

I've rewritten my novel, please use the link below if your still interested in reading. Much Love Thank You! https://www.webnovel.com/book/gaining-power-from-the-novel's-i've-read_26654015706058605

MercuryDrone · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

Chapter 14: Nila Rosefield 3

"Yale, come check it out there's a hidden cave here" The knight who has blue hair called his comrade.

"A cave at this location wow it's perfectly blended into the environment, unless you get a closer look at it you won't even notice there's a cave here" The red-haired knight by the name of Yale was intrigued.

"Wanna check it out?"

"Aren't we supposed to search for the survivor who escapes?"

"We could just say that we search the cave"

"Make sense, lets go then"


Nila POV

I went deeper into the cave even if I can't see anything I persist, using my hand to guide me by grabbing the wall and touching my front to see if there was a dead end.

My arms occasionally got cut by pointy rocks when I touch the wall, but I didn't care about that I was glad that I didn't stumble upon any monster here in the cave.

Not long later I found a small light straight ahead similar to the tunnel I experience I sped up my pace not too fast as there might be a knight or a monster waiting outside.

clink, clink

I heard the sound of metal clanging at each other.

'They're here' My whole body started shaking hearing them getting closer.

I panic and forgot about anything as all I can think about is to escape from here. I ran straight not caring whether there was a monster outside or a trap by the knights.

The path was mostly clear and straight no obstacles in the way making it easier for me to escape.

clank, clank, clank

The knights were getting closer each time I heard the sound of metal closing feels like a dagger was closing in my heart.

I got out of the cave but was immediately blinded by the lights, even so, I continued running till I crash into a tree making me roll away in pain.

"Ughhhh" I groan finally feeling all the pain in my body.

Blood started flowing down my forehead covering my eyes and making my vision red, I tried to move but I can't feel my body anymore as my whole body finally can't take it anymore.

"I'm sorry mom, I can't take it anymore I did all I can" I cried giving up and just laying there on the ground.

'All this pain why? mom and dad, why did they have to die too? why are they doing this? I don't care anymore I just want all this to end'

Russs, rustle

I saw movement in a nearby bush, large gray wolves appeared there were 4 of them. There was one particular wolf leading them it has red stripes on its fur and horns on its head.

With their sharp fangs protruding out of their mouth they can easily snap a child's neck, Nila also saw their long sharp claws extended out ready to tear her to pieces.

With this, even the last bit of hope she have left was gone despair was shown in her eyes. She took a closer look at the photo and the pendant left behind by her mom and hold it tight.

The man in the picture has white hair wearing a butler outfit he was bowing his head to serve his mom and dad. The pendant was green in color with plants carved into its design, at the center a woman's face was engraved on it.

The wolves were getting closer they were running towards Nila ready to devour her, Nila close her eyes preparing for death to come.

She waited for the wolf to ravage her body but with each second passed nothing happen. She was confused as the wolf should have already eaten her by now, she open her eyes to see what was going on.

But as she open her eyes she was dumbstruck as time seem to have stopped. The wolves that were running toward her were floating 5cm above her head with their mouths open. Leaves that were falling stopped in mid-air. No wind could be felt and all had stopped.

[Child, do you hear me]

She heard a soothing voice that she had never heard before it has a sweet and calming tune to it.

[I'll give you the power to live in exchange you must grant a wish of mine]

I heard the voice speak again but this time I could hear it coming out of the pendant. Hope was ignited in me thinking that I could survive this if I have power. Without thinking twice I immediately agreed not even asking what the wish was.

[As the person who woke me from my slumber you are fit to wield my power, I shall grant you my blessing, for my wish return me to the World Tree]

The pendant glowed shining brightly gusts of winds were created throwing the wolves back and the surrounding trees with them.

All my wounds are healing even my energy is getting replenished then a sudden surge of power was welling within me.

After the light died down the pendant stopped glowing and was hanging on my neck, I see no signs of the wolves they must have already fled after getting thrown off.

"Did you cause that?" the blue-haired knight said.

The knights saw the anomaly happen and quickly went there to check.

"What are you thinking she's just a child, she couldn't possibly wield any mana," the red-haired knight said.

"But she's the only one here and that mana was at least at the level of a Great Sage" the blue-haired eyed the girl for a while.

"Fuck it let's just kill this girl and we'll find out if she's a Great Sage or not" the red-haired knight draw his sword and run towards the girl, he wasn't really worried about anything as the girl he was facing was only 5yrs old and his a 2-star aura user.

I saw the knights coming toward me but I couldn't do anything as I couldn't move, no to be more precise I couldn't control my body at all.

When the knight was about to behead me, the ground beneath us started to shake and in a flash, vines started coiling the knight stopping him from slashing down his sword.

My body then moves on its own I snap my finger, and the trees started shaking a while later all the trees in the area started to get out of the ground.

Blood-red eyes appeared on the trees and a hammer as an arm others sharp like a sickle, the roots are slowly forming becoming a leg making them able to walk.

[I'll be sleeping after this, don't forget about your promise little one]

[Nature Control: Life Creation]