

I've rewritten my novel, please use the link below if your still interested in reading. Much Love Thank You! https://www.webnovel.com/book/gaining-power-from-the-novel's-i've-read_26654015706058605

MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 8: Vlad

I finished taking a bath and went out of the mansion. There I saw a middle-aged man with black hair and red eyes he was wearing a butler uniform. He smiled after spotting me and then said

"Greetings Master Noel"

"Oh, Vlad you're here got anything to report?"

" We managed to capture 10 more criminals by raiding a bandit hideout the merchants provided us. Also, we have fully checked the backgrounds of 12 people this past week you can now erase their memories " Vlad smiled as he said this.

I got goosebumps seeing him like this.

We then went to the carriage I look at Vlad who was sitting across me looking outside the carriage.

I was honestly scared of him even though I was the one who brought him to Amnesty. I found him dying inside a cave in the Malady Forest that's inhabited by beasts and monsters. I wasn't alone a brought a bunch of guards with me including Paul our craftsman although he may not look it his actually a Master Mage just below father. I was just there for sightseeing, well what would I expect from a forest inhabited by monsters of course people will die every now and then here.

As he was dying anyway I might as well extract some fragments I didn't kill him cause I still can't stand the idea of killing another person.

When I extracted it I saw a scene where he was fighting with a lot of knights and mages what surprised me was, he was actually a Mystic he can control any liquid substance including blood, and with just a flick of his finger, blood spike emerges from the bodies of the knights making them look deader than dead.

I also saw him decimating an entire village just by himself after which the memories stop then I heard a sound in my head.

[You gain 6 Chaos Fragments]

I stared intently at the dying man as my emotion was getting unstable thanks to the memories i received.

As I was looking at him all of a sudden his eyes opened, and with a hoarse voice, he said.

'H..h.hhh.. elp... me... "

When I heard him say those words I suddenly have an urge to kill. For a few seconds, all I thought about was to slit his throat, but I managed to stop those emotions from overflowing somehow. Looking at his bloodied figure covered with cuts and bruises I thought for a while.

I decided to keep him alive I called for Paul and the other knights.

Once we were in the mansion I created a story where he was being targeted by an organization which is somewhat true after recalling his memories. I then spout some bullshit saying that I was his master and he was my servant who has been working in the shadows, that's why only I know of him.

Then I said that he got discovered by the enemy resulting in his current state, I also added that I saved him when he was in a difficult situation where he got nothing to eat and was lying on the streets, I specifically said that if wasn't for me he won't even be alive at this point.

Vlad who has lost all his memories was nodding like a child who doesn't even know he was being fooled by a child. He looks like a baby chick who has just hatched out of its eggs believing the first thing it laid its eyes upon was his mama unaware that he was following a snake all along.

I then ask father for a face-changing artifact because someone might notice Vlad I ask him to wear the artifact every time and only show his true face when we're alone I also changed his name. It's a good thing that he believed my bullshit if not I might have to kill him since there's no way I'm letting a dangerous person run free.

Ever since then Vlad has been acting like my butler, whenever I have time I also teach him some modern knowledge stuff like how there were more planets and Ethea is just a drop in the universe. Vlad is also a Master Mage just like Paul but he loses all his memories including spells and his experience making him just a shell of his former self.