

Winn is pacing impatiently in front of his master's room. He is waiting for Kara to wake up. The valet needs to tell her what had happened yesterday. The so-called 'The Phantom' finally crossed the line.

Something needs to be done.

When the clock reached eight o'clock in the morning, Winn Scott push through his master's door. He sighs in relief when he saw Kara sitting on the edge of her bed with her palms covering her face while her head is down, looking at the floor.

"Thank God, you're back. You won't believe what The Phantom did yesterday!", the valet approaches her.


The Phantom lifts his head to stare at Winn. A smirk appears on The Phantom's face as his valet wrapped his mind around the realization.

"T-this is impossible! Kara always comes back after a night passed. You're not supposed to be here."

Slowly losing track of his thoughts, Winn find this to be rather surprising.  

"You know I live inside her long enough to notice that we only swapped every time one of us fell asleep or when she is afraid... Nervous... Weak."

A little smirk can be seen on his face when he slightly raises his voice at the word 'weak'. It is... Undoubtedly true. That is the first reason he was created anyway. To be the strong person she can't.

Winn Scott has lost his words. How... The Phantom had never made a tantrum so bad that he refused to let Kara returned.

What happens to him? Is it because of May? Perhaps... Lena's existence is threatening May's existence in his life, perhaps The Phantom is trying to-

"Prepare the carriage, I'm going out.", The Phantom demand.

A little reluctant but the valet finally turn his heel toward the door. The Phantom or not, he is still in Kara's body and Kara is his master. An order is an order.

"Kara will be back. After all, how long can you go on without sleep?"

The valet then excuses himself.

Sighing at brutal truth from his valet, The Phantom smile bitterly at himself. He gently lay down on his bed. He can feel his back starting to relax the moment it felt the soft mattress of his bed. The Phantom immediately get off the bed. No, sleep is something he can't afford now.

Slight dizziness is spreading on his head.

"I know you want to be back, Kara. Just give me one more day. I need this."

He can barely feel it but he knew his dizziness decreased slightly.

The Phantom shakes his head, ruffling his now messy hair, he groans before finally decided to stand up. If he has only 24 hours left, he might as well as proceed with his next plan. Before The Phantom walk out of the room, his eyes gently close their lids as he took a deep breath and grab his coat.

The sound of his laced pointy black leather shoe filled the hallway. He did try his best not to make so much noise but he knew it is kinda pointless when most of the people in the mansion are probably awake by now.

He not as cruel as others might think. The Phantom is trying to exit the mansion without noticing it for he doesn't want any future misunderstanding to happen. All his effort went in vain the moment he turns at the conjunction at the end of the hall. The very person he is trying to avoid is looking at her with surprise in her eyes.

"... Good morning, my lord.", Lena said as she slightly bows her head.

The words Winn once said to her rang in her head.

How cliche is this? The one person who told her to never lower her head every again is the person she is bowing to. Not knowing what to do in this situation, The Phantom awkwardly clears his throat.

" G-good morning to you too, the lady of the house.", his voice is full of uncertainties.

The awkwardness surrounding them grow even more as deep silent rushing in after the little words they had exchanged.

After what seems to be forever, The Phantom finally decided to say something.

"I ... Will be out today. I would probably be back in the evening or somewhere before dark.", he informs.

Clenching the side of her dress tightly, Lena nod as a sign that she had heard what he just said clearly. In the back of her head, Lena knew he would be doing his infidelity today. Her eyes are starting to be filled with tears once again.

Sensing the sorrow from the brunette,   The Phantom press his lips in a thin line. He really wishes not to harm her any further.

"I will be going now. Have a good day.", he quickly rushes past the brunette. Every part of his body freezes the moment a warm hand wrapped around her wrist.

Lena is looking at him with a glimpse of determination mixed with sadness in her eyes.

" Kara...", she pleads.

"I am Kara.", he stated very clearly.

" Kara, please. We need to talk. I am... Very confused about this sudden change, please. You said..."

Lena starts to sob, a tear rolled down her face as the brunette tighten her grasp around her beloved's wrist.

"You said... ."

Shaking his head slowly, the Phantom gently remove Lena's had from his wrist.

"Kara love you, very very much that she is aching my whole body trying to come out.", he closed his eyes as he took a very deep breath. That pain... He is slightly shaking from the pain he felt in his body. His breathing was getting heavier as he gazes into the brunette's eyes.

" I will say this once again, Lena. "

It took everything in him to walk away from the brunette right at that moment.

"Are you going to see Ms May?", Lena asked.

The Phantom didn't say anything. He continues walking as he knew if he looks at the brunette one more time, he will lose his control and Kara would regain hers. He can't allow that.