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"Why Roy?! Why did you...I thought we were friends," Three years into his academic life, Lucas, a child incapable of using Universal Energy, is betrayed by his friend Ray, the one person whom he trusted. "Friendship? Don't make me laugh, Lucas. You were always nothing but a pawn to me." Those words, cold and cruel, pierced through the heart of Lucas, even more so than the knife lodged in his chest. Feeling darkness closing in on him, Lucas's desperate plea for help echoed silently in the depths of his heart: "I...don't want to die. Somebody, please... help me." In the haunting echo of Lucas's final plea, the Hourglass, concealed deep within his soul, forges an ethereal contract with Lucas. A contract that thrusts Lucas into a Time Loop spanning countless millennia. Now wielding the power of Time itself, Lucas embarks on a perilous journey through the fantasy-like realm of Xanus, unearthing the enigmatic secrets of his past, the mysterious origins of the Hourglass, and the unsettling truth behind his friend's ultimate betrayal. Yet, the path ahead is far from straightforward. Concealed within the shadows are long-guarded secrets that have shrouded Lucas's life in darkness, veiling him from the truth.

TheNovelEnthusiast · Fantasi
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Elven Library

"I see, so that's your situation."

After barely managing to convince Luna to wear something more appropriate, Lucas finally had the chance to explain why he was here.

After all, he simply couldn't concentrate with her previous outfit. If the Divine Archer were to see them at that moment, he would have an arrow piercing his head in the time it took one to blink.

Last time, his lies were seen through by Alvin in just a single sentence. That's why Lucas decided to come clean this time around. After all, fooling these elves was simply too hard.

Originally, he thought sneaking in was the only option he had. However, it seems he had underestimated the gentleness of the Elves, as after listening to his story, Luna immediately took him to their Library.

Of course, this was largely due to him mentioning the giant octopus Sotrul, who only the council knew of.

It was safe to say that Lucas was ecstatic. He barely had to put in any effort, and he already managed to get his hands on new knowledge.

At least...that's what he thought until he saw the Library the of the Elves.

Just like Agnes said, the Libraries of the different races were not inferior in any way to the one inside the Academy, its just that...Lucas forgot one very important fact when coming here.

All the books inside the Academy were written in the 'Universal Language.' This let the students of the Academy read all the books inside without language barriers.

Lucas was under the assumption that all the books would be written in the Universal Language, except he was wrong. Terribly wrong.

Without exception, every single book inside the Elven Library was written in Elvish.

This meant that, unless he learned Elvish, Lucas would be incapable of reading any of the books inside this Library.

But then, that begs the question. Just how many years would it take for him to learn Elvish without a proper teacher?

Its not like he had any other options either. The only reason he was able to enter this Library was because the Elves were a good natured race.

If he tried the same stunt on any other race, he would get killed the moment he approached their gates without permission.

Left with no other choice, Lucas memorized all the books inside using his innate skill [Memory Film].

Well, almost all the books.

There were Five books that Luna had forbidden him from reading. In fact, she didn't even let him come close to these books.

Although he was interested about the contents, he didn't dare to push luck with this scary woman.

Seeing that he had finished with reading the books, Luna kindly showed him the way out of the castle before bidding him farewell.

-Do you truly believe that boy Luna?

What Lucas didn't know was that Alvin had been watching him ever since he came outside of the prison cell, he had been talking with Luna using [Sound Transmission].

-I simply chose to trust my instincts, that's all.




"It has been exactly 3 years, 8 months and 24 days since the loop started."

Lucas couldn't help but sigh after closing yet another book he couldn't understand.

He had spent the last three months doing only three things. Refining his Aura and Mana, trying to learn Elvish, along with visiting Lisa during his free time.

And what did his three months of hard work amount to?

Absolutely nothing...

His body has reached the theoretical limit of what it can hold. Unless he created an Aura or Mana sea inside his body, he would be incapable of progressing further.

The problem was, he had no idea how he was supposed to do that. He wasn't capable of learning either as his progress in the Elven language was atrocious to say the least.

