

I've rewritten my novel, please use the link below if your still interested in reading. Much Love Thank You! https://www.webnovel.com/book/gaining-power-from-the-novel's-i've-read_26654015706058605

MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Nora's Interrogation

I look at Zilla again, speechless.

"We just went over this. What's wrong with you? Why do you want to enslave her that badly?"

"She's strong, of course. I want to add her to my collection" Zilla said, now staring at Nila.

"Wow just wow, you really are the grimoire of that Loose Cannon Witch"

"Did you just call my creator a Loose Cannon!?" Zilla said angrily.

"Technically she wasn't exactly your creator, remember what the library said" I didn't even bother looking at her and just focus on finishing the book I was reading.

Zilla stop what she was doing and for a few minutes, she didn't say anything.

"This is absurd, how can you expect me to believe all my memories and my life was written just for the sake of entertainment"

"Well the evidence is already right in front of your face" I pointed at the novel she was holding, the title was 'The Apocalypse Witch'.

"Anyway, I'm going to convince Nila to become my attendant" I change the topic seeing Zilla's miserable face.

"Don't you already have Vlad?"

"I already made him in charge of Amnesty so he'll be busy managing that organization"

"Hmm, You're not using it as an excuse to get Vlad out of your side right?"

"You actually saw through it how? can this link of yours read my mind?" whenever I'm near Vlad I always felt this sense of unease and my instinct telling me to run away far away from him.

In the novel, every time the mc felt this, it was a sign of his passive ability [Chaos Machination] in effect. This became even more apparent when I saw Vlad after my evolution, warning bells started ringing in my head.

"No, but I can feel your emotions adding to the fact that there are many outstanding people here in the mansion, you could just ask one of them to take over your organization but you didn't" she then recalled something "plus Vlad is even more powerful than that girl over there"

"sigh, I'm going to sleep let me know if she wakes up, also can you read those books so we could complete the mission faster" I pointed at the shelves of books in the corner of my room, and then went to the couch.

Zilla just nods at me.


Nora POV

Swish, swish

The sound of a blade slashing the air could be heard in the courtyard. Nora was training her swordsmanship, she was doing this instead of training her magic cause she was nearing her advancement to become a 1-star aura user.

Aura users are also known as "Mage Killers" — the reason behind it is that aura can nullify any type of magic that touches it, depending on the user's rank.

For example, if the user applied his aura on his sword, it would have an added attribute that can cut any sort of magic. Aura users can only dispel spells that are 2 ranks above them meaning any 1-star user can dispel the magic of an Official Mage.

The possibility of a person awakening as an Aura User, out of 100 people only 10 of those can use aura, the reason for this is caused instead of the atmosphere, mana is the one enveloping the planet. Due to this, the planet develops many life forms involving creatures born by mana, like fairies, pixies, druids, and animals that have mutated some are monsters, and some can be domesticated and be kept as a pet.

Although they're not as versatile as mages they are still valuable cause of their high combat capability.

"Hahh... almost... ahh hahh there" Nora was breathing heavily, tired from the training she was doing.

"Young miss, here" Camila handed her a towel.

"Thanks, Camila" Nora took the towel, she then thought of something and ask "you've been training with Noel right? What's his progress? "

Camila was surprised as this was the first time Nora has ask her about Noel ever since she became his tutor.

"He already became an Apprentice Mage two weeks ago, his also getting better every time we spar he has these eyes that seem to belong to an experienced knight," Camila thought about it and said what she think about Noel.

"I see, it's great that his training seriously and not fooling around, " Nora said satisfied with Noel's behavior. She then remembered Noel brought a girl last night and got annoyed"That Noel why did he bring a girl last night?"

Camila was surprised again seeing her reacting to Noel. She usually kept herself well maintaining her image as a member of the nobility, she did everything that was taught by her with grace and elegance, and always keep her emotion in check, but when it comes to her brother she act like a different person altogether.

Camila noted it to herself.

"Young miss, I think the girl that Noel brought was an orphan judging by her bruises and her clothes, she seems to have been beaten badly and the young master must have seen it, so he brought her here to treat her wounds" Camila tried to deduce what happened judging by the girl's condition.

"If he was, then why would he bring her to his room of all places?" The more Nora thought about it further increases her annoyance.

Camila decided to keep quiet she didn't know why Noel brought the girl into his room either when he could just let her rest in the guest room or leave her to the mansion's physician and caretaker.

"It's about time for me and the young master supposed to train I should go, young miss, would you like to accompany me?" Camila suddenly said, surprising Nora.

She knows what Camila is trying to say 'Why don't we check it out instead', she nodded her head and followed Camila.

They were now in front of Noel's room, Camila looks at Nora beside her before knocking on the door. Nora glanced at Camila and just shift her gaze to the door.

Knock, knock

"Young master, It's time for your daily training"

The door was open but instead of Noel they saw a girl with long amethyst hair, she was wearing a black uniform with purple stripes over her coat, and a pure black skirt.

The two of them weren't surprised to see Zilla as they had seen her before with Noel but they don't know that she was a grimoire. If it not for the fact that his her real twin she would've believed that Zilla and Noel were actually the twins cause of how they looked exactly alike.

"Zilla was it, where's Noel?" this time Nora was the one who spoke.

"His still sleeping" Zilla pointed at Noel who was sleeping on the couch like a koala hugging a pillow.

"Let him sleep then, Zilla would you like to have breakfast with us?" Nora asks, she wants to get to know Zilla better, she also has a lot of questions about why they look exactly alike.

"My apologies, but I can't leave this room," Zilla said.

"Did Noel order you? It's ok we could just explain it to him later" Nora was astonished this was the first time someone actually said no to her excluding her parents and Noel, usually the servants would just do whatever she ask without saying anything,

"No he didn't order me, I just can't leave this room" Zilla was also troubled she wants to eat too but she can only stay within 30 meters of Noel, or else she might get sealed.

"I see, how about we have breakfast here then?" Nora was confused as to why Zilla doesn't want to leave the room.

"I would be glad to, can you also bring some sweets," said Zilla her eyes sparkling when she said the last word.

'Weird' Nora thought seeing Zilla. She then asks Camila to tell the maid to prepare breakfast and sweets for them.

Nora and Zilla sat across from each other on the table that was in the room.

"What did you guys do with her?" Nora saw the girl that she had seen last night on the bed and ask. Her complexion seems fine now and her wounds are slowly healing she was wearing decent clothes now too but her malnourished body is still there.

"Nothing we were just waiting for her to wake up" Zilla shrug not mentioning the part where she wants to enslave her.

Nora then started to bombard Zilla with questions but Zilla just answered with vague answers.