


His handwriting.....it was hard on the paper but the period was light and smooth, I've never seen such handwriting with feelings all I wanted to do was hug with dear life but I couldn't that would be weird. As I slowly took my pencil out the bell rang, the sound of children yelling and screaming of joy like it was summer which is about two months away, sadly.

As I walked down the street with my backpack on my left side, the heavyness of all the work I've missed out was all snucked into my backpack, the heat only made thing worse. I continued to

walk when I heard foot steps behide, I turned to see the tall guy who sits beside me in class was there, he was so sweaty he looked as if he dropped into the ocean. "Hey, um..Bessie is it?" "That's me." "Well, um, are you okay from what happened earlier..?". " Yeah, I'm fine." God, I never had a real conversation with someone in a long time, it felt weird and unfamiliar, like I was talking to a long lost friend or something, anyways the conversation ended when my mom was calling me from across the street ten blocks away, yeah..her voice is THAT loud.

as I ran home, I looked back to see him walking on he's way home too, head held up high..

"Hunny, I heard you got hurt today, luckly there was a nice glasses store so I picked you up some nice round glasses just like you always wanted, right?" Yup, just how I like my glasses, rounded. I thank my mom and went straight to the bathroom and backed my dark hair with purple dye at the ends, the glasses looked super cute on me even my older sister Annaysta agreed with me when she hardly ever does.

The night was cold, rainy and dark the only light was my forever nightlight keeping me safe and warm as I hold the letter between my arms trying not to ruin this beautiful writing, I felt something I never felt before...