

KimBarbie · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs


"Master!"Ariene exclaimed and hurriedly wiped away the tears from her face and stood up immediately.

"What did you say? i see you are already tired of staying here?" Dashiell asked squinting his eyes at her, Ariene shuddered and fell on her knees.

"Master no...i am not, please...that's not what i meant,i was talking about my father" She said in fear.

" I don't care what you mean! did you lay on my bed?" he asked as he glared at her and she widened her eyes in terror.

"Did he find out? but how? or is he trying to put words into my mouth and have a reason to throw me out,but i actually did lay on his bed,and if i should lie and probably he knew i laid on his bed,i would still be driven out,and if i say the truth..it'll be the same result! what should i do?" she kept talking inwardly until she heard him ask again bringing her out of her mind. "Master....i....i.....ehhm...i.....yes master! i did lay on your bed,forgive my manners please" Ariene pleaded as she touched his foot,Dashiell glared at her irritatedly.

"A mere servant like you don't have any right to lay on my bed! what gave you the audacity to do so?" He asked angrily.

"Master i was been stupid!...please forgive me" she kept pleading and crying as he was getting irritated by her,he pushed her off his leg and spat out.

"Follow me! you deserve to be punished!" he said and left,Ariene couldn't help but stand up and followed him. She followed him and when he got to the dining hall he sat on his seat with his leg crossed,he called the old lady and when she came and saw Ariene with tears,it Pained her.

"Take her to the dark cell!" he said to the old lady who gasped with shock.

"The dark cell??" the old lady asked not sure of what she heard! she didn't know what Ariene did for him to place her in the dark cell.

"I believe you heard me right? take her there now! she will be there for two weeks as a punishment!" he said and the old gasped even more.

"But sir th....."

"Are you questioning me?" Dashiell asked cutting through the old lady's words.

"No Master! Not at all...." She said lowering her head a bit,she turned to Ariene who had been silently crying,"fo...follow me" she said to her and began to walk away, Ariene stared at Dashiell for a while before she began to follow the old lady.

They walked to the inner part of the yard,where there were bushes and trees around,no body said a word as Ariene kept crying silently,the old lady felt pity for her but she couldn't go against Dashiell's order. They got to a building with a wooden door, it looked like a room but was actually a cell,seeing it Ariene couldn't help but cry more. The old lady went further and opened the door for Ariene signalling her to go in.

"I am sorry child that i couldn't do anything" the old lady said with pain,Ariene didn't answer her and walked to the door,taking a peep inside,it was dark...there was nothing she could do but to resign to her bad fate. The old lady shut the door and locked it the moment Ariene went in,she sighed and left the place.

"Have you locked her up?" Dashiell asked seeing the old lady come back.

"Yes i have!" she replied immediately.

"Get me my food and a glass of my drink!" he said and the old lady bowed and left sadly,she soon returned with a plate of food and a glass of red drink.


In the dark cell,Ariene not seeing anything at all tried to sit down on the floor but all she felt were dry bones, "these are dry bones,though i can't see them,they seem to be bones of people....am i really going to end up like them? will Master leave me here? to die! oh no..i do not want to die yet.....Master please let me go" she said with tears in her eyes.

she soon found a spot at the end of the cell and sat there holding her knees,she buried her head in between her knees,she couldn't cry again as she was exhausted already....she closed her eyes and began to reminisce on her past, "If i knew it would be worse here,i wouldn't have ran away from Nuel! but still....i am not been used here,i was at wrong! yes i am just a servant and a servant should not touch Master's things, i messed myself up and that is why i am here in this horrible place..it's not Master's fault but mine! I wish he could show mercy and release me,hmmmm" she said inwardly and sighed out loud.


Terra laid on her bed as she stared at the ceiling,she could not take her mind off what happened earlier.

"How could Dashiell leave without having sex with me after teasing me the way he did? what the hell was that for? he has never done a thing like this before.....or is he getting tired of me already?? No! that can't be...he can't because I'm the only one that can satisfy him without getting weak or blood shorted..then why?" She thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling,she was lost in her thought when suddenly something clicked on her mind making her get up abruptly."Wait wait... If i remember correctly,i smelled someone else's scent on the bed! and it belonged to a girl,a human to be precised, who could that be? and what is her scent doing on the bed?...Now i know why Dashiell didn't bother to touch me, tsk! i need to find that bitch soon or else she will be taking him away from me!.." Terra came down from her bed and left the room.


Nuel sat on the chair in his courtyard with a gun in his hand as he angrily glared at his bodyguards who were on their knees with their head bowed to the ground,no one dared to raise his head up.

"It's been two days! two whole days and you haven't found the girl,why do i feed and pay all of you? If you can't have a simple job done,why are you still alive then? what do you live for?" he roared at them with anger apparent on his face. It has been two days he left them with the job of finding Ariene but they returned empty handed,thus he became frustrated and angry. " You all are bunch of useless shells!" he picked up his gun and pointed it at them, pulling the trigger he shot at them all except for the chief of the bodyguards who shivered in fear as he waited for his own death. "As for you....your death is coming soon but not now....go find me the girl or else you will follow them to hell.." the chief breathed in relief and got up immediately bowing his head,he hurriedly left before Nuel would change his mind and shoot him as well.

"Clean up this mess" Nuel said to the man beside him while pointing at the bodies on the ground.

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