company is too far from your house. I should stay in my penthouse."

The boy sulked at the prospect of not spending more time with him before his trip but lifted his head, smiling." I understand. Let's keep walking. I'm craving snacks." 

He rushed him to a nearby convenient store where they bought snacks and ice-cream and ended up on a bench eating them. Jungkook was.Taehyung was so stuffed his stomach refused to accept anything more.


Taehyung got out of his private jet, inhaling the familiar, polluted air of Vegas. He loved the feeling of being home ready to go back to his everyday routine. Working, punching, breaking bones, killing, having interesting 'sessions'! The usual!

He took the phone out of his pocket, making a call." It's me. I'm back. Number 1, 2 and 3 in my room in an hour." he ordered Alexander and hung up. First thing he did was go to his casino. 

Adrian, Ryker and Mason were already in his office, waiting.

" Welcome home,boss." Adrian spoke first, watching Taehyung marching in and throwing his jacket on the couch.

" We've missed you around here." Mason noted,sitting on the arm of the couch next to his friends.

" But we did an excellent job while you were having fun V!" Ryker added, winking at him.

Taehyung sat behind the desk, stretching his legs, completely unbothered." Enough with the chit chat. Let's get down to business." 

The three men exchanged odd looks and huffed. Same old V! All work and no play!

" Rest assured the business is going smoothly." Ryker started saying." We've made a profit of two billion from Stigma alone. The cups closed the investigation about Maseti. Didn't bother us. Yosef caught an idiot trying to count the cards. We took good care of him." 

" Williams?Did he pay us off?" 

" He was convinced after we broke both of his arms. Cried like a pussy." Mason chipped in." It was so thrilling." Only Mason would find breaking a person's bones exciting.

" Good. Get the word out. Anyone who doesn't pay us ends up in the Grand Canyon." His usual exigent and strict self was back.

" Right on it boss." Adrian gave him thumbs up.

" So.." Ryker spoke." How was your trip? Had fun? Met people? Blended in?"

Taehyung 's mind travelled back to Seoul and consequently to Jungkook and his ridiculous promise to call him as soon as he landed. To keep his interest going he had to but postponed it for later. After getting his long awaited fix. Then he could deal with him.

" Productive. I got what I wanted."

Since none of his friends knew the destination of his trip or his objective they looked puzzled.

" Are we opening another casino somewhere?" Adrian asked, tapping his fingers on his leg.

" Because if we are, we need debriefing." Mason continued." There's a lot of work to be done. Finding the right location, getting the necessary license and permits.."

" It was personal." Taehyung informed them to end the crazy speculations.

Now they were more baffled than before. V had no personal life,at least as far as they knew, except from his weird sessions. Where was he and what was he doing,travelling out of the country? 

" That will be all. Go back to your posts." The questions remained unanswered. 

Mason and Ryker left but Adriam stayed behind.

" Taehyung? Is everything alright?" He was concerned about his friend. Despite knowing him for years V was a mystery to them. Like he didn't exist before Haruto brought him to the US.

" Why wouldn't they be?" He wiggled his broad shoulders, his eyes scanning the screens across his desk. A clear indication he had no intention of discussing the issue with anyone.

Adrian scoffed, pinching the bridge of his nose." You know best. I'll leave you alone." he said and stormed out. 

Taehyung spent the next half an hour working and went to his apartment. The warm bath gave him relaxation and walking naked he went inside his closet, pressed the button on the side revealing his favourite toys! He was in the mood for extreme pleasure and pain today. A leather flogger, a black paddle, gags and three gigantic black dildos.

He tried to get rid of the image popping up in his head, shaking the disturbing thought away. He needed his full attention and concentration on the three slaves. Nothing else. He heard the door open and footsteps approaching.

" They're here V. Enjoy! " Alexander shouted and the door closed.

" Strip and kneel." He dominantly ordered in a loud voice and heard a " Yes, master."

