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MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 4: God's Library 2


The House of Levasti that's now on the rise is celebrating its son and daughter's birthday. By now everybody has heard of Nora Levasti, the youngest mage that can control mana at the age of 4 and a dual-class at that.

People are talking about how much of a genius Nora is meanwhile I, on the other hand, am just nobody who happens to have the same birthday as this monster.

I'm wearing a formal black suit, I'm kinda curious about how they made the clothes since it's so identical to my old world.

Knock, knock

"Young master it's time to go," Sylvia said.

I open the door and saw Sylvia still in his usual maid uniform.

"Black doesn't suit you," she said after taking a look at me.

I was flabbergasted and went back to see myself in the mirror, there I saw a blonde girl wearing a butler uniform. Oh, wait I'm a guy, god damn it. But seriously I look hot if I do say so myself, Sylvia must have a bad taste I concluded.

"Young master, you should wear this dress instead," Sylvia said as she took out a white dress from god knows where.

I ignore her and went out on my own.

She then followed behind me.

As I was walking I encountered Nora on the way, she wore a nice white dress that has two sword cross shape designs on her chest. Also coupled with her blonde and azure eyes she looks exactly like a valkyrie.

I look at Sylvia next to me. Since the dress she was wearing was oddly similar to the one she tried to make me wear.

"Where did you get that dress," I ask Nora.

"M-mom, said to make me wear them" Nora stuttered

"You're nervous too. Same, I have a trick with that just imagined everyone naked," I said with a straight face.

Both Sylvia and Nora look at me weirdly.

'Huh, why are two looking at me like I'm some sort of weirdo? There's nothing wrong with a 6-year-old imagining, everyone, naked to get over his nervousness' my expression changed drastically, realizing what I said.

"Forget I said that" I sped up my pace and leave the two in the dust.

I arrived at the banquet, instantly all eyes were on me, I even heard some of them whisper.

"Is that Nora Levasti why is she wearing a guy's dress?"

"Must be his sister I heard she has 3 sisters, Kayle her older sister is still at the academy so its probably her little sister Lisa"

"Oh, so that's how it is!"

My eyes kept twitching hearing the conversation around me


I saw mom in the corner, talking to dad I ran toward them. Not caring about the stares given to me by the masses.

"Is that Noel running toward us?" Wyman said

"Yeah, maybe the crowd overwhelmed him? it's his first on a banquet after all" Lia said

"Mom, Dad the people here are crazy, they think I'm Lisa when I'm nowhere near as cute as this being," I said as pulled Lisa into my embrace

"I cwant bweathe bwuther" Lisa said

'I can now die peacefully'

The door to the room was open this time, it was Nora and Sylvia the crowd was stunned mesmerized by Nora's beauty.

"Is she an angel?"

"She's definitely blessed by god's that for sure"

Nora did a curtsy to the guest and then made her way in our direction.

"Oh right Noel I heard you're performing, I'm looking forward to hearing you're piece"

"You won't be disappointed I already have a song in mine"

"Great your mom just keeps praising you but she won't let me hear it on the crystal recorder"

A crystal recorder is similar to a camera but it's just a magic ball. To make it record or play something the person just needs to pour mana into it. Cause I have no mana I never used it before, this world seriously needs to develop its technology.

Seriously how can people with no talent for magic even live in this world, when almost all the things here are dependent on magic to function?

"What's the name you gonna play?" Sylvia ask.

"It's Sadness and Sorrow"


I heard glass shattering behind me. I look back and saw Nora who kept staring at me, teary-eyed and looking like she was about to cry.

I was confused by this, but after thinking about it. Using a depressing song just when its supposed to be a happy celebration was a bit overboard.

"I was just joking there's no way I would actually play a gloomy song on our birthday"

'I'm such an idiot how come I didn't notice it before then? It's not too gloomy I think'

A lot of people went to talk to my sister and parents. Sylvia is with Lisa looking after her, leaving me alone I went to check and wander around the place.

Some people tried to talk to me and even complimented me on how beautiful I am, damn.

'Maybe I should just embrace being a girl instead,' this thought brushes my mind when suddenly I remembered something important NO DEFINITELY NOT NO F*CKING HOMO.

'It should be about time to perform' I saw the bard that was currently playing was about to end his performance. Compared to Sylvia all the other bards I've heard that played today were a bunch of nobodies and they didn't even manage to move the hearts of the people here.

'Is this intentional? Did father do this?' After giving it a bit more thought, why would father hire these third-rate nobodies to play on our birthdays? Wouldn't parents suppose to give the best for their child?

'Ahhh, so it's for me to show off' After putting all the pieces together, I inwardly give a thumbs-up to my father.

As I was about to head into the stage, a girl with pink hair and an adorably cute face almost rivaled Lisa greeted me. She was wearing a white dress with a red ribbon on top of her hair. One thing to note at was that she was carrying a slice of cake in her hand.

'Oh my god, a pink-haired girl, wow never thought I would be seeing this in real life it looks really natural. Why the heck is she wearing a black dress, what the hell'

"Hello, your Noel right?" The girl asks

"Yeah, how'd you know that?" I was surprised since the people around me thought I was Lisa.

"It's your birthday silly, I came to say happy birthday" she let out a giggled and said with a cute voice.

'Such a nice girl'

"I see thank you very much, may I ask for your name?"

