

Penulis: 滟滟浮萍
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What is 月老欠我一根红绳

Baca novel 月老欠我一根红绳 yang ditulis oleh penulis 滟滟浮萍 yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. 我是灵,是一只很牛逼的灵,身姿妖娆迷倒神君,上天入地无所不能。若是真有什么缺点,那便是,我快羽化了!消失了!没了!于是,我逆天改命,入凡间,换生机。我做过皇后,无奈胖胖的,差点压死俊美的皇帝;做过美艳双生子,搞的心上人总是看走了眼;做过女山大王,娶了个胸有大志小丈夫,;做狐狸精……恩……跟着一心修仙的道士跑了。我看了许多人的桃花运势。我也改了许多人的桃花运势。于是,我就想嫁人了。嫁人之后,吃不愁喝...


我是灵,是一只很牛逼的灵,身姿妖娆迷倒神君,上天入地无所不能。 若是真有什么缺点,那便是,我快羽化了!消失了!没了! 于是,我逆天改命,入凡间,换生机。 我做过皇后,无奈胖胖的,差点压死俊美的皇帝;做过美艳双生子,搞的心上人总是看走了眼;做过女山大王,娶了个胸有大志小丈夫,;做狐狸精……恩……跟着一心修仙的道士跑了。 我看了许多人的桃花运势。 我也改了许多人的桃花运势。 于是,我就想嫁人了。 嫁人之后,吃不愁喝不愁、灵力减弱也不用愁,总有夫君在前头。 我得瞧瞧,我的夫君在哪里呢? “上仙你长得可真漂亮。”我开口表达我的仰慕之情。 他笑了,我只觉千树万树梨花开,差点要晕过去。 “你可是第一个这么说我的仙。” “怎么,其他仙人都觉得你长得丑吗?” 我问着他又笑了,我又开始眩晕。 “你可知我是谁?” “上仙愿意娶我不?”我忍不住问。 他抬头便甚是善解人意的答:“可。” “上仙留名画个押。”我拿出婚约。 他大笔一挥,写下龙飞凤舞几个大字:“你们近几万年,称我月老。” 嘻嘻~第一次写此类文,求收藏呀~

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The First Assistant's Wife Has Space

Previously known as 'The Grand Secretary's Wife Has Space' Lu Jiao, a female military doctor in the 21st century, transmigrated into a book and became the vicious mother of the four villains and the early deceased wife of the future's Lord First Assistant. The four little villains in the book will become the big villains who do all kinds of evil and kill people without blinking an eye and in the end, they were killed by the hero and heroine. In order to take revenge for his son, this Lord First Assistant transformed into the most heinous villain Boss, and he did evil until he was killed in the end. Lu Jiao looked at the four little beanies who had only reached her knees. Then looked at the Lord First Assistant, who was paralyzed in bed. Forget it, she will do a good deed and straighten little peas. By the way, she could also heal the Lord First Assistant. Unexpectedly, the four little beanies and the future's Lord First Assistant only wanted to kill her now, choking her neck in the middle of the night, piercing her arteries in the neck with broken porcelain pieces, and poisoning her food. Lu Jiao was angry, "This lady is quitting. If you like blackening, blacken it up." The four little beanies hugged her and didn't let go, "Mother, don't go away. We will be obedient in the future." The future's Lord First Assistant put his arms around her with bloodshot eyes and said, "Jiaojiao, give you my heart, give you my life, don't go!" Later, her husband became the chief assistant of the dynasty. One of her sons became the minister of Dali Temple, one son became a general, one son became a genius doctor, and another son became the emperor of Dazhou, and she lived to be the queen mother! (T/N: First Assistant/Grand Secretary: The chief scholar of the dynasty, who has relatively special power and status in the cabinet.) Genre: Ancient Romance♡ /Business and Farming Tags: #ancient #baby #doctor #loveaftermarriage #spatial #transmigration #villain Total Chapters: 1070 This is a fan translated version of a Chinese novel. :) Real Author: Yu Xiaotong All translations have been done by me(LittleForest).♡ Please support the real author~

LilForest · Sejarah
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55 Chs

A Single Mother's Farm of the Gods

Elaina never anticipated discovering that her husband, the reigning emperor of the Kingdom of Luminiera, was unfaithful. To make matters worse, the one seemingly attempting to undermine their marriage was none other than her sister! Unable to confront this harsh reality, Elaina resolved to plan her escape and distance herself from her husband. However, a significant complication emerged while she was plotting her departure—she was pregnant with the emperor's child. Determined not to subject her child to the consequences of her husband's infidelity, she chose to flee with her child and embark on a fresh start in the neighboring kingdom of Darcero, utilizing her expertise in farming while also planning on raising the child that she will give birth soon all on her own without the need and support of a father. As fortune would have it, the gods appeared to favor her resolve. "Because the gods are impressed by your dedication, we reward you with a helper that will allow you to flourish in this land. In exchange, you help us grow plants that are not yet present in this world and spread them all over the world. Activating the Farm Helper. Welcome, host!" Now faced with the prospect of an entirely new life and the responsibility of her unborn child, Elaina must navigate the challenges that lie ahead. What trials and tribulations will she encounter as she endeavors to build a life for herself and her child in this unfamiliar territory?

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Latest Update
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