Searching through his toys his eyes scanned some spreader bars, a bondage gear kit and an inflatable seat with a vibrating dildo. He bummed in excitement and decided to spice things up.

That image again! He tousled his wet hair in frustration. The last thing he wanted right now was that boy stuck in his head…he huffed and puffed and wheezed again. 

But he was there.. flashing before his eyes. Naked, lust sparkling in his doe eyes, saliva drooling from his half closed ,plump lips,a black, leather collar hooked around his beautiful neck, in all fours like a fucken whore, a dildo machine mercilessly hammering his loose hole. No gags..he wanted to hear his moans and groans and pleads..and screams from the intense pleasure and pain..at his mercy..

He looked down, gulping on thin air. He was as hard as a rock in the Grand Canyon, strings of uncontrollable precum dripping on the floor. His breathing became shaper and heavier. His chest pumping up and down, ready to burst. The mere thought of Jungkook made him hard.

" No..no..this is absurd..no." he mumbled through gritted teeth, refusing to obey the persistent urge to touch himself. It didn't matter three women were waiting for him in the next room.

Tossing his head back , he cursed, his hand tightly hooked the hard-on, hissing and pumping it with ferocity.His misty eyes covered with Jungkook's clear image being crushed by the dildo machine shouting his master's name. 

Taehyung felt weak, his knees bent slightly and his hand found support on the wall while continuing to jerk off in a frenzy. Muffled moans echoed in the room, chasing after his release.

Drops of sticky sweat venting on his forehead and cheeks as a result of his heartfelt yearning and self consuming bliss.

" Jungkook..oh God.. Jungkook..fuck.. I'm cumming..fuck..fuck.." he whispered yelled , gnashing his teeth as his cock was panging uncontrollably and spurts of cum gushed out , landing with force on his toys. He kept cumming and cumming like no tomorrow..

His orgasm didn't downgrade the lust and longing he felt deep inside. He was at a loss. Cumming hard for a boy he loathed more than anyone in the world. Shutting his eyes he tried to calm his raging heart breathing through his nose.

It didn't have any effect on him. Jungkook's face was still present. More powerful and clearer than before. He squeezed his cock and fizzled.

Taking two steps to the left side he grabbed his phone with trembling hands and called Alexander." Send them away. Now." A squeaky  grant that troubled his PA but executed his order without questions.

His back hit the wall and he collapsed on the cold floor. What was happening to him?

Why was he behaving like a horny teenager? 

Why was that boy constantly in his mind? 

How would he get rid of him and that image which turned him on so intensely?

He was certain once he returned to his life things would go back to the way they were before this bloody trip. At the moment it seemed inoperable. Taehyung 's mind seemed overly fuzzy and full of HIM.. his heart was beating furiously and the pain in his body from the need to cum again stabbing him like daggers.

That night was the worst of his pathetic life. Fantasizing about Jungkook..the unbelievably twisted things he craved doing to him. The pleasurable torture of his milky flesh stained by the lashing. His body twitching and shaking from the constant edging and his desire to cum. Restrained on the bed, tied up, his legs spread widely to fit the two huge dildos smashing his loose hole..a cock ring blocking his orgasm..begging and screaming for more..more..more of what his only master was offering him..

Taehyung experienced his first dry orgasm.  But it wasn't enough.He spread his legs and fisted the aching, hard cock. His thumb pressed the tip of the cockhead,feeling his precum wetting his finger.

That precise moment Jungkook was with him on the floor, on his knees,Taehyung 's hand was pulling the chain attached to his leather, diamond collar, choking him while he was ruthlessly abusing his hole, breeding and flooding him with his seed.

His throbbing cock pumping up and down in his slippery hand, tilting his head left and right." Fuck..fuck..doll.. Goddamnit.. you're so..fucken tight.." he groaned like never before feeling his dick ready to burst.

 In his mind he was actually fucking Jungkook! 

His fingernails scratched the floor and massive waves of pleasure thrashed his body,giving him an explosive, mind-blowing orgasm, screaming one name..just one.