



A loud howl resounded through the air, and a vibration shook the area just as Emery stepped out of the portal. He was currently in his full Twilight Transformation form, and his body was brimming with power.

His figure stood between Klea and the humongous creature, his eyes narrowed at the latter in a display of anger and protective instinct.

"Emery!" The girl behind him exclaimed, her eyes fixed on him. Surprise and relief washed over her when she saw Emery had rushed to her side, but then it all became a horrified realization, as she remembered what had just occurred. "It's too strong… We… can't win against it."

"I know."

Emery calmly replied, unperturbed even with the dangerous creature flailing in front of him. However, what he was concerned about was the sight of those he knew laying on the ground.

Orycon was lying down in a pool of his own blood, his body severed in half completely. Crouching next to him was his brother Orion who was trying hard to save his life. Meanwhile, the two half-bloods still seemed to be hanging on, but their situation wasn't that good either, as the creature's multiple sharp limbs had made numerous holes and were still stuck on their body.

He felt an ache in his chest as he looked at the miserable state of his comrades. Despite his best efforts, it seemed that he was still a little too late. Emery shouted.

"Let them go!!"

The centipede creature stopped for a moment and stared at him in curiosity. Then, it tossed the two half-bloods to the ground like they were garbage, and started to rush at him instead.

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Emery was not worried at all, however, and calmly raised his arm, the one that was covered in glowing wooden armor. The armor started to shake and twitch, before multiple tentacle-like roots appeared from its surface. In the middle of the tentacle cluster, a bright golden orb appeared and shone, its light as bright as a beacon within a sea of fog.


A feeling similar to a gust of wind swiftly permeated the area, a sign of the orb emanating a certain, special energy. In an instant, the creature suddenly stopped advancing, as if time had frozen just for it.

Right as Emery concentrated on subduing the creature, a shrieking wail full of sorrow was heard nearby.


Even though Emery only spared him a slight glance, he could feel every inch of pain Orion was feeling as his brother, Orycon, was teleported away by the light that the armor emitted.

Seeing a chance, Emery told Klea and Aiko to go and take the other two heavily wounded Igor and Ivar back to the base to get their wounds treated.

The two of them seemed to want to say something, but eventually just nodded their heads as a sign that they understood his words. They quickly returned with the two Goat half-bloods, and within moments, only Sigurd was still standing firmly behind him.

On the other hand, Anas and the other acolytes took the order as a full retreat order. They quickly gathered those who survived and alive, and swiftly left the area.

Emery didn't mind their actions in the slightest, for he fully understood that a few dozen acolytes would not be able to help defend this place or face this creature. In fact, if they had stayed, it would probably inflict even more casualties.

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When it seemed like everyone had left, someone suddenly landed from the sky and stood next to Emery. He stared at the creature with a slightly trembling body, but he still stayed and bravely said.

"I'll stay to help… although… What the hell is going on now!" Gerri said, as he stared at the creature that was unable to move at all in confusion as well as dread. It was as if the creature was hypnotized into a statue.

"They are communicating." Emery answered. Even though his voice sounded calm, he was still unable to hide his worries. For a few precious moments, his fierce gaze faltered.

The reason why Emery was late was that, apparently, as soon as he detected the arrival of the massive centipede, the spirit creature inside Twik was finally able to initiate a communication. Thanks to his [One Mind] skill, he was finally able to understand some of the words, along with the intent of the offspring of the Primordial Wisp.

Apparently, the message "Help' and "You" he heard before didn't actually mean the spirit being was going to help the acolytes, but instead the opposite. The being was hoping that Emery would be able to help them. Emery apparently has an unique compatibility and was chosen by them to help what appears to be their mother, the Primordial Wisp.

He finally agreed to help, but in exchange, he asked for the spirit beings to help keep his friends, and the other acolytes, away from harm. As soon as the agreement was made, the apparently controlled Twik jumped into his arm and transformed into the armor-like arm guard.

Knowing that his next plan would be dangerous, Emery quickly cast his [Spatial Gate] and made his way towards the construct where the centipede would appear. He also transformed into his strongest form on the way, just in case.

Even though Emery looked assured, in his heart he was questioning everything. He didn't really really understand what was exactly the being asking him to do, nor was he properly explained about the matter. However, during such a critical condition, Emery accepted it without hesitation.

Now, the two beings appear to be communicating with one another, but Emery couldn't understand any part of it. Therefore, he couldn't help but feel anxious about that.

Meanwhile, the hordes of Abyss creatures once again swarming the area endlessly. Left with nothing to do, Sigurd and Gerri busied themselves by protecting Emery left and right from being distracted.

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As for the construct itself, it was currently swarmed by thousands of Abyss creatures and gave out several loud bangs, as the Abyss creatures relentlessly crashed their bodies into it.

A moment after, there was finally some movement from the centipede. Its head raised up showing off half of Commander Raynor's body. With a booming voice, the head spoke.

"Human… no escape… human destroy everything"

The few words the creature said sounded stilted, but it was clear that the discussion wasn't going so well. It was then Emery decided to say his piece.

"I don't know what happened to you, but we are here just trying to save the people of this planet from annihilation."

This time, the face of commander Raynor turned directly to Emery's face and said,

"Human… lies… destruction"

In the next moment, the creature finally moved. It decided to continue its advance. Realizing that the conversation was over and the result wasn't good at all, Emery decided to use one last move he had prepared. He didn't know how well it would go, but he hoped to succeed.

"Sigurd! Gerri! Hold it down for 10 seconds!"

Gerri was the first to react, as he jumped up to the sky and bombarded the creatures with a storm of searing purple flames from his hand. Meanwhile, Sigurd cast his signature spell, [Soul Shaker] again. In an instant, multiple slashes descended upon the creature, stopping its advance once again.

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In the meantime, Emery at the back had clasped his two palms and channeled the spirit energy he had, specifically his dark core, to cast one big spell.

A huge rune materialized on the ground right below the centipede. A dark light rose from beneath, a mark of the opening of the biggest [Spatial Gate] Emery has ever created.

"I know that I can't kill you, but let's see if I can at least send you away!"

To be continued