

I've rewritten my novel, please use the link below if your still interested in reading. Much Love Thank You! https://www.webnovel.com/book/gaining-power-from-the-novel's-i've-read_26654015706058605

MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Nila's Nightmare

I woke up feeling refreshed.

'That was a good sleep' I thought feeling my body energized.

I looked around trying to find Zilla, I saw Zilla eating sweets and Nora was also there sitting across from her.

I was stunned and thought 'What is Nora doing here?'Shit. What if she found out Zilla was a grimoire?' It would be hard to explain how I got it or how it acknowledges me as its master, even though grimoires generally choose females as their owners.

"Morning you two, Nora what are you doing here?" I pretended to be nonchalant.

"Good morning. Camila said that it was time for your daily training, I just came to drop by but you were still asleep and I got curious about miss Zilla here so I figured I have a chat with her, is there something wrong?"

"No not at all, In fact, I would be happy too if you come by more often" I casually sat next to Zilla and took a slice of brioche. The bread has a delicate texture, and the flavor was simply exquisite, even better than the one I ate in my previous world.

I saw Camila standing in the back of Nora 'I didn't even notice her, what the hell'

"Can I ask you a question?" Nora said.

"Sure, go ahead"

"How did you and Zilla meet?" Nora ask, what she's been curious about cause Zilla kept answering her ambiguously.

I place a hand on my chin pretending to be in deep thought

'What did you tell them?' I ask Zila telepathically using our link.

'I didn't, you can just make up a story' Zilla use the link and said without showing any peculiar behavior.

'You sure?' I ask again making sure I heard it correctly.


'Fine, I'll trust you' with no choice I followed Zilla's advice and made up a story about how we met.

"In other words, cause of how Zilla looks so similar to you, you decided to help her by making her work here?" Nora smiled, but for some reason, that smile of hers is making my hair stands on end.

'Did she figure out that I lied? Why is she so invested in Zilla in the first place?' my head spun like crazy thinking of many reasons why Nora is behaving like this.

"No that's not it" I fervently shake my hand denying it. "It's cause she was in serious trouble, I can't just stand there and do nothing while she was about to die and with no place to go to. That's why I offered to let her stay here."

"Then why doesn't she want to leave your side?" Nora didn't believe a single thing her brother said.

'You, save anyone? With that power of yours, you could barely survive in a real fight' Nora thought to herself.

My hand broke in a cold sweat hearing her question and immediately said, "I..It's cause she still hasn't recovered from the trauma and needs me to stay by her side" When I said that, even I couldn't help but cringe at myself.

"I see" with an impassive look on her face she stood up and left the room along with Camila.

I heaved a sigh of relief once they were both gone.

"Tsk, what kind of story was that? Who needs to stay by your side?" Zilla click her tongue and look at him like he was a degenerate.

Noel was dumbfounded seeing Zilla's reaction and said to her "You think I can just come up with a good story with no plot hole on the spot? Why don't you try coming up with one, I'd like to see you try! Besides, it was your fault that we're in this situation in the first place; if it wasn't for you appearing all the time when you could have just stayed in the library we wouldn't have been found out"

We bickered with each other for a while and decided to stop once we were tired.

"It's almost noon and she's still asleep" Zilla was on the bed beside the girl inspecting her body while poking her cheeks.

"Hey stop that," I told Zilla to stop waking the poor girl up.

"Don't tell me you're just gonna spend your day here in your room waking for her girl to wake up?" she said bored.

"I was the one who brought her here, she might panic and cause a scene. She was kidnaped remember, plus this will increase the chance of her getting her into our side if she found out I was waiting for her" I said trying to explain to Zilla how serious the situation is.

"You sound like you are obsessed with her, why is that? Is it love at first sight?" her eyes sparkled saying the last word.

'She read too much novel' I sigh looking at her.

"You've been read too much, how about try helping me complete the mission instead?"

"It's boring the magic here is the same as in my old world, reading the novel in your world is much more interesting than those boring old books bye" as she said that she disappeared and went back to the library.

'Fuckin brat' I cursed at Zilla inwardly.


It was already night and she was still asleep. At this point, I wondered if something really happen to her and decided to check her body.

'Her temperature is fine and there doesn't seem to be any wounds on her except for her scars.' while I was checking her body, I got suddenly tossed aside and she was saying something.

"Ugh" Although I didn't get hurt I was lying on the floor due to the sudden push.

"Noooooooo!!!! momm!!!!...." she was still sleeping but her voice was so loud it hurt my ears.

'She's unconsciously using her mana through her voice' I was amazed by how much control she was showing. If she can do this much when she's unconscious, I wonder just how much control can she do when she's awake it almost looks like she can control mana at will.

'So this is an SS-potential, good thing the room is soundproof or else it would be a pain explaining this matter to everyone'

I activated my active skill [Chaos Heart] to try and calm her down; I then put it in the box I brought with me when I was on Amnesty, just in case she release a spell and accidentally hit my heart.

That would be embarrassing if I actually died this way.

[You gain 1 chaos fragment]

[You gain 1 chaos fragment]

[You gain 1 chaos fragment]

'What the fuck? Just what kind of dream is this child having?' Every minute I was gaining 1 chaos fragment and not a decimal one. One fragment is equal to what a normal person's negative emotion can produce in their entire life. Meaning the dream she was having right now is causing her to suffer equal to that of a normal person's entire life suffering.