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"Why Roy?! Why did you...I thought we were friends," Three years into his academic life, Lucas, a child incapable of using Universal Energy, is betrayed by his friend Ray, the one person whom he trusted. "Friendship? Don't make me laugh, Lucas. You were always nothing but a pawn to me." Those words, cold and cruel, pierced through the heart of Lucas, even more so than the knife lodged in his chest. Feeling darkness closing in on him, Lucas's desperate plea for help echoed silently in the depths of his heart: "I...don't want to die. Somebody, please... help me." In the haunting echo of Lucas's final plea, the Hourglass, concealed deep within his soul, forges an ethereal contract with Lucas. A contract that thrusts Lucas into a Time Loop spanning countless millennia. Now wielding the power of Time itself, Lucas embarks on a perilous journey through the fantasy-like realm of Xanus, unearthing the enigmatic secrets of his past, the mysterious origins of the Hourglass, and the unsettling truth behind his friend's ultimate betrayal. Yet, the path ahead is far from straightforward. Concealed within the shadows are long-guarded secrets that have shrouded Lucas's life in darkness, veiling him from the truth.

TheNovelEnthusiast · Fantasi
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21 Chs

Flinth Family


Year 204 of the Universal calendar

27th of December, Friday


Capital of the Human race, Lisco.

As one of the five founding families who survived from the Era when earth was destroyed, the Flinth family had a gigantic mansion located in the hearth of the Human capital called Lisco. In fact, it was so big that it would take you thirty or so minutes to run across one end of the property to the other, provided you were a normal person.

That was the thought that Lisa, one of the maids of the mansion had as she cursed the long hallways while running as fast as she could with a bunch of towels towards one of the many rooms located in the hearth of the mansion

Usually, such behavior would earn her severe punishment, but today was a special day, so none of the other servants even tried to stop her, instead most of them were urging her to go even faster.

As she neared her destination, the special occasion which allowed her to run through the halls started crying loudly while she entered through the door with none of the usual politeness and manners that she was taught by the head maid.

Quickly handing the towels to the head maid, the young maid placed herself to one corner of the room along with the other maids and started observing carefully so she didn't miss if anyone needed her.

The occupants of the room however, which numbered a total of six, not counting the head maid and other servants, didn't spare a single glance towards her.

Crowding around the head maid and the baby were three kids with the oldest being a boy who seemed to be around 9 years old and the second being a girl about 8 years old.

The two were currently surrounding the Head maid as she took care of the baby while the youngest, who seemed to be just around 6 years old stood at the back trying to peek at the baby over the shoulders of his siblings, failing miserably in the process.

Not minding that in the slightest, Lisa turned her head to another part of the room in which a beautiful lady with deep blue eyes was lying down in bed, extremely exhausted while a middle-aged looking man with long golden hair, who seemed to be in his forties was holding her hand while staring at her affectionately.

Hearing a loud voice back where the baby was, she turned her head back and saw that the siblings had gotten into a fight concerning the name of the baby.

She didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the sight of the siblings arguing, but someone should probably tell them that it was a boy and not a girl.

"I am telling you her name should be Lisa!" Lyra, the second oldest shouted at her older brother.

"NO, she should obviously be called Linda!" yet Adam didn't back down in the slightest and shouted back at her.

"Hmph, why should we listen to you and not me?" Lyra crossed her arms defiantly, unwilling to back down.

"Because l am older than you!" Stated Adam as if it was a matter of fact while looking down at her because of his height.

For a brief moment Lisa contemplated whether to stop them from fighting and making the baby uncomfortable.


Unfortunately, before she could even decide whether to interfere or not, a low but strangely seductive voice echoed in the room before silver colored mana started spreading in the room making everyone, but the middle-aged man enter a strange trance stopping them in the middle of their tasks.

-[Quick Thinking]

Right as the silver wave of mana was about to collide with her, the innate skill she was born with kicked in and the world around her seemed to slow down, though in truth it was only her brain which started working much faster.

For a moment Lisa was confused. Who dared to attack the Flinth family house in the middle of broad daylight, while the master of the house, the middle-aged man she was looking at before was at home? Not to mention to attack during such an important moment as the fourth child being born.

Yet, her quick brain and years of training at the hellish 'Hope Academy' kicked in, forcing her to think of anything she could do before the spell took over her mind.

