
Chapter 4

Stephen looked at the six-metre-tall dragon like creature with bright red scales standing next the corpse of a seemingly 16-year-old noble/ high class devil {title not class} leaning on a burning carriage. The creature was staring at him cautiously ready to attack at any moment.

"Do you know of a way to get to Earth, Lizard" asked Stephen. This seems to have pissed off the lizard.

"I am Craig, The Almighty Red Wyvern Emperor!!!" roared the Wyvern angrily, smoke gushing out of its nostrils.


"Stop laughing at me!!!" roared the Draig copy-cat.

"Wait, you are serious?" genuinely asked Stephen really curious.

"Yes, I shall become the Red Wyvern who shall steal the principles of Domination from God and become the Great Red Wyvern God Emperor!" said the Wyvern seriously with conviction matching that of a certain breast dragon emperor.

"You do know that God is dead, right?" asked Stephen with a mocking tone.

"What do you mean God is dead?" asked the Wyvern who was clearly confused by the question.

"Ohh, he died in the last Great War. Died together with the original Satans, I think" shrugged Stephen leaving the Wyvern in deep contemplation.

"Why are you telling me all this?" finally asked the Wyvern after he was done contemplating.

"I'm curious, can you boost just like Draig?" Asked Stephen curious.

"I can enhance myself multiple times but not to the level of the Red Dragon Emperor" answered Craig seeing no reason to not answer.

"Do you have a way to the human world?" continued Stephen.

"Yes, I can teleport to the human world" answered Craig truthfully seeing no hostility in the creature in front of him, which made Stephen quiet for a few seconds.

"Okay, I've decided you are coming with me. You are now part of my team." Declared Stephen after a bit of contemplation.

"Ehh, why would I follow you?" asked the Wyvern angry. He clearly did not appreciate the idea of being someone's slave once again.

"I know who the current Red Dragon Emperor is and where he is. Since God is no more why don't you steal his principles of domination." Said Stephen.

"That's a great idea!" exclaimed Craig happily.

Stephen ignored the Wyvern and sensed a few high-class creatures approaching. Something then clicked in his head.

"Who is the dead girl behind you?" asked Stephen curiously.

"Ohh, her name was Deborah Astaroth and she was a little bitch. She was stupid to ran away from her guards alone with m- The guards are coming, aren't they?" said Craig.

"Yes, they are about to arrive?" answered Stephen nonchalantly.

'Fuck this guy's aura is so thick it prevented me from sensing the devils approaching' mentally cursed the Wyvern as five figures stopped in the air in front of him, besides the still burning carriage.

"How dare you assassinate Beelzebub-sama's daughter!!!" shouted one of them but they did not attack clearly wary of Stephen.

"Wow Craig, a Satan's child. You clearly are very ambitious and stupid. Mostly stupid though." Said Stephen clearly mocking the weary Wyvern.

"Shut up, she was a very annoying bitch and she deserved to die!!" shouted Craig angrily which made one of the guards lunge at him angrily with a sword oozing demonic energy.


Craig's power instantly doubled as he threw his claws at the incoming devil. The other devils tried to help their friend but Stephen appeared in front of them, stopping them.

Craig and his enhanced power instantly broke the demonic sword in a second and pierced through the devil's shoulder.

"Rein!!" shouted one of the other devil's as he tried to run past Stephen to save his friend, but before he even reached Stephen he fell down missing a leg.

"Forgot about me already" said Stephen whose bright blue eyes were now a eery glowing red with a light sword in his hand. The other devils instantly froze on the spot, in fear.

'Man, the physical enhancement provided by being a jinchuriki are insane and I'm not even using the cloak yet.' Thought Stephen as he looked at the devil's frozen in fear.

"Hey, Craig hurried it up. We wouldn't want Beelzebub himself appearing before us now" said Stephen as he sensed more devil signatures approaching their direction.

"Sure" replied Craig as he ripped off the arm of the devil who had attacked him. Leaving the devil bleeding on the ground, Craig's magical energy flared as a magical circle appeared before him.

"The circle is ready, come on let's go" said Craig as the red circle under him glowed brightly. Stephen flew down to the ground and stood next to the Wyvern in the bright red circle before a bright red light flashed were they stood completing their teleportation.

Seconds later, twenty more high-class devils appeared surrounding the location. After surveying the situation, the one in fancier clothes walked towards the three devil guards kneeling besides the two guards missing limbs.

"What happened here?" he asked in a commanding tone. The three guards looked at him respectfully and they quickly started recalling what they had seen.

--------------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------

In an office in the Astaroth territory, a tall man with green hair was reading reports on the situation of some of his patients. The battle that started the 2nd Great war yesterday had concluded pretty nicely for the Devils. Only Serafall had been injured by the sneak attack by that fallen bastard Kokabiel. The battle could have been avoided but that war monger had to attack right in the middle of the negotiations.

No matter what it looked like, we all knew that Gregory and the Church were being framed. There was no way those church would have sent those weak priests if they wanted to assassinate the sone of Lucifer. Plus there is no way Gregory would have gone with such a plan because of how idiotic it was. How will killing the boy do any of the sides any good. It was obvious that another party was involved and they had spies who had high levels in all the sides. How could Milicus be taken from the Gremory territory if not by one their own. One that is very trusted by the whole family. How would the church just lose hundreds of priests and not investigate if there was no one with a high position in the church. How could someone teleport such a high number of priests in the heart of Gregory territory if it were not for a certain war monger who was one of the leaders of the organisation. The disturbing thing is that we did not catch any sign of their movements before they executed their plan. It's almost as if it was planned and executed overnight, which would be impossible for a plan this grand.

A figure suddenly appeared besides the Satan's chair as he was deep in contemplation.

"Lord Beelzebub, there have been very a disturbing arrangement." Said the shadow in a low voice.

"What is it?" asked Ajuka clearly annoyed at being disturbed.

"Your daughter, Deborah had been assassinated" said the shadow and the temperature of the whole room dropped. The shadow started shivering in fear at the power of his boss.

"Who?" asked Ajuka clearly infuriated.

"It was an unusual priest and that Wyvern you got her as a familiar" said the Shadow, "The priest is said to have been very close to being Ultimate-class."

"Is that so. Put bounty posters all around the Underworld. I want them alive" said Ajuka as he walked out of the office with heavy steps.

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