

check out the book Incarnation of chaos and order

Dandave79 · Fantasi
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8 Chs

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"Run Sasiki, Run" Mayel screamed in anger as he took off running after Nickel, flames bursting out of his hands at intervals increasing his speed.


Heavy panting sounds could be heard as a figure with long silver hair ran like his life depended on it, Nickel had long lost his directions as he had no idea where he was, trees stood large and tall all around.

"You can't hide forever Sasiki" Nickel heard Mayel's voice and he came to a sudden halt, he was right there was no point in running, he believed he had reached the outskirts of the town, he didn't want to go any deeper into the forest in case of encountering beasts.

Nickel hid behind a tree, if he could work out a surprise attack it would be in his favour, a figure dropped from the night skies in the vicinity, if Nickel was in any other situation he might have noticed the differences in his body and also how good his eyesight was even in the dark.

Nickel calmed his breathing, Mayel had begun searching the surrounding, charging up order Nickel rushed out towards Mayel throwing out his right fist.


The sound of collision rang out but Nickel's face fell, he knew he had missed, looking at what he had hit instead a large tree could be seen in front of him with the bark caves in, a trail of flames could be seen leading up.

Nickel faces up and could see Mayel descending from the air, he had used flames to support his movements and fired himself away from Nickel's attack at the last moment.

Nickel was already preparing himself for Mayel's attack until mid-air he used flames changing his path of descent and landed behind Nickel, throwing out a fist, it collided with Nickel's back sending him forward and causing him to slam into the tree.

Nickel stumbled back away from the tree but before he could make a move he felt a grip on his right hand "Wrong hand" he mumbled lightly, Mayel was already about pulling him when his right hand began to glow, using order he swung his right arm forward forcefully


Another loud boom sound is heard as Mayel's body breaks through the already caved in tree causing it to tumble creating a loud boom sound.

Nickel struggles to maintain footing in the floor, using order was getting him exhausted more than he already was, a blooded Mayel is seen again blasting forward towards Nickel.

Mayel's attack connected with Nickel sending him flying back and landing face first on the ground.

"Get up Sasiki", Mayel shouted blood running down his face but he didn't seem to care, he walked up to the unmoving body of Nickel kicking him once again.

–Cough, Cough–

Nickel coughs out mouth fulls of blood, he was now on his back looking up, he turned to look at Mayel who was still approaching, Nickel struggled to point one of his fingers at Mayel, his energy charging up as he blinked Mayel appears directly in front of him slapping his hand away.


The energy bullet is fired but with no target, Mayel's hands descended to grab the half conscious Nickel, a figure suddenly zoomed past taking Nickel's body a few metres away from Mayel.

"Who are you" Mayel shouted but he decided to be rational with his words afterall he was just a basic mage.

"Back down hot head" a cold feminine voice is heard, Nickel half awake struggled to stay conscious.

"It's you…" Mayel said recognizing the voice "We were stopped there doesn't mean I'll forgive you now" Mayel continued.

"We are different," the female voice said.

Nickel struggled to open his eyes one last time to see a familiar face but the image was unclear, the only thing that rang a bell on his head was the female's light pink hair but he couldn't recall where exactly he saw it from as his mind was foggy, he saw a flash of red lightning before going unconscious.


Nickel wakes up letting out a yawn, his memory was foggy as his eyes adjusted to the surrounding, he sat up looking at his upper body and noticed he was barely chested, he looked around the room appeared grand, well polished wooden furnitures around and a mirror at a side of the room, he could feel a light weight on his hand as he attempted to raise the hand the weight turned to movement.

He looked to his right hand to see a beautiful light pink haired girl raise her head, she sat on a chair beside the bed it appeared she had been watching him but ended up falling asleep on his hand.

Nickel felt his heart skip a beat, everything delt confusing especially waking up with a female beside him and it was one he had encountered before, her light pink hair and her beautiful face was one he couldn't forget.

"Erose?" Nickel called out confused, she still appeared to be half asleep but upon hearing the name she looked at Nickel.

"You're awake" her soothing light voice drifted into Nickel's ears but then she suddenly moved in and gave him a hug.

Nickel froze in surprise, he could feel a warm feeling on his chest as she pressed her body against him, he could feel her pompous front assets against his chest l, she behaved like a woman who almost lost her man, his body began to feel heated.

"Uhm, Erose where am I?" Nickel questioned lightly he didn't know how to react and he also felt a bit nervous, he was no saint afterall.

"What did you call me?" the light pink haired girl broke the hug as a confused look appeared on her face until it finally registered in her head "Oh! You've met her" she said dismissively making Nickel more confused.