Think. What does Charm do? Officially classified as a 5th tier spell by the War Council, 'Charm' makes the caster use Mana to cloud a person's mind with thoughts worshipping the caster and making them submit as long as the spell was in effect.

The requirements to use Charm were extremely strict. Not only do you need to infuse your Mana with thoughts that you want the target to receive, but you also have to keep pouring mana for as long as the spell was in effect.

What stopped the spell from being effective in combat was its Mana Cost, Difficulty in using it on multiple people, along with the fact that once blocked or broken, the spell no longer had any effect on the same target within a short period of time.

Yet, if a person could satisfy all these conditions, it becomes a terrifying Area of Effect spell which is extremely hard to counter if not prepared properly.

The only way to protect yourself was to constantly put a protective field of aura or mana around yourself equaling to or surpassing the amount which your opponent used.

Thinking up to this point, Lisa immediately infused a green colored Aura around her whole body, making especially sure that her head was secure before deactivating her innate skill, otherwise the strain on her mind would be too great for her to handle.

The aftermath of the spell was as she had expected everyone in the room except the middle-aged man was affected and they started dropping to the floor simultaneously.

Dropping? Almost having a heart attack, Lisa looked towards the head maid and saw her collapsing, along with the baby she was holding. Yet, there was nothing she could do, both of them were close to hitting the ground and she wasn't nearly fast enough to catch them in time.

"My, my, what a cute little angel"

Yet right as the baby was about to hit the ground, a man and a woman suddenly appeared in the middle of the room catching the baby and preventing it from falling.

Before she even had a moment to catch her breath, regret started to kick in along with the fear enveloping her whole body. In hindsight, it would have been better to fall under the charm spell, then witness the reality before her.

The reason for that was exactly the man and woman standing before her. In an instant her body activated her innate skill, despite being at risk of damaging her mind, she pressed on, hoping that doing so would increase her measly chances of survival.

She could only try to stay conscious while she watched in horror as the man who had saved the baby walked towards her and put the baby in her hands, before turning around to look at the woman who came with him and saying something to her in a language she could not understand:

"Go and stall those annoying ants from coming here while l have my fun with the people here. I also need some time to put the Hourglass inside the kid."

The woman nodded and disappeared from the room, yet that wasn't what was important right now.

No, at least in her eyes the woman who appeared to be a succubus was unimportant. It was him; she was certain of it.

Two pairs of angel like wings on his back, donning a white robe with blue stripes, that expressionless yet handsome face, which had been depicted in countless paintings. There was no mistaking it now.

The devil who had destroyed Earth and brought humanity to the brink of destruction, the enemy of all the humans, along with half the races on this planet:

Archangel Lucifer had descended onto Xanus!

West of the human race, in a dense forest region located on planet Xanus, the King and Queen of the elves, who were currently in the middle of a meeting suddenly looked in the direction of the Human race in horror. After silently giving each other a gaze, they both disappeared from the room, leaving all the elders inside confused.

In the South, a three-meter-tall creature opened its eyes after sensing a powerful aura in the direction of the human race. He wouldn't be too different from a human if not for his purple skin and scales, along with the fact that he had 3 eyes, with one bigger eye being on his forehead, and two smaller eyes on the back of his hands.

Not wasting a single second, Krish also known as 'King of the Desert' got up from his seat, and started running towards the powerful aura he felt, disappearing from the desert immediately.

In the north, amidst the frozen landscape, Apollo the Undead Lich exited the cave which he had made into his lab for the first time in hundreds of years. He didn't know which unlucky race got targeted by the archangel, but he knew that if he didn't help now, the council would have his neck, or in his case phylactery, so with that in mind he started heading in the direction of the upcoming fight.

Under the vast ocean covering the east side of the Human race, King of the sharkmen Lark, took one look towards the human capital before he pretended not to see anything and closed his eyes which were full of scorn.

He wasn't about to risk his life, and the survival of his race, to help out a new race which had come to this planet a measly couple of hundred years ago.

He might get on the bad side of the council for this, but his past achievements would prevent them from killing him, he was sure of it.

It wasn't just the powerful beings who were close to the Human race that sensed the arrival of Lucifer. Across the entire planet, everyone capable of putting up a fight against that monster was heading as fast as they could towards the location of the fight.

And yet, the one who was undoubtedly the closest, was none other than the current Lord of the Human race and the second strongest human in history, Nina Gyzer.