He couldn't even form a single sentence yet, let alone reading any of the books.

Additionally, due to the nature of regression, whenever he visited Lisa, she wouldn't remember anything they talked about the day prior, limiting the joy he felt in his visits.

With no way of changing the situation, Lucas continued to learn the Elven language, all the while complaining about its complicated structure.

-4 years, 2 months and 13 days into the loop

He succeeded in learning a few basic words.

-5 years, 9 months and 29 days into the loop

After seven long months, Lucas finished his first ever Elven Book.

It was a children's book.

-7 years, 6 months and 7 days into the loop

Lucas finally got a decent grasp at the Elven Language. However, he still couldn't understand any of the technical terms inside the books.

-10 years, 0 months and 15 days into the loop

A resounding laugh echoed throughout Lucas's Thought Space.

He had finally mastered the Elven Language!

-10 years, 4 months and 21 days into the loop

After reading all the important books from the Library, Lucas succeeded in gathering the information he needed to create an Aura or Mana sea.

There was just one problem.

If he created an Aura sea inside his body, then he would be incapable of creating a Mana sea and vice versa.

From what he read, if one tries to create two seas, their bodies would practically explode from the imbalance of energies.

The only way to counteract this was too create both the Aura and Mana seas at the same time.

The thing is...In order to succeed in doing such a feat, one needed to know their own body perfectly, along with having absolute perfect control over their Aura and Mana.

Throughout the long history of the universe, countless geniuses from different races had tried, and without exception, all of them had met tragic ends.

Even the Angel and Dragon race weren't capable of doing it, let alone the other races.

With all that being said, Lucas also didn't want to give up on Aura or Mana. He wanted to cultivate both to perfection.

Luckily, he had a way.

The only thing that exploded when one failed in creating two seas was their body, not their soul.

At least he hoped that this was the case.

If his guess was correct, then Lucas could keep trying to create both the Aura and Mana sea until he succeeded, as death wasn't permanent in his case.

If his guess was incorrect, then even the Hourglass wouldn't be capable of saving him.

With such thoughts, Lucas sat in his bed as he started circulating his Aura and Mana methods at the same time.

As with everything else, it was incredibly simple in theory.

If one wanted to create an Aura sea, all they had to do was circulate their Aura inside of their heart and compress it as much as possible. Once the entire heart has been filled, the Aura inside would fuse together, creating something similar to a vortex that attracts the energy of the universe towards your heart.

Once this energy reaches your heart, the compressed Aura will refine this energy into usable Aura for the body. Effectively letting the user have infinite energy.

It was because of the Aura Sea that Aubrey wasn't tired during his fight against Lucas, despite clearly using more energy than him.

The same principle applied to the Mana Sea. The problem came when one wanted to create both Seas at the same time. If you let even the slightest of imbalances affect your heart during the process, your entire body would explode.

And that's exactly what happened.

Lucas had barely started the process when his Aura overwhelmed his Mana, resulting in a collision that made his body explode.

There were good news and bad news.

The bad news was that having your entire body explode was extremely painful.

The good news was that Lucas found himself inside his Thought Space gasping for breath immediately after dying, meaning that his Soul was still alright after the explosion.

However, Lucas encountered a problem.

If he wanted to do this, he needed to find a Mana circulation method that was about the same strength as his [Dark Star Aura Art].

As for where to find a Mana circulation methods of that level, Lucas knew of a perfect place.

Of the four remaining families that housed a 7th Class powerhouse, there was only one that focused on magic.

it was none other than the Orten Family who were led by Orten Brian, a 7th Class Mage who specialized in fire magic.

Although not as famous as the Flinth Family which fought against Lucifer on two different occasions, they were still a very reputable family inside the boundaries of humanities territory.

If he wanted to steal a Mana circulation methods from such a family, he would need a lot of preparation.

Thinking like this, Lucas started going over any history books that mentioned the Orten family while waiting for the next day to start, as his body was currently in pieces...