"My name is Misty Eveque you can call me Misty or Mis my dad is a Marquis too"

"Eveque huh, doesn't ring a bell"

"Hehehe you know, your really weird you don't act like a noble at all,"

"Yup that's me" while thinking 'Says the girl who's holding a cake in her hand'

"Hehehe, Anyway I'll be going now my friends are calling me"

"Sure next time try not to separate from your friends again or I might take you away"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" she burst out laughing.

'I'm not joking though' Just smile and wave.

"It's time, let's go Noel," Sylvia said I walk up to the piano and sit on the stool, then I elegantly tuck the back of my coat'

Nailed it, I knew practicing that for 4 hours wasn't a waste after all '

The crowd was surprised by my gracefulness in sitting.TAK, tak

"Ladies and Gentleman today is a special occasion my son who I love dearly is sharing a piece he made I would like for you all to listen to his MASTERPIECE" He winked at me.

Now I'm even more convinced of what he did.

I really got lucky being born into this family, even if I can't use magic, I guess I could live with it'

The people already heard of me before, known as the useless gem of the family famous for not having a speck of talent. But now I'll show you all just how much of an ignorant piece of sh*t you guys are, for judging me just because of my good looks.

"First of all, I would like to apologize in advance to those who cried on this joyous occasion," I said

"How arrogant you don't even have mana how the heck can you make us cry, by begging?" Someone in the crowd just said, not afraid of offending a Marquis

I ignored him and said "I called this God's Child"

'Although it's moonlight in my previous world. This bunch of imbeciles don't need to know that

The guy was angry that he was ignored by a kid and was about to shout again but then he heard a calming melody.

"I am God's Child, I was thrown into this decayed world~"

With every word I said, the crowd seem to have fallen into a state of stillness not saying anything or even moving for that matter.

"How do I live on such a field? I wasn't born for such things~

"Many of the people here already had heart-wrenching expressions, imagining the painful struggles that needed to endure to overcome a crisis in their life.

"I'm nearly falling down~"

With this verse, sounds of weeping started one after another, children and even adults started having tearful eyes on their faces. Those who are in the same situation as me with nothing but my title as nobility would know just how cruel the world works here, looking at something so close that you desperately want but can never attain can be so heartbreaking I know.

"I am God's Child, sorrowful sounds leave scratches on my back~"

Like a dam bursting out, the sound of crying intensified making the banquet look like a funeral instead of celebrating their birth. Although the adults tried their best to hold out their tears and not show such a disgraceful expression, the scene was comical and almost making me lose my concentration in keeping my hands on the keyboard.

While there trying their best to hold out their tears I'm trying my best to not let out a laugh, how ironic.

"I can't hang out in this world, no place exists for such emotions~"

"How do I live in such a world~"

I smirk looking at the sight of people crying even my parents and Nora are part of them. Seeing the scene my ego got to an all-time high.

'I could totally have a world tour here and be the next Justin Bieber....HAHAHAHAHAHA, just imagining this made me laugh like a maniac'

After finishing playing I thought to myself and decided to treat Nora better after this. 'Sorry Nora, but I need to use this occasion in order to stand out. Cause of your incredible power I need to resort to such a means. And what better way to leave an impact than to use a tragic and depressing one instead of some catchy beat music? You know what they say, tragedy is the most efficient way to carve a name in history. Look at Shakespeare and the titanic those two are the most talk about even up to this day'

But then out of nowhere my body started to get weak, and my mind slowly started to fade.

"Huh, why are there two pianos?" The last thing I said before I pass out.


"What the? Where am I?"

I look around and all I see are rows of books, there's also a second floor. There's a luxury couch, tables, and chairs where you could read leisurely.

"Am I in a library? What exactly happen before I pass out? Did I get kidnap? No that's impossible how can I be kidnapped with so many people around" My brain hurts just thinking about the situation I'm in.

'Don't tell me I died and got isekai'd again!? How the fuck did I even die anyway? God damn it' Just as I was starting to accept my fate, damn it looks god just wanted to screw me over.

Moments later I suddenly got a headache

Something was being transferred to my brain, it was a memory introducing this library, which I will call for now God's Library. It said I can randomly extract one of the characters even the protagonist's characteristics. Seriously what kind of cheat is this? This power is so godlike I could totally dominate this world if I keep extracting OP powers from the novels I've read.

My head was over the moon thinking I could really become God with this power and said:

"Screw Justin Bieber with this I can even be the next God of the world, WAHAHAHHAHAHA" I can't stand it anymore and went to check my book.

I saw a book in the center of the library it was floating underneath a white pedestal. Its cover was blank and you could see it gimmer from time to time.

I thought of the book to fly to me. Just like what the memory said, it flew toward me and the pages were flipping. I caught it and took a look at what was inside. There was nothing on the first page, but when I flip it to the second. I saw a picture of myself on the right page, while my left page seem to be my status:


Noel Levasti (Reo Carter) 1 Available Bookmark

Species: Human

Health: 100/100

Mana: None

Aura: None

Class: none

STR: 1

STA: 1

INT: 1

AGI: 1


NRG N/A (Energy)


Basic Music Comprehension


What a weak-ass status, good thing I have a bookmark. A bookmark allows me to extract the character's characteristics, and gain the power of the person. Now to find some novels with OP mc's. I went around the library skipping and humming, taking my time to look